Chaos hegemony

Chapter 313 Desert Storm!

Chapter 313 Desert Storm!

The moment they stepped into the hinterland of the desert, everyone felt that the pressure around them suddenly increased, and the original yellow sand had turned into a dark golden color at this moment.There was no fire attribute spiritual power in the surroundings, and they were all filled with the berserk earth attribute spiritual power. Even Shen Haoxuan and Bai Lao had to use the spiritual power in their bodies to resist the violent aura around them.

Entering the hinterland, the speed of the few people slowed down significantly. They were already sweating profusely after walking only a hundred meters away. Murong Wanqing had two strands of hair drooping from her temples. It is bright red and looks unique.

In half a day, the few people finally walked more than ten miles in the hinterland, but they felt heavy in their hearts.One is because the violent spiritual power around him is constantly eroding him, and the spiritual power in his body is seriously consumed, but he can't replenish himself with the surrounding spiritual power, and the other is that there is always an invisible pressure around him, oppressing everyone's nerves.

Fortunately, everyone is not ordinary people.As disciples of the Tiangang Sect, Ling Feng and the other three were naturally wealthy, and there were still some pills for restoring spiritual power.As for Shen Haoxuan, needless to say, he is an alchemist himself, and if he grabs a handful of pills that can restore spiritual power, it's no problem to eat them as jelly beans.

After several people walked for several miles, Shen Haoxuan stopped suddenly.

"En, what's the matter, Brother Shen?" Seeing that Shen Haoxuan stopped, several people also stopped, looking at him with some doubts and asking.

"Don't you think it's a bit weird?" Shen Haoxuan looked around at the endless dark golden sand sea, and frowned.

"It's weird, of course it's weird. Ever since I entered the hinterland of the desert, nothing is normal, okay!" Murong Wanqing wiped the sweat from her forehead and muttered.

"No, don't you guys think we've been walking for so long and it's going too smoothly?" Shen Haoxuan said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, everyone was surprised for a while. Indeed, since entering the hinterland of the desert, the few people who have walked along the way have encountered no obstacles at all. Every few steps outside the periphery will be attacked by various poisonous insects. It stands to reason that the desert The hinterland must be more dangerous, but the few people didn't even see a shadow of a spirit beast, which is indeed a bit weird.

"Old Xue, what kind of situation is this? Have you encountered it before?" Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, everyone felt a little strange, and immediately asked Mr. Xue.

Hearing everyone's questions, Mr. Xue fell into deep thought. He bent down and put his hands in the dark golden sand, as if he was feeling something.

"No, run! We're in big trouble!" Suddenly, Old Xue's face changed drastically.

"What?" Everyone's hearts were tense. Old Xue often traveled to the hinterland of the desert. What made him turn pale with fright was definitely an unexpected danger.

"Desert storm, we have encountered a desert storm!" Old Xue said tremblingly.


As soon as Xue Lao's words fell, there was a loud noise between the sky and the earth, and then the sky changed drastically. The sky that was originally shone by the scorching sun turned dark in an instant. The speed is advancing towards everyone!

"What's that?" Looking at the ever-expanding black line, everyone was startled, feeling a terrifying coercion coming from a distance.

"Desert storm, the most terrifying existence in the desert! That is the cleaning machine in the desert. Under its power, no one can survive!" Xue Lao said tremblingly.

"No wonder I couldn't see those spirit beasts along the way, so it was because of the desert storm!" Old Xue stood up and quickly backed away!
"Hurry up, let's go! If we don't leave, we will all die here!" Old Xue shouted anxiously.

"Boom..." At this moment, the whole earth began to tremble, and the yellow sand under the feet also began to flow. The speed became faster and faster, and even took everyone away from the place, and swept them towards the desert storm. !
"Damn it, hurry up!" Shen Haoxuan also cursed secretly, and immediately stopped his figure with a sudden step on the ground, and ran out of the hinterland!

As if feeling that a few people wanted to escape, the black lines in the distance suddenly became thicker, and a black storm hit everyone like lightning.


In an instant, the color of the sky and the earth changed, sand and rocks flew, the wind roared, yellow sand and rocks danced wildly in the sky, miasma filled the sky, fell straight into the world, and burst open in an instant, this scene seemed to be the end of the world, terrifying The majesty of heaven and earth permeated this hinterland, causing Shen Haoxuan and the others to sink into the quagmire, and their movements were as slow as a turtle's speed!
"It's over, it's over, there's no escape!" Old Xue had a look of despair on his face, and immediately sat down on the ground, not going any further!
Shen Haoxuan was also frowning at this moment, the power of the surrounding world made their bodies seem to be trapped in the yellow sand, their speed dropped sharply, and it was only a matter of time before they were caught up by the desert storm!
"Damn it, I didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing for the first time when I came out, what bad luck!" Ling Feng cursed secretly as he looked at the desert storm that was suppressed like a curtain.

"Cousin, what should we do?" Murong Wanqing looked at the desert storm in some horror, bewildered.

Shen Haoxuan took a deep breath and focused his eyes. Since he couldn't escape, he could only fight!

"For the current plan, we can only join hands and try to tear a hole in this desert storm, maybe we can escape!" Shen Haoxuan looked at the desert storm and said in a deep voice.

"Fight against this desert storm? Brother Shen, how is it possible, this is the power of heaven and earth, how can we break through it!" Ling Feng's face flashed a gloomy look.

"Hmph, so what about the power of heaven and earth? I only believe that man will conquer heaven! If you fight to the death, there is still a chance of life, otherwise, you can only wait here to die!" Shen Haoxuan snorted coldly, and the spiritual power in his body began to swell. Flames rose up and enveloped him in an instant.

"Man will conquer heaven?" Ling Feng murmured, seeing Shen Haoxuan's powerful aura, there was a look of swearing to death on his face, and the spiritual power in his body was also surging.

"Okay, let's fight, I don't want to lose my life here!" Ling Feng shouted coldly, and his momentum exploded!

"Eighth-rank soulmate!" Shen Haoxuan was also a little surprised when he felt the aura on him, it seemed that none of the disciples of the Tiangang Sect were ordinary people.

"And me!" Murong Wanqing also stood up, the mysterious pattern between her eyebrows appeared again, and the crimson battle armor once again appeared on her body!

As if sensing the fighting spirit of Shen Haoxuan and the others, the desert storm suddenly raged, and a terrifying face appeared indistinctly, attacking everyone fiercely...

(End of this chapter)

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