Chaos hegemony

Chapter 65 Refining

Chapter 65 Refining
Thinking of this, Shen Haoxuan sat cross-legged. Since it is very difficult to refine the fire spirit, he must restore his state to the peak state!
After a while, Shen Haoxuan opened his eyes again, with a radiant look on his face, sweeping away the slump of his previous journey.

"Old Yan, get ready to start!" Shen Haoxuan said with a serious voice.

"En." Hearing this, Old Yan pinched the seal formula, and the black fire spirit slowly floated over and stayed in front of Shen Haoxuan.

Contacting the Fire Spirit Obsidian at such a close distance, Shen Haoxuan's skin began to turn red, as if it had been steamed, and it felt as if it was about to be melted.And Ji Lingxuan has already been sent far away by Yan Lao. After all, her body of the Nine Yin Profound Spirit is an extremely Yin body, and encountering this most yang thing may cause the Nine Nether Qi in her body to rebound and explode in advance!
"Although Hei Yao has lost the Fire Spirit Orb, the power is still not something you can control now. Take out the Red Flame Jade Lotus, and it will help you absorb part of the energy of the Fire Spirit. In addition, put the ice chalcedony first Get down, or you won't be able to touch the fire spirit!" Yan Lao said quickly.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan took out the Chiyan Jade Lotus, sat down on it, and immediately felt the temperature of the fire spirit drop a lot.Afterwards, Shen Haoxuan took out another jade bottle from the storage ring, and carefully opened the jade bottle.As soon as the jade plug was opened, a gust of cold air burst out, making Shen Haoxuan shiver uncontrollably!

"It's indeed something I bought for 200 million yuan!" Shen Haoxuan exclaimed, now he can't feel the temperature of the fire spirit at all.

"Take it and let's get started!"

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan nodded solemnly, and drank the ice chalcedony in the bottle in one gulp!The icy chalcedony was like a belly, Shen Haoxuan seemed to be thrown into the extreme north, his whole body was frozen from the inside out, his black hair was long, his skin was instantly covered with frost and ice, and even his spiritual thoughts Almost lost consciousness!

Sensing the gradually becoming stiff body, Shen Haoxuan grabbed the Fire Spirit Obsidian and stuffed it into his mouth!Run the Chaos Overlord Art and prepare to refine it!
"Boom!" With a muffled sound, Huo Ling seemed to feel the crisis, the energy in his whole body exploded instantly, and countless black flames raged in Shen Haoxuan's body!

Fortunately, the ice chalcedony froze all of Shen Haoxuan's meridians and bones, and the first burst of fire spirit did not cause much damage.But under the terrifying high temperature, the thick layer of ice above the bones and meridians melted at a speed visible to the naked eye, and slowly, Shen Haoxuan felt a burning pain!
"What's the matter?" After Shen Haoxuan swallowed the fire spirit, Ji Lingxuan came to Yanlao again and looked at Shen Haoxuan nervously.

Looking at the slowly melting ice layer on his skin, Yan Lao gradually became nervous, and said in a deep voice: "Refining has only really begun, and the pain has just begun! Whether it can succeed or not depends on Shen boy's good luck." !"

Sure enough, as soon as Old Yan finished speaking, a shock more terrifying than before erupted from Shen Haoxuan's body. The unimaginable high temperature directly burned the robes on Shen Haoxuan's body to ashes, leaving only a naked body disc. Sitting on top of the red flame jade lotus.


The severe pain made Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but let out a soft snort, his brows were furrowed tightly, because the force was too hard, blood came out of both lips!But under that high temperature, it was evaporated in an instant!
Not only that, at this time Shen Haoxuan's baby-like white skin also became rosy, and blisters slowly appeared on the skin, which looked extremely oozing!

And Shen Haoxuan's body was even more messed up!Although his body is a chaotic divine body, and has been forged by fire-attributed treasures such as red flame chalcedony, plus the reshaping of the ancient god's relic and the fusion of the soul-devouring sword, he still can't bear the fire spirit. A full-scale explosion!

Under Huo Ling's wanton destruction, Shen Haoxuan's meridians had become dry and shriveled, and his bones were even more red, as if just melted iron slurry!
In this regard, Shen Haoxuan has no good solution, he can only mobilize the spiritual power from the spiritual sea, while protecting the important organs from being melted, while desperately pulling the source of the fire spirit to walk around the path of the chaotic overlord!

But facing such an unruly Huo Ling, no matter how much Shen Haoxuan pulled, the other party remained motionless, and even became more brutal!

Under this stalemate, Shen Haoxuan's whole body became more and more red, which was a sign that the blood in his body was about to break out after evaporating!Moreover, a more serious problem emerged, that is, the spiritual power in Shen Haoxuan's body was almost exhausted after being pulled by the fire spirit, and the spiritual sea in his dantian was almost exhausted at this time!
However, in this underground world, there is not enough spiritual power for Shen Haoxuan to absorb. If this continues, the heart and other organs without the protection of spiritual power will probably be burned to ashes by the fire spirit in an instant!
"Oops!" Sensing Shen Haoxuan's increasingly weak breath, Yan Lao seemed to have thought of the key to the problem, and then took out the purchased elixir from the storage ring, refined it into pure energy, and sent it to Shen Haoxuan's body !

