Chaos hegemony

Chapter 66 Meet Underground!

Chapter 66 Meet Underground!

"Boom!" Suddenly, a muffled sound erupted from the blackened elixir, directly stunned the nearest Shen Haoxuan!
Ji Lingxuan and Yan Lao were also forced back a few meters by the impact.Ji Lingxuan, who was originally pale, was even weaker now, with no blood on her face, and her [-] long hair was covered with frost, presumably it was caused by the backlash of the Nine Nether Qi!
"How is it? Little girl, can you still persist?" Old Yan asked worriedly.

"Ahem..." It's okay!Brother Haoxuan should have succeeded! "Ji Lingxuan looked at Shen Haoxuan who was gradually wrapped in black flames and said with relief.

"When is it, you should still care about yourself. If that kid sees you like this, he won't be so heartbroken! But you are too. Don't you be afraid of failing yourself? Let both of you Did you die?" Yan Lao said with some fear.

"No, because I believe Brother Haoxuan will succeed!" Ji Lingxuan looked at Shen Haoxuan and said sweetly.

"You two..." Yan Lao looked at the two of them, and could only let out a long sigh.

"Boy Shen is probably going through the final fusion, and he will think about it in a short time. Let me help you suppress the Nine Nether Qi in your body first, so that nothing will happen later, that kid will kill me!" Yan Lao sighed softly. With a sound, a cluster of black flames was summoned to suppress the Nine Nether Qi in Ji Lingxuan's body.

The underground world fell into silence at this time...

A day later, Ji Lingxuan recovered from her cultivation state, and with the help of Yan Lao, the Nine Netherworld Qi in her body was temporarily suppressed, and she should be able to survive the next two days, but if Shen Haoxuan did not wake up after two days, then Ji Lingxuan's The situation is dangerous.

"It's been a day already, hasn't the fusion succeeded yet?" Yan Lao looked at Shen Haoxuan who was still wrapped in black flames and said doubtfully, it only took him less than half a day to fully fuse back then!

"Don't worry, you have some insights of your own compared to brother Haoxuan!" Ji Lingxuan said with a smile.

"Maybe!" Elder Yan was noncommittal.

At this time, Shen Haoxuan was indeed in a strange state, his spirituality was also wrapped in a black flame, and he didn't know what state his body was in at all.

In Shen Haoxuan's body, clusters of flames continuously emerged from the pitch-black elixir. After these flames appeared, they seemed to come to a new world, and ran around in Shen Haoxuan's body!And with the wandering of these flames, Fang Tian Mansion's changes took place in his body!
Those meridians that had been shriveled and shrunk by the fire spirit began to swell again, and became tougher and wider!Moreover, after these flames ran wildly in the body, they returned to the dantian again, plunged into Shen Haoxuan's spiritual sea, and wandered happily in it.

After these black flames merged, black flame waves rose from time to time in Shen Haoxuan's spiritual sea, which looked very strange!However, Shen Haoxuan didn't know about these changes, he was still immersed in his spiritual world and couldn't extricate himself!

But Ji Lingxuan saw that Shen Haoxuan's aura was still lingering, so she relaxed and entered the cultivation state again.

Just like that, more than half a day passed, and Ji Lingxuan was woken up by Yan Lao from her cultivation state!
"Someone is here? It should be Luo Xiaowen and the others!" Yan Lao said in a deep voice.

"They? How did they find this place?" Ji Lingxuan looked at Shen Haoxuan who was still awake and frowned.Since Luo Xiaowen is here, Wu Mengqi and Yang Yu should be among them!
"I don't know, they must have encountered something in the Linghuang's tomb and fled here. I feel that there are very few people!" Yan Lao said.

"But brother Haoxuan hasn't woken up yet, their appearance may disturb brother Haoxuan!" Ji Lingxuan worried.

"How about I send them away?" Yan Lao asked.

"Forget it, I don't want it anymore. Your existence, Mr. Yan, is a secret. If you let others know, it may be detrimental to brother Haoxuan. Let me do it!" Ji Lingxuan said.

"You? The Nine Netherworld Qi in your body has not been completely suppressed! According to my knowledge, there should be an eighth-level spiritual disciple in that group of people. He should be at odds with Boy Shen, right? Can you handle it?"

"Don't worry, leave it to me!"

"Okay, then be careful, they're coming, I'll get out of the way first!" After Yan Lao said, his figure disappeared in the darkness.

After Yan Lao disappeared, several voices came from not far away...

"Brother Yang, where is this place? Can we return to the ground?" Wu Mengqi cried.

"You still have the nerve to say, if you hadn't been greedy to move that spirit bead and triggered the mechanism in the hall, would there be the current result?" Luo Xiaowen said with a white look at Wu Mengqi.

"How did I know that it was the switch of the main hall mechanism? Besides, don't you like that spirit bead?" Wu Mengqi retorted.

"But I still have self-knowledge, knowing what can move and what can't!" Luo Xiaowen said.

"I..." Yang Yu interrupted Wu Mengqi before finishing her sentence.

"Stop arguing, there are people in front!"

"Someone!?" Hearing Yang Yu's words, everyone became tense again. Is there anyone else in this dark underground world?

"That figure looks so familiar! That's Ji Lingxuan!" Luo Xiaowen's eyes were vicious, and she recognized Ji Lingxuan at a glance.

"Ji Lingxuan?" Everyone looked and found that it was indeed the missing Ji Lingxuan.

"Ling Xuan!" Seeing an acquaintance, Luo Xiaowen shouted happily and ran over. In the past few days, Wu Mengqi's own world view has collapsed. After finally seeing a smart person again, can you be unhappy?

However, when she ran within 50 meters of Ji Lingxuan, an emotionless voice sounded: "One more step forward, kill without mercy!"

Hearing Ji Lingxuan's emotionless voice, Luo Xiaowen was stunned, stopped and looked at Ji Lingxuan suspiciously.

"I'm Miss Xiaowen, don't you know me?" Luo Xiaowen asked tentatively.

"Remember!" Ji Lingxuan said lightly.But she doesn't care if she is an acquaintance or not, now Shen Haoxuan is at the most important juncture, no one can disturb him!
"Then you are...?" Luo Xiaowen was a little puzzled.

"By the way, where's little brother Shen?" At this moment, Luo Xiaowen realized that Ji Lingxuan was the only one here.

But Ji Lingxuan did not answer Luo Xiaowen's words.

"Look, isn't Shen Haoxuan in that group of flames?" Suddenly, a warrior behind Luo Xiaowen shouted.

Hearing this, everyone looked past Ji Lingxuan to the black flame behind her, and the figure among them seemed to belong to Shen Haoxuan.

Seeing everyone's gazes, Ji Lingxuan's eyes were cold, and she said coldly: "This is not the place for you to stay, please leave, if anyone dares to take a step forward, he will be killed without mercy!"

After all, the aura of the spirit general erupted from his body, enveloping everyone in it!
(End of this chapter)

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