Chaos hegemony

Chapter 398 Prepare for action!

Chapter 398 Prepare for action!

At noon, a round of scorching sun hangs high in the sky, the glaring sunlight pours down, and the scorching heat makes the plants in the dense forest droop their heads, looking listless, and the cicadas sing endlessly, echoing in the forest.

But at this moment, in a valley tens of miles away from Shenwu City, even at noon, the valley was brightly lit.This valley is where Hehuan Gate is located. Because of the terrain, this valley cannot see the sun all day long, so it is also known as the Valley of Absolute Sun.

This Absolute Sun Valley is an excellent treasure that Hehuanmen found with great effort.Ordinary people like to live under the sun, but the disciples of the Hehuan Sect are just the opposite. Since the exercises they practice are to absorb yin and nourish yang, the effect of cultivation is just right in places where the yin is heavy .

But now, the Hehuan Gate in the valley is already decorated with lights and festoons, and the red carpet has become a piece.The forces around Shenwu City also began to gather at the Hehuan Gate in an endless stream, and now there are only less than six hours left before the wedding of the elder of the Hehuan Gate!

In Shenwu City, in Tianwu Auction House, Shen Haoxuan also came out of the alchemy room. After five or six days of non-stop refining, the elixir needed by those warriors was also completely refined.

"Brother Haoxuan, Hehuan Sect has sent an invitation card, please let us from Tianwu Auction House come over!" Seeing Shen Haoxuan coming out, Luo Xiaowen stepped forward and said.

"Okay, you call those warriors first, and I'll take them there first, you and Wan Qing go in, and when you give the signal, I will rush in with those warriors and completely eradicate the Hehuan Gate!" Hearing Luo Xiaowen's words, Shen Haoxuan ordered immediately.They have been preparing for this day for a month, and now they are finally able to complete the task!
Afterwards, after a few words of caution, Luo Xiaowen led Murong Wanqing to the Hehuan Gate first, while Shen Haoxuan took the twenty recruited warriors to ambush in the valley somewhere.

"I said little brother, what on earth do you want us to do?" A martial artist asked with some doubts when he came to the small valley that could not see the sun.

"This seems to be the sect of the Hehuan Sect, and today seems to be the day of the wedding of the elder of the Hehuan Sect!" Another warrior said with a frown looking at the brightly lit buildings below.

Hearing this, the warriors around were in commotion, and they were even more confused about Shen Haoxuan's mission.

"Everyone, my teacher invited everyone here today because he wants you to do something. You have also seen that this is the sect of the Hehuan Sect, and what you need to do is to drive out all the disciples in the Hehuan Sect. !" Shen Haoxuan said coldly, looking at the twenty warriors in front of him.

Here, Shen Haoxuan hid the secret that he was the alchemist, but fabricated an unfounded teacher. These fighters are all men who lick blood on the edge of their knives. If they don't plan to cooperate with him at that time, this mysterious teacher , but it will play a big role.

"What!" Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, the expressions of those warriors changed, and they looked a little ugly.

"I said, little brother, this is the Hehuan Sect. There are at least hundreds of disciples in it. Some inner disciples are even far stronger than us. With only 20 of us, how could this be possible.

Moreover, don't say that the Hehuan Sect is a second-rate force, but there is one Linghuang powerhouse and six spirit powerhouses among them. Let's go, isn't that going to die? "A burly warrior said with some embarrassment.

"Yeah, the difference in strength is too great. Although we are already considered high combat power at the Linghou stage, we are not worth mentioning compared with the strong spirits, let alone the strong spirit emperor from the Hehuan Sect. Already!" Everyone said one after another, their faces very ugly.

"Don't worry everyone, your task is to deal with those ordinary disciples, as for those spirit emperor spirits, someone will naturally deal with them!" Shen Haoxuan ignored the mutterings of those people, and said lightly.

"Little brother, I would like to ask you a question, why did your teacher want to eradicate this Hehuanmen? Now, the backside of the Hehuan Gate is the Fallen Valley, isn't it a bit..." a warrior asked softly.

"Hmph, this disciple of the Hehuan Sect dared to touch my teacher's daughter, of course he couldn't let it go! Don't worry, this time my teacher has invited a spirit emperor and six spiritual figures, and they will surely destroy the Hehuan Sect from here to the north. Domain erasure! If the Fallen Valley dares to cause trouble, my teacher doesn’t mind erasing the Fallen Valley from the Northern Territory too!” Shen Haoxuan said domineeringly, he also hid his identity as the Tiangang Sect, since he fabricated a Teacher, then you have to come up with a reason to convince them.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, those warriors were taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood what alchemists must never be messed with, especially those high-level alchemists.The teacher of the little brother in front of him can refine the alchemy pattern, so he must be of a certain level. Such an alchemist is simply a hornet's nest.

"Hmph, you're really brazen, I'm afraid you said this just to trick us into going to the Hehuan Gate to die!" Some people believed it, and naturally some people questioned it, a martial artist snorted coldly.

"Believe it or not, if you complete the task this time, the teacher will not treat you badly!" Shen Haoxuan said lightly.

"Complete the mission? Hmph, I'm afraid we will be besieged to death as soon as we enter the Hehuan Gate. Then we still have our lives to get your rewards? The abacus is really good, brothers, a fool will believe his words!" The warrior said sarcastically.

Hearing this warrior's words, the surrounding warriors were also stunned, and their expressions became hesitant again.

Seeing those warriors hesitate, Shen Haoxuan frowned slightly, and then said to the warrior: "Since you don't want to participate, please leave!"

"Leave? You made me wait for a month in vain, and let me leave empty-handed after wasting a month of my time? Impossible, take the elixir I mentioned earlier, otherwise, I will tell Hehuanmen your plan !" That martial artist said reluctantly when he heard that Shen Haoxuan let him leave.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan's face immediately sank, and a faint killing intent emerged.

"My teacher also said that if someone wants to sabotage this operation, then... they will be killed together!" Having said this, Shen Haoxuan narrowed his eyes and stared at the warrior coldly.

"Kill it? Haha, just rely on you, a fifth-level spirit?" Hearing Shen Haoxuan's threat, the warrior laughed and said disdainfully. His own strength has reached the ninth-level spirit, so naturally he will not Shen Haoxuan put it in his eyes.

However, as soon as his words fell, Shen Haoxuan snorted coldly, and his figure disappeared in place in an instant.After Shen Haoxuan disappeared, the martial artist suddenly felt a sense of crisis, and his body was about to retreat.

But it was still too late, before the warrior left, Shen Haoxuan suddenly appeared in front of the warrior, the pitch-black flame turned into a sharp sword and pointed at the warrior's heart, his sharp eyes flashed A cold light passed, and he whispered in his ear: "The next time you reincarnate, remember to choose a good family, don't be so uneducated!" The cold voice did not treat any emotion, like a devil coming out of hell.

After Shen Haoxuan finished speaking, the flaming long sword directly pierced the warrior's chest, and the scorching heat instantly burned his heart away, and the warrior lost his voice instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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