Chaos hegemony

Chapter 314 Mysterious Yellow Fruit!

Chapter 314 Mysterious Yellow Fruit!
Looking at the desert storm that covered the sky and the sun, Shen Haoxuan and the others did not dare to hold back the slightest move, and the first move was his most powerful attack.

Shen Haoxuan stretched out his hand, and the three colors of spiritual power separated out, and then they slapped together fiercely.A destructive breath floated out from Shen Haoxuan's palm, instantly dissipating the coercion of the surrounding world, and everyone felt their bodies lighten, and the spiritual power in their bodies began to flow rapidly.

Ling Feng, Murong Wanqing, and the others looked at the three-color spiritual power continuously impacting in Shen Haoxuan's hands with some palpitations, their faces full of shock.To know that a person has two types of spiritual power is already a genius, but Shen Haoxuan has three kinds of spiritual power in his body, and what is even more frightening is that he actually wants to forcibly fuse these three kinds of spiritual power together?

"Clap clap..."

A bang sounded from Shen Haoxuan's hand, and the spiritual thoughts and spiritual power in his body poured into his palm continuously as if he wanted money, and the three-color spiritual power began to slowly merge together.

At this time, the terrifying spiritual power storm had come before everyone, and the raging spiritual power storm kept bombarding everyone, making them feel as if their bodies were about to be torn apart!
"Shoot together!" Shen Haoxuan shouted loudly, and then threw out the three-color energies fused together in his hands!

"Triple Flame Yang Explosion!"

The three-color energies, with brilliant streamers, rushed towards the pitch-black desert storm like lightning, directly tore apart the raging spiritual power storms around them, and ruthlessly blasted towards the giant black screen.

Seeing this, Murong Wanqing and the others didn't hold back anything, they followed up with powerful attacks one after another!

"Suzaku burns the sky!"

"Tiangang swordsmanship!"

"Tear the sky!"

Immediately afterwards, with one palm and one sword, there was also a huge Suzaku, following Shen Haoxuan's Yanyang explosion, it ruthlessly bombarded the desert storm!
"Boom boom boom..."

The next moment, the sky and the earth changed color, and a dazzling light appeared from the desert storm, instantly dispelling the surrounding darkness, and the sky and the earth seemed to fall into silence, everything calmed down!


A moment later, a ripple visible to the naked eye spread out from the desert storm, and the surrounding sand sea exploded directly, and the sand masters shot straight into the sky.

When the dazzling light dissipated, the pitch-black desert storm actually broke from the middle, and a small crack was torn apart by the attacks of Shen Haoxuan and the others!
"Let's go!" Shen Haoxuan yelled loudly, the crack wouldn't last long, and it was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, with a blow with all his strength, Ling Feng, Murong Wanqing and the others collapsed, so they didn't have the strength to run for their lives!Seeing this, Shen Haoxuan's Suzaku wings spread out behind him, pulled up Murong Wanqing and Xue Lao, his wings trembled, and rushed towards the opposite side of the desert storm like lightning, Bai Lao also picked up Ling Feng and the three of them, and with a flash, he chased after them !

Going deep into the desert storm, Shen Haoxuan felt heart palpitations. The surrounding pitch-black sand curtain was filled with an aura of destruction. This was the consciousness of heaven and earth, and this was the real aura of destruction!

But Shen Haoxuan has no time to sigh now, the crack opened by the bombardment is only a few people wide, and it is healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, he must rush out before the crack heals, otherwise he will be completely crushed by the desert storm broken!

The shadow of the dragon under his feet flashed, and Shen Haoxuan performed the Nine Heavens Shocking Clouds Step to the extreme, leaving only a few faint afterimages in the entire space.

Bai Lao's speed was not slow, he caught up with Shen Haoxuan almost in the blink of an eye, and the two rushed towards the outside with all their might!


With a bang, Shen Haoxuan and Bai Lao finally rushed out of the desert storm, and the crack behind them also closed abruptly. The powerful impact force directly threw Shen Haoxuan and Bai Lao, and fell hard on the dark golden sand dunes in the distance. .

"Huhu... escaped!" Ling Feng looked at the desert storm that was fading away, and let out a long breath. This time it was really thrilling!

"Cousin, are you alright!" Murong Wanqing asked with a worried expression as she quickly dug out Shen Haoxuan who was buried in the sand.

"'s okay!" Shen Haoxuan coughed heavily, spit out the sand in his mouth, and quickly took each pill to suppress the turbulent Qi and blood in his body.

"Brother Shen, thank you very much this time. If it wasn't for you, maybe we would have given up and died in that desert storm!" Ling Feng said to Shen Haoxuan, clasping his fists.

"I'm just saving myself!" Shen Haoxuan waved his hand and said.

"Haha, I don't know where brother Shen is going next?" Ling Feng asked, now this place is already deep in the desert hinterland, and it's not far from Ling Feng's destination.

"I will continue to go deeper!" Shen Haoxuan looked around and said lightly.We haven't reached the oasis that Murong Wanqing said, it seems that we have to go deeper.

"Continue to go deeper!" Hearing this, a look of shock flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and he was also a little curious about what Shen Haoxuan and the others were looking for. What kind of things can only be obtained in the depths of the desert.

But Ling Feng was also curious, and immediately said with clasped fists: "Then let's separate here, you have to be careful, we will meet later!"

"Well, there will be a time later!" Shen Haoxuan clasped his fists and said, this time, he and Ling Feng lived and died together, shared adversity, this friend is still good.

Thus, the two teams parted ways here.

After separating from Ling Feng and the others, Shen Haoxuan followed Murong Wanqing and continued to walk deep into the hinterland, looking for that oasis.

A day later, Shen Haoxuan and Murong Wanqing were lying on a sand dune, looking at the oasis the size of a football field below, with solemn expressions.

"This is the oasis I discovered last time, but the inside is occupied by Yanhuang pythons, it's not easy to get in!" Murong Wanqing said softly.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan closed his eyes, spiritual thoughts gushed out like a tide, and soon spread to that oasis.

A series of powerful auras continuously appeared in Shen Haoxuan's mind. Shen Haoxuan carefully manipulated his spiritual thoughts to sweep across the oasis, looking for the aura of Xuanhuangguo.

"I found it!" Suddenly, Shen Haoxuan felt a strong earth attribute energy, and immediately gathered his spiritual thoughts. On the small central lake of the oasis, on a small tree as tall as a person, there were three golden flowers. The fruit, a halo of light emanates, and the substantial earth-like energy surrounds the surroundings, which looks very wonderful.

"Is this the Xuanhuang Fruit?" Shen Haoxuan murmured looking at the three golden fruits. With such a rich earth attribute energy, it seems that there will be an oasis here because of the Xuanhuang Fruit.

However, looking at the three Xuanhuang fruits, Shen Haoxuan frowned. Although he found the Xuanhuang fruits, it was not easy to get them. Just now, Shen Haoxuan glanced roughly, and in this oasis, There are no less than ten fourth-order spirit beasts hidden, and a more powerful aura, which must be the Snake Emperor that Murong Wanqing was talking about!
(End of this chapter)

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