Chaos hegemony

Chapter 31 Success!

Chapter 31 Success!

"Scrape!" A piercing sound sounded, Lin Ziqing only saw the afterimage flash in front of his eyes, and the head of a Hellfire Wolf shot up into the sky!

"Good... What a terrifying speed!" A young man said dumbfounded.

Not only Lin Ziqing and the other five were shocked by Shen Haoxuan's speed, but even he himself was shocked!This was the first time in half a month that Shen Haoxuan took down the black giant ruler to fight. He didn't expect the speed of the explosion to be so fast, even surpassing the level of the spirit!
"Roar!" After Shen Haoxuan killed one Hellfire Wolf, he completely angered the remaining dozen or so. After a roar, they all rushed towards Shen Haoxuan, wanting to tear the human who killed his companion into pieces!
"Good time!" Seeing the ferocious Hellfire Wolf, Shen Haoxuan shouted, lightly flicked the Soul Devouring Sword in his hand, and rushed directly towards the pack of wolves!

"Is he crazy? Hellfire wolves are best at fighting in groups, yet he dares to rush into the pack of wolves? Isn't this courting death?" the fiery sister Su exclaimed.

"Hmph, he's only a first-level spirit, so we know he's unreliable! Let's run away while he's attracting the attention of the wolves!" Lin Ziqing said with a disdainful look at Shen Haoxuan, who was besieged by the wolves.

After listening to Lin Ziqing's words, the five of them came to their senses. Now that the wolves are all attracted by that first-level spirit boy, isn't it a good time for them to escape?Thinking of this, several people exchanged glances before turning around and leaving!

However, just as Lin Ziqing and the other five were about to turn around and leave, the head of a Hellfire Wolf suddenly fell in front of them, blocking their way!Then a voice sounded coldly: "Go one more step forward, and your heads will fall next!"

Hearing the sound, the five people stopped and looked at Shen Haoxuan among the wolves. The image of him in distress did not appear. Instead, Shen Haoxuan seemed extremely relaxed among the wolves, and even had the mind to pay attention to the five of them. trend!
What shocked them even more was that in Shen Haoxuan's hands, the Hellfire Wolf that nearly killed them was like an ant that could be crushed to death at any time. Whenever Shen Haoxuan's sword light flashed, there must be a head of the Hellfire Wolf fly!At this time, there were already five or six headless corpses lying on the ground!

And Shen Haoxuan still hasn't stopped killing!Although the Hellfire Wolves are Tier [-] spirit beasts, their vicious reputation is only earned through group battles. The strength of a single Hellfire Wolf is at most around the level of a Tier [-] spirit beast.As for Shen Haoxuan, after half a month of life-and-death training, his speed can be said to be invincible among the spirits. He can divide the battlefield into more than a dozen parts in an instant, and then kill the fiery hell fire wolves one by one!And Shen Haoxuan's strength should not be underestimated, one punch cut off the waterfall falling from a thousand meters high, how could the little Hellfire Wolf withstand Shen Haoxuan's blow?
Looking at the red-eyed Shen Haoxuan, the remaining Lie Hellfire Wolves started to get scared, they didn't dare to attack again, and even chose to turn around and run away!After all, it is a spirit beast, and its spiritual intelligence has been activated. If it knows that it can't be beaten, it will run away, otherwise it would be a pity to lose its life in vain.

Seeing the remaining Hellfire wolves retreat, Shen Haoxuan didn't pursue deeply, he shook off the blood on the Soul Devouring Sword, then walked in front of Lin Ziqing, stretched out his hand and said, "Now the trouble has been solved, where are my things?"

", you see, we bought this red flame grass with our lives, and my brothers are not willing to give it away, so can we change the terms?" Lin Ziqing said with a somewhat unnatural expression.Thinking that I am also the eldest disciple of the outer sect of the Spirit Crane Sect, and now I want to humbly beg a brat who is a first-level spirit master!

"Your brother doesn't want to? Didn't you guys fight each other just now? Why don't you want to now? Don't forget, I saved your life, and I just got my reward back!" Shen Haoxuan said coldly.

"Brother, everything is negotiable. If we exchange Juling Pill for Chiyancao, it will be treated as our Spirit Crane Sect owes brother a favor!" Lin Ziqing said.

