Chaos hegemony

Chapter 397 The lively Shenwu City again!

Chapter 397 The lively Shenwu City again!

"Huh..." Seeing Ouyang Shaoyu leave the room, Han Xu heaved a sigh of relief.It seems that Ouyang Shaoyu cares about himself very much, if this is the case, it will be easy to handle.

"Awesome! Whenever you cheat people, you are so good. Fortunately, you are not a woman. Otherwise, I don't know how many men will bow down under your pomegranate skirt!" Looking at Han Xu who was wearing light makeup, Changmao couldn't help giving a thumbs up, praising.

"Come on, you go back and tell Brother Shen that everything is going according to plan!" Han Xu rolled his eyes at Changmao, then closed his eyes and meditated, and then he had to find a way to get Ouyang Shaoyu to set up the wedding in the Hehuan Gate.

At this time, in the side hall, Ouyang Shaoyu was sitting on the head seat, holding up the teacup on the table, and looking carefully at the patterns on it.

"Master Ouyang, do you really want to take that woman?" Sitting down, an old man asked with a frown.

"Why, does Elder Li have any objections?" Ouyang Shaoyu put down the teacup in his hand and asked lightly.

"Master Ouyang, you will be the future owner of the Fallen Valley in the future, and your woman must be one in a million. A woman like this who has no strength, no background, and no talent is not good enough for you!" Elder Li said in a deep voice. Said.

Hearing this, Ouyang Shaoyu had a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, and then said lightly: "Elder Li, you think too much, who said I want her to be my woman?"

"Don't be your woman? Then you still want Mingmei to marry her?" Elder Li was taken aback, and asked with some doubts.

"Hehe, she is the only woman I have met over the years that can make my body excited. If I use her as my meat tripod, my strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds. With time, Jian Wushuang Blood Devours the Sky and they will all Stepped under my feet! In order to allow me to practice better, I have to make that woman happy, so that the effect can be the best!
As for the Ming media's marriage, why should we do it in the Fallen Valley?Isn't there a Hehuan Gate nearby, it seems to be a pawn in our Fallen Valley, it is said that the great elder there is about to get married, and for this reason, just do it casually..." Ouyang Shaoyu casually said, with a look of pride in his eyes.

"Haha, Master Shaogu is wise!" Hearing this, Elder Li laughed loudly and couldn't help admiring.

"Okay, in the next few days, you go to the Hehuan Gate and discuss this matter with them. Also, send someone to keep an eye on Miss Han. If she wants to escape, I don't mind asking for one." You understand the crippled meat cauldron?" Ouyang Shaoyu ordered.

"Understood, I'll do it now!" Elder Li responded, and then exited the side hall.

After Elder Li withdrew, Ouyang Shaoyu looked at his right hand, which still had the smell of Han Xu on it. Ouyang Shaoyu closed his eyes and sniffed, looking very intoxicated...

At this time, Changmao also returned to Tianwu Auction House and conveyed Han Xu's words to Shen Haoxuan.After listening to Changmao's report, Shen Haoxuan nodded. Shen Haoxuan had no doubts about Han Xu's ability. Although he might be lacking in some aspects, this was also a chance for him to practice.

After keeping the matter of Han Xu in his heart, Shen Haoxuan felt a headache when he looked at the mountain of elixirs in front of him. These were the elixirs needed by the warriors he had recruited.

The number of disciples recruited by Hehuan Sect is no longer a small number, there are as many as hundreds of them, Shen Haoxuan alone must be unable to do so, and now he has no choice but to rely on Shen Haoxuan's identity as an alchemist to recruit some desperadoes, and the price for inviting them is Shen Haoxuan They need to refine a pill for each of them.

It has to be said that after Shen Haoxuan released the news, countless warriors came here, and that number definitely exceeded the number of disciples of the Hehuan Sect. After all, they are great alchemists who can refine alchemy patterns, and their reputation is naturally higher than that of ordinary alchemists. much bigger.

However, in order not to attract the attention of others, Shen Haoxuan only selected a dozen or so martial artists with good character, and did not enroll them in the mission content. After all, these people met for the first time, and the two parties were just trading for benefits. Who can guarantee that there will be some traitor among them?

Rubbing his forehead, Shen Haoxuan shook off all the distracting thoughts in his mind, there were still six or seven days left before the action, during this period of time he had to refine the pills these warriors needed.

"Let's refine Wan Qing's barrier-breaking pill first!" Shen Haoxuan murmured in a low voice.When Murong Wanqing was on her own, of course she helped her break through her strength first, and at that time he had to be counted on to come out and stop a strong spirit.

Thinking of this, Shen Haoxuan stopped procrastinating, and with a single move, a pitch-black alchemy furnace flew out of the storage ring and placed it in front of Shen Haoxuan, and then Shen Haoxuan began to make alchemy crazily...

Time passed day by day, and after five days, the entire Shenwu City became lively again.Because the big wedding of the Great Elder of the Hehuan Sect is coming.

Hehuanmen is located in the area of ​​Shenwu City, and its influence is still very strong. After all, it is a second-rate force. Some sects around it still want to give Hehuanmen a face, and behind Hehuanmen stands the Fallen Valley, which is well known to the forces in Shenwucheng. things.

"I heard that this time the Great Elder of the Hehuan Sect married a girl with the destiny of the Nine Yins! This is his No. 30 second concubine!"

"The fate of the Nine Yins is a rare fate in time. This kind of woman has a lot of Yin Qi, and ordinary people can't bear the Yin Qi in her body. This elder of the Hehuan Sect dares to marry such a woman."

"What's the point? Don't forget the Hehuanmen's technique, which is a dual cultivation technique. This woman with the fate of nine yins may be poison to ordinary people, and people are afraid to avoid it, but for the Hehuanmen's It’s a great tonic for humans!”

"This Hehuan Sect often does things that rob people's daughters, rape and plunder, and go against the law of heaven, and this Shenwu City is the territory of the Tiangang Sect. They must be too arrogant!"

"Hehe, this is already the most remote place of the Tiangang Sect's power. The Tiangang Sect may not have the heart to manage these things. Besides, there is the Fallen Valley behind the Hehuan Gate. The Tiangang Sect and the Fallen Valley are also in this Northern Territory. Named, the two families will definitely not fight over a small Hehuan Gate, otherwise, wouldn't that give the other two major forces a chance to take advantage of it?"

"We don't understand the game between these big forces. It has nothing to do with us anyway. We can just watch the show!"

In Shenwu City, there were endless discussions, and with the entry of large and small forces, this Shenwu City became lively again.

(End of this chapter)

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