However, for Shen Haoxuan, the low-level elixir purchased with this knowledge is just a drop in the bucket!

"Let me do it!" Seeing Shen Haoxuan's situation getting worse and worse, Ji Lingxuan stopped Yan Lao who continued to send energy to Shen Haoxuan.Then the jade finger tapped her forehead, and a red mark appeared on Ji Lingxuan's body.

Seeing this red mark, Old Yan is no stranger to him. This is the seal Shen Haoxuan set for him, the Nine Nether Wheel Seal!
Seeing Ji Lingxuan's movements, Yan Lao knew what she was going to do, and immediately stopped him: "Little girl, do you know what you are doing? Boy Shen risked his life to refine the fire spirit not only for himself, but also In order to save your life! If you undo the Nine Nether Wheel Seal now, you will die from the backlash of the Nine Nether Nether Qi! At that time, even if Shen Xiaozi succeeds in refining, but sees your corpse, do you think he will let himself go? ?”

"Old Yan, I know, but I won't just watch something happen to brother Haoxuan! Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion. I just let the seal open a small hole, let Jiuyou Mingqi and Huoling check and balance each other, and help Haoxuan Brother, relieve some pressure!" Ji Lingxuan said lightly.

"You... are you sure? The Nine Nether Qi is not so easy to control!" Yan Lao said with a frown.

"No, but I won't make fun of my own life, because my life is not only mine, but also brother Haoxuan's!" After Ji Lingxuan said, a cold breath erupted from her body, and her forehead was completely intact. The Nine Nether Wheel Seal opened a hole, and the Nine Nether Qi spewed out from the crack, and the surrounding temperature dropped instantly.

The Nine Nether Qi leaked out, Ji Lingxuan gritted her teeth, endured the backlash of the Nine Nether Qi, and guided it into Shen Haoxuan's body!
At this time, Shen Haoxuan, who was in the final desperate struggle with the fire spirit in his body, suddenly felt a cool feeling coming from his body, and his originally vague consciousness immediately became sober.With the help of this cold air, the temperature of Huo Ling dropped sharply. Although it was still unbearable, it was within Shen Haoxuan's handling range.

"Ling Xuan, you..." Shen Haoxuan opened his eyes, seeing Ji Lingxuan who was pale due to the backlash of the Nine Nether Qi, felt a pang in his heart.

"Brother Haoxuan, I will suppress the temperature of the fire spirit for you, so hurry up and refine it!" Ji Lingxuan gritted her teeth and said tremblingly.

Taking a deep look at Ji Lingxuan, Shen Haoxuan closed his eyes again, and put his mind on Huo Ling who was suppressed by the Nine Nether Qi in his meridians, his heart was extremely firm!

In order to help herself, Ji Lingxuan has already untied the Nine Nether Wheel Seal, if she can't succeed, then Ji Lingxuan will undoubtedly die!For Ji Lingxuan, she must succeed this time!

Thinking of this, an inexplicable force erupted from Shen Haoxuan's body, and the originally exhausted spiritual sea began to churn, and a long dragon transformed by spiritual power directly swallowed the fire spirit!
Due to the suppression of the Nine Nether Qi, Huo Ling has no time to take into account the threat brought by Shen Haoxuan, and can only let the long dragon of spiritual power run in the shriveled meridians!

Soon, the dragon with spiritual power and Huo Ling had been running around the Chaos Overlord Art for a week. At this time, under the baptism of Chaos Overlord Art, Huo Ling began to become obedient!
"Come again!" Shen Haoxuan shouted angrily, and then let the dragon of spiritual power go into motion!
In this way, after ten weeks, the fire spirit has been completely refined, and now it has become extremely docile and well-behaved, and it will no longer show its previous rebellious appearance!
"Boy Shen, take this opportunity to incorporate it into the panacea in the dantian!" Yan Lao reminded the outside world.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan controlled the spiritual dragon to return to the dantian, and brought the fire spirit to the elixir above the spiritual sea!

At this time, Huo Ling seemed to feel the danger again, and gradually became uneasy, and the spiritual power dragon began to be unable to suppress it!

Seeing this situation, Shen Haoxuan was shocked, but without him reacting, the golden elixir shone brightly, and a terrifying suction directly absorbed the fire spirit into it, so that Shen Haoxuan didn't even react, he thought there would be another battle What about the war!

After the golden elixir devoured the fire spirit, the color gradually began to change, the golden color gradually became darker, and finally, it turned into pitch black!
"This..." Shen Haoxuan looked at the pitch-black panacea, his face full of disbelief!

(End of this chapter)

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