"Is the favor of the Spirit Crane Sect very valuable? Stop talking nonsense and take out the Chi Yancao, otherwise you will know the consequences. I think it is more than enough to kill you at my speed!" Shen Haoxuan raised the Soul Eater Sword in his hand Pointing to the tip of Lin Ziqing's nose, he said.

Just kidding, if you want to exchange Juling Pill for the third-grade elixir Chiyancao, isn't this the same as exchanging street goods for LV!Also, the favor of the Linghe Sect?This is not very attractive to him, because Shen Haoxuan can't forget his two-year agreement with Zuo Chuan, an inner disciple of the Spirit Crane Sect!
Sensing the killing intent coming from Shen Haoxuan, Lin Ziqing's expression turned a little ugly. He can be sure that as long as he says no, this sharp sword will definitely stab into his chest without hesitation!Although I am a ninth-level spiritual person, but now my spiritual power has been exhausted, coupled with the terrifying speed of the opponent, the chance of my death is [-]%!
Thinking of this, Lin Ziqing had no choice but to take out the red flame grass, handed it to Shen Haoxuan, and said with a dark face: "Brother, can you leave a name?"

"Leng Feng!" Shen Haoxuan took the Chiyancao and said coldly, then glanced at Lin Ziqing, turned around and went into the forest.

"Leng Feng? This name sounds so familiar, where did I hear it?" Looking at Shen Haoxuan's disappearing back, Junior Sister Su murmured.

"By the way, in Yunluo Town, he is that Leng Feng who has the best spirit stone in his hand!" Lin Ziqing suddenly thought of something and shouted.

"Extreme Lingshi!" Hearing this, the five people's eyes lit up immediately.

"Senior brother Lin, you must not let him go!" Under the temptation of the top-quality spirit stone, the five people also put the previous unhappiness behind them and regrouped.

"But, it's not easy to find him in such a big dense forest!" Junior Sister Su said with a frown.

"Who said we need to find him by ourselves? There are too many people in this mountain forest who want to find him! Immediately fix it, and then release the news, saying that Leng Feng is in the middle of Xuanling Mountain. He wants to grab something from me, hehe , you are still tender!" Lin Ziqing looked at the direction where Shen Haoxuan disappeared, and said viciously.

After Shen Haoxuan left, he found a safe place, and after confirming that Lin Ziqing and the others did not follow, he let out a long sigh of relief.Then he looked at the red flame grass in his hand and nodded in satisfaction.

Old Yan said that the Red Flame Grass is one of the elixir for refining the Body Tempering Pill, and he did not expect to find it so easily.

"Boy Shen, are you sure you want to let those people live?" Just as Shen Haoxuan was chuckling, Old Yan's voice suddenly sounded in his head.

"After all, there is no deep hatred. It would be too inhuman to kill them." Shen Haoxuan nodded.

"Hmph, the kindness of a woman, with Lin Ziqing's character, do you think he will let you go easily?" Old Yan snorted coldly.

"It won't be long before you know how stupid your actions are!" After saying that, Old Yan stopped talking.

Shen Haoxuan didn't take the lesson of Old Yan seriously, anyway, he won't go to the Linghe Sect, whether he can meet him in the future or not is another matter, let's talk about it later.

"Changmao, come out, you have done a great job in finding Chiyancao this time, do you want any reward?" Shen Haoxuan called Changmao out and asked.

"Red Flame Grass? No, no, no, this is not the treasure I was talking about, but the aura of that treasure is similar to this one!" At this moment, Changmao climbed onto Shen Haoxuan's shoulder, looked at Chiyan Grass and shook his head and said.

"Isn't it Chiyancao?" Shen Haoxuan was stunned...

"What? You said it's the same as this breath?" Hearing this, Old Yan, who was originally silent, suddenly became excited!


"Haha, boy Shen, you are lucky to meet such a treasure!" Yan Lao said happily!

"What baby?"

"Go! Go over and have a look, it should be that thing can't go wrong!" After saying that, Yan Lao called Chang Mao and walked forward.

"What? It's mysterious." Shen Haoxuan hurriedly followed.

(End of this chapter)

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