Chaos hegemony

Chapter 67 Don't want to live anymore?

Chapter 67 Don't want to live anymore?

"Spiritual general!?" The crowd felt Ji Lingxuan's powerful aura and exclaimed.

"Impossible, isn't there a limit to the Tomb of the Spirit Emperor? How can a strong spirit general come in?" Wu Mengqi yelled in disbelief. At the same time, she suddenly felt a little regretful. It turned out that she kept provoking another strong spirit general!
Feeling Ji Lingxuan's aura, Yang Yu was also taken aback for a moment, then narrowed his eyes slightly, and smiled lightly: "Hehe, Miss Ji, don't pretend to be a ghost, your half-assed general's imitation is quite similar!"

"Imitation?" Hearing Yang Yu's words, everyone was puzzled, not knowing what he meant.

"Your aura is erratic, so vain! It's not like I haven't seen a real spiritual general. You can't fool me with your little trick!" Yang Yu said with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Wu Mengqi and the others also felt Ji Lingxuan's aura carefully, and found that it was indeed as Yang Yu said, that the aura was fluctuating, which was obviously the result of forcibly improving her strength.

"It turned out to be a swollen face to pretend to be fat!" Wu Mengqi sarcastically confirmed that Ji Lingxuan did not have the strength of a spirit general.

In fact, it's not that Ji Lingxuan is pretending to be a spirit general, it's just that the Nine Nether Qi in her body has not been completely suppressed, and she has to be distracted to resist the erosion of the Nine Nether Qi, so the strength she shows will be greatly reduced!

"However, you were able to forcibly raise your strength to the level of a spirit general. Presumably you have obtained the inheritance from the tomb of the spirit emperor! Hmph, I already knew that you and that Shen Haoxuan had bad intentions. I just want to monopolize the inheritance of the Linghuang!" Wu Mengqi said viciously.

When Luo Xiaowen heard Wu Mengqi's words, she hated Wu Mengqi even more!With such vicious words, it was obvious that they were pouring dirty water on Shen Haoxuan and the two of them, directly pointing the finger at them!

But Ji Lingxuan didn't pay any attention to the dirty water splashed by Wu Mengqi, and just stood there, looking coldly at the people in front of her.

"Why, I got it right, so I have nothing to say? Huh, you two are really good at playing tricks. Let us be cannon fodder for you. In the end, we got nothing and almost lost our lives. But you and Shen Haoxuan is here to enjoy our achievements, even if I can bear this kind of result, everyone present will not be able to swallow it!" Wu Mengqi looked at the martial artist behind her and shouted loudly.

After Wu Mengqi's incitement and the danger they encountered, the more everyone thought about it, the more they felt that what Wu Mengqi said was right, and they all pointed their finger at Ji Lingxuan, angrily said: "That's right, why are you here while we are working so hard?" Sit back and reap the rewards?"

"Using us as cannon fodder is really a vicious scheming!"

Everyone said something to each other, and the words they said became more and more ugly, but Ji Lingxuan still didn't say a word, just stood there, not knowing what was thinking in her heart.

"Shut up!" At this moment, Luo Xiaowen finally couldn't help shouting.

"Wu Mengqi, don't use the heart of a villain to judge the belly of a gentleman. If Shen Haoxuan hadn't opened the way for us, how could we have come to the depths of the Linghuang's tomb! Besides, before entering the tomb, we have already agreed that life and death will depend on fate, Heaven, material and earth treasures are for those who are destined to get them, don't make it seem like everything in this tomb must be yours!"

"Hmph, even so, we lost a lot of manpower, and we can't go back empty-handed!" Wu Mengqi snorted coldly.

"Loss of manpower? If you hadn't triggered the mechanism in the hall rashly, how could we have been in danger, and how could we have lost manpower? Why do you put this on Shen Xiaodi's head!" Luo Xiaowen sneered road.


"Okay, stop arguing!" Yang Yu shouted in a cold voice, stopped the two women, and then stepped forward.

"Miss Ji, if Brother Shen hadn't led us in the wrong direction, we wouldn't have lost so many people. In this way, we don't want the treasures you got from the Linghuang Tomb. You just need to give what Shen Haoxuan got to you." Let's make up for it, so let's forget about it, and we can still be friends when we go out, how about it?" Yang Yu looked at Ji Lingxuan and said with a smile.

After listening to Yang Yu's words, Luo Xiaowen was furious, what did it mean that Shen Haoxuan led them the wrong way?What do you mean you can still be friends when you go out?How could he say such shameless words?
But just when she was about to "teach" Yang Yu, Ji Lingxuan finally spoke!
"I said, whoever dares to take a step forward, kill without mercy! You have crossed the line!" Ji Lingxuan's words had nothing to do with Yang Yu's suggestion, and after she finished speaking, she attacked Yang Yu with a real murderous aura.

"Hmph!" Sensing Ji Lingxuan's murderous aura, Yang Yu snorted coldly, and the aura of the eighth-level spiritual disciple erupted, and he and Ji Lingxuan were in a stalemate.

"Miss Ji, do you really not consider my suggestion? What's the point of following this trash? It's better to follow me. From now on, you will be prosperous and rich, and have no worries about food and clothing. How about it?" Yang Yu laughed naughtily.

