Chaos hegemony

Chapter 312 Desert Land!

Chapter 312 Desert Land!

A few people came to the hotel, and after a few glasses of wine, everyone opened their hearts. Shen Haoxuan found that Ling Feng and the other three were all bold people, especially that Shi Dahu, who had already put the unhappiness behind him. Shen Haoxuan kept toasting!

Although they had a good drink, they didn't forget that they had to enter the desert tomorrow, so they knew enough was enough. After a few pleasantries, they each left.


In the early morning of the next day, the three of Shen Haoxuan arrived at the mercenary union early.At the door, Ling Feng and the others were waiting for him.

After everyone arrived, Mr. Xue turned around, looked at everyone with his cloudy eyes, and said in a deep voice: "I told you in advance that the desert is full of dangers. If you go in, I can't guarantee your safety. Everything must be under my command, if something goes wrong and you lose your life, don't blame the old man!"

"Old Xue, it's natural, you just need to bring us into the desert!" Ling Feng said to Old Xue with his fists cupped.

"In that case, let's go!" Old Xue nodded, then leaned on his crutch and limped forward. Seeing this, Shen Haoxuan and the others hurriedly followed.

The desert city is not far from the desert land, just across an official road is the desert land.Although Mr. Xue couldn't see his eyes and his legs were lame, his walking speed was indeed not slow. It took the three of them half a day to reach the edge of the desert!

"Is this the desert?" Shen Haoxuan murmured while looking at the scenery in front of him.

In front of him, a long stretch of yellow sand came into Shen Haoxuan's eyes, and further away were rolling hills, which were also piled up with uniform yellow sand. This is the world of yellow sand, the ocean of yellow sand, the continuous yellow sand and the sky. Connecting, I can't imagine where the end of the sand is.

A gust of wind blew, and the hot air wave rushed towards the face, blowing on the face with burning pain, the hot breath, the whole world was burned and distorted, Shen Haoxuan stretched out his hand to hold it lightly, the violent fire attribute spiritual power and The earth attribute spiritual power is raging in his hands. Even he who has a chaotic divine body dare not easily absorb these violent spiritual powers. No wonder it is said that this desert is a forbidden area for human beings. The violent spiritual power in it is not Anyone can afford it.

"This is the land of the desert. It's too late for you to repent now. When you enter the depths and no one leads the way, it will be too late for you to repent!" Old Xue turned around and asked everyone again.

However, his words were obviously superfluous. Ling Feng and Shi Dahu had their own reasons for going in, and so did Shen Haoxuan, so naturally no one flinched.

"Okay, let's go!" Xue Lao saw that none of the people had any intention of retreating, and immediately stepped into the desert.Seeing this, Shen Haoxuan and the others also set foot on the long yellow sand.

Stepping on the soft yellow sand, a scorching breath came from under their feet, and those violent fire-attribute and earth-attribute spiritual power rushed towards the bodies of several people desperately.

Mr. Xue seemed to have gotten used to it long ago, and strode forward without stopping at all.And Ling Feng and the others were not weak, a faint spiritual energy gushed out, wrapped their feet, and isolated the violent spiritual power.

Of course, Shen Haoxuan and Bai Lao don't need it, Bai Lao's strength is there, although the power of the Linghuang rank is suppressed at the Linghou rank, but this bit of violent spiritual power can't hurt him, but Shen Haoxuan, that is really perverted, comparable to the terrifying physique of a spirit beast, this violent spiritual power is just to tickle him again.

Looking at Shen Haoxuan who was striding forward, Ling Feng and the others couldn't help admiring him again, and quickly chased after him.

Above the vast desert, a round of scorching sun hangs high in the sky, burning the sand sea mercilessly, hot air waves blow up one after another, and Shen Haoxuan and the others can be regarded as truly stepping into this desert.

A few people followed Mr. Xue, and kept climbing on the sand dunes. The route they took was very strange, either in an "S" shape or a "Z" shape. In short, they never walked in a straight line.

Suddenly, Old Xue who was walking in front suddenly stopped, and Shen Haoxuan and the others also stopped, looking at Old Xue with some doubts.

"Mr. Xue..." Ling Feng was about to ask something, but Mr. Xue interrupted him directly.

"Hush..." Mr. Xue made a silent gesture, and then picked up the crutch in his hand, as if he was facing an enemy. ,

Seeing this, Shen Haoxuan frowned slightly, and a powerful spiritual thought gushed out like a tide, covering the surrounding area.

When Shen Haoxuan's spiritual thoughts penetrated into the yellow sand, Shen Haoxuan's face changed drastically, and he quickly reminded: "Be careful!"

However, as soon as Shen Haoxuan's words fell, the calm yellow sand around suddenly churned, and khaki-colored poisonous snakes sprang up directly, attacking everyone like lightning.

The speed of the khaki-colored snake was extremely fast, coupled with the sudden attack, several people were unable to react.However, Mr. Xue seems to have been prepared for a long time. The moment the little khaki snakes charged at him, Mr. Xue drew out the crutch in his hand, and a fierce gust of wind stirred up, cutting the little khaki snakes into two sections. .

"Let's go!" After clearing away the little khaki snakes in an instant, Boss Xue yelled, awakening everyone from their shock, and galloped forward.

As soon as everyone left the spot, the yellow sand was churning in that area, and countless tiny poisonous snakes kept jumping up, devouring the corpses of their companions on the ground in an instant, Shen Haoxuan and the others felt their scalps go numb.

"It's the Lightning Snake. It's the best at hiding in the yellow sand. It suddenly attacks you without any precautions. It's extremely fast. People who enter the desert for the first time will basically fall for it!" Xue Xue The old man explained.

"But this little brother was able to find out, which surprised me!" Old Xue turned to Shen Haoxuan, who just now heard Shen Haoxuan yelling to be careful.

"To be honest, the kid is an alchemist, so the spirit is naturally a bit strong." Shen Haoxuan said with a dry laugh.

"Oh!" Hearing this, Mr. Xue nodded, and then continued to walk forward.

"Let's go, the road ahead is still long, this is just a small surprise for us in the desert!" Xue Lao raised the crutch and walked forward again.

This time, everyone has their minds on the ground, and they are always paying attention to the yellow sand. Coupled with Xue Lao's guidance, everyone avoided wave after wave of attacks, and finally rushed to the desert without any danger. hinterland.

"This is the hinterland of the desert, and one more step forward, it is the real place of life and death. I can't predict what dangers I will encounter. Next, pray for us!" Xue Lao was stunned. Looking forward, the old face was full of solemnity.

Several people took a deep breath, and then stepped in directly...

(End of this chapter)

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