"You talk too much nonsense!" Hearing Yang Yu say bad things about Shen Haoxuan, Ji Lingxuan was extremely angry in her heart, what she said was so cold that the surrounding air seemed to freeze!
"Since you don't know what's good or bad, then I have no choice but to force you. Don't blame me for being so cruel!" Yang Yu's face slowly darkened, and he rushed directly to Shen Haoxuan who was behind Ji Lingxuan, because he felt that Shen Haoxuan got it. Great treasure!
In fact, Yang Yu can be regarded as a delicate person. From the beginning just now, he noticed that Ji Lingxuan seemed to be protecting Shen Haoxuan from behind.When he put his gaze on Shen Haoxuan, he felt a surge of energy that made his heart palpitate. He concluded that this must be the inheritance of the Linghuang!That's why he made the request just now, and he doesn't care what others think, if he gets the inheritance of the Spirit Emperor, then his future achievements will definitely not be lower than the Spirit Emperor Realm, and by then, the entire Tianwu City will not be under his control bingo!
Thinking of this, Yang Yu accelerated his speed even more, and rushed towards Shen Haoxuan who was still awake like lightning.

"You dare!" Seeing that Shen Haoxuan was Yang Yu's target, Ji Lingxuan let out a coquettish cry, and appeared in front of Yang Yu in an instant, clenched her jade fists, and slammed at Yang Yu fiercely!

"Boom!" With a muffled sound, the two collided with each other, and their respective figures retreated backwards. However, Yang Yu only took two steps back. On the other hand, Ji Lingxuan took seven steps back to stop her body.

"Haha, haha, you actually have an extremely ice-type physique! Haha, what a blessing! If you and I have intercourse, then my physique will also undergo a qualitative leap, and it is not impossible to catch up with some ancient physiques! Coupled with the inheritance of the Linghuang, stepping into the peak of martial arts is just around the corner!" Yang Yu looked at Ji Lingxuan with fiery eyes, and laughed wildly.

"Humph!" Hearing Yang Yu's unbearable words, Ji Lingxuan snorted coldly, took a deep breath to suppress the churning Nine Netherworld Qi in her body, and then said coldly, "Come and try!"

"Hey, my little beauty, don't worry, I won't hurt you!" Yang Yu smiled lewdly, and then his figure turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Ji Lingxuan!

Seeing Yang Yu approaching, Ji Lingxuan also faced him directly. In order not to let him disturb Shen Haoxuan, Ji Lingxuan could only choose to fight Yang Yu head-on!
Both of them were very fast, and the next moment, the two figures collided, and a big battle broke out in an instant!

Both Yang Yu and Ji Lingxuan are not easy-going lamps. One is an eighth-level spiritual disciple, and the other is a fifth-level spiritual disciple whose strength does not match the appearance. Spreading around, circles of dust were stirred up, and the surrounding vision gradually became blurred.Everyone looked at the two people in the battle circle, and they were amazed.

However, as the battle progressed, Ji Lingxuan slowly fell below, and the Nine Nether Qi in her body took the opportunity to get rid of her suppression during the battle, and the gap in the Nine Nether Wheel's transfer became bigger and bigger due to the traction of the battle. A lot of Nine Nether Qi leaked out, and slowly, Ji Lingxuan couldn't suppress it anymore!

"Boom!" Another confrontation, this time, Ji Lingxuan was directly knocked down to the ground, Yang Yu's footprints were clearly visible on the lower abdomen, and the sweat on her forehead was frozen by the Nine Nether Qi in her body as soon as it oozed out, turning into ice Grains fall down!
"Cough!" Ji Lingxuan coughed lightly, with a painful expression on her face!At this moment in her body, balls of black mist floated around, the meridians, bones, organs, and even the aura in her body were frozen where they passed. Within a few minutes, the ice crystals directly penetrated the body, and her legs The ice layer above spread upwards at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the three thousand black hairs were already covered with frost, and the beautiful face was bloodless, looking very pitiful!
"Tsk tsk, my little beauty, you seem to be backlashed by the ice-type spiritual energy in your body, why? Do you want me to help!" Yang Yu said jokingly as he watched Ji Lingxuan whose body was slowly freezing.

"Hmph, Yang Yu! In my eyes, you are not even worthy of shining brother Haoxuan's shoes. Don't pretend to be a good person here!" Ji Lingxuan looked at Yang Yu weakly and said coldly. Almost speechless!

Hearing Ji Lingxuan's words, Yang Yu's face slowly darkened, looked down at Ji Lingxuan, and said in a dark voice: "I will show you how vulnerable the Shen Haoxuan you admire is! But before that, I still Enjoy your body!"

After all, Yang Yu's expression was ferocious, and he stretched out his hand to grab the clothes on Ji Lingxuan's body!

However, just when his hand was about to touch Ji Lingxuan's clothes, a black figure appeared in front of him instantly, and a pair of huge fists slammed towards Yang Yu's face fiercely with a hot breath!
The sudden attack caught Yang Yu off guard, and he could only stretch out his arms in front of him to block the blow!
"Boom!" With a loud noise, Yang Yu was directly sent flying by the punch, and stopped after rolling on the ground more than ten times!Immediately, an emotionless voice sounded: "You dare to touch my woman, do you want to live?"

(End of this chapter)

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