Chaos hegemony

Chapter 722 Three-Color Yanyang Explosion!

Chapter 722 Three-Color Yanyang Explosion!

In the sky, two figures, one red and one black, collided non-stop, and a huge roar kept ringing. Every time they collided, the whole space trembled violently, and a terrifying air wave spread around them. In the sky, no warriors dare to stand on it.

Standing on a towering tree, Shen Haoxuan looked solemnly at Huo Jingang and Shen Cheng who were fighting back and forth above the sky. At this moment, Shen Haoxuan had to admit that he could not intervene in a battle of this level. Just the aftermath of the battle, I may not be able to bear it, even though I have awakened the Chaos God Body three times, but in terms of hard power, I am still too weak!

Shen Haoxuan clenched his fists tightly, and throughout his training, he can only be called a real strong man when he reaches the level of Linghuang, and Shen Haoxuan has not taken this step until now, even if his current combat power is comparable to that of Linghuang level A strong man, but when encountering a real strong man, he can only run for his life, not to mention the Ling Emperor who surpassed the Ling Emperor.

"After solving the matter here, it seems that I must find a way to let myself break through to the Linghuang rank!" Shen Haoxuan secretly said in his heart.

In the sky, the fierce battle between Huo Jingang and Shen Cheng has entered a fierce stage, and neither of them can do anything to the other, and below, the fighters in the underground boxing market and the Ten Thousand Snake Cave can't bear their loneliness, and they are fighting fiercely with each other. At the same time, besides this, some of the surrounding warriors also saw anger, rolled up their sleeves and joined the melee. For a while, the entire Wanshe Mountain was in chaos.

Shen Haoxuan and Long Aotian were already three girls standing together and did not join the battle. The purpose of their visit this time was to rescue Xue Ling. Now that Xue Ling was rescued, there was no need for them to join the melee, but it was not long They will not show mercy to them if they attack them blindly, but Yafei alone will deal with anyone who dares to provoke them.

Shen Haoxuan raised his head, and deeply forgot to glance at Shen Cheng who was in a fierce battle with Huo Jingang in the sky. This time, the key to the battle between the two forces lies in Shen Cheng. If Shen Cheng is resolved, this war will also end. It will be the prelude, but if you want to solve Shen Cheng, unless there is another strong Lingdi, otherwise, no one can do it.

"Help me protect the law!" Shen Haoxuan narrowed his eyes slightly, besides the strong Lingdi, Shen Haoxuan has another way, if others can't do it, it doesn't mean he can't!
Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, the other four nodded their heads. They all knew that Shen Haoxuan was about to make a big move, so they jumped up and made room for Shen Haoxuan to drive away all the warriors around them. All the martial artists knew that these four people were not easy to provoke, so they obediently avoided the sharpness of these four people.

Shen Haoxuan took a deep breath, and then lightly moved his palm, the spirit seeds of the three great heaven and earth spirits in the Hongmeng small world slowly floated out, quietly suspended in front of Shen Haoxuan, and with the appearance of the three great heaven and earth spirits, the surrounding world The fire attribute spiritual power, the earth attribute spiritual power and the wood attribute spiritual power all began to riot, converging towards the three major spiritual species.

Looking at the three spirits of heaven and earth jumping in front of him, Shen Haoxuan directly held them in his hands. The solution Shen Haoxuan thought of was very simple, that is to use the fusion of three spirits of heaven and earth to form the Yanyang explosion!

Shen Haoxuan has never tried the Yanyang explosion formed by the fusion of three kinds of spirits of heaven and earth, because the fusion of two kinds of spirits of heaven and earth would already consume all the spiritual power and thoughts in Shen Haoxuan's body, and the fusion of three kinds of spirits of heaven and earth would not Dare to try, but if you want to open up this situation today, you have to go all out and try!
Shen Haoxuan took a deep breath, put away the distracting thoughts in his heart, then his gaze sank, and he slapped the three spirits of heaven and earth together.


The three kinds of heaven and earth collided together, and the docile spirits of heaven and earth immediately rioted, and the violent three-color energy spread out from the center of Shen Haoxuan, shaking the surrounding towering giant trees, and the leaves rustled and fell like It's raining.

"Bang bang bang..."

Dull exploding sounds continuously came from the palm of Shen Haoxuan's palm. The terrifying energy caused Shen Haoxuan's tiger's mouth to burst, and blood sprayed out instantly. The fusion of three kinds of spirits of heaven and earth is much more difficult than the fusion of two kinds of spirits of heaven and earth. Much, just for a split second, Shen Haoxuan felt that the spiritual power in his body was like opening a sluice to release water, and most of it disappeared in an instant.

Sweat was already dripping from his forehead, Shen Haoxuan didn't dare to slack off in the slightest, his mind was tightly focused on the three kinds of spirits of heaven and earth, his spiritual thoughts were poured into them crazily as if he didn't want money, and a trace of chaotic power was also mixed in Among them, the relationship between the three spirits of heaven and earth is reconciled.

With Shen Haoxuan's forcible fusion, the resistance between the three spirits of heaven and earth became stronger and stronger, but Shen Haoxuan forcibly stabilized them together, but the price Shen Haoxuan paid was not small, and the sea of ​​consciousness that had just recovered became dry again When he got up, a sense of dizziness came, which made Shen Haoxuan's eyelids feel extremely heavy.

Shen Haoxuan clenched his teeth and persisted. If he fainted now, the unformed Yanyang Explosion in his hand might destroy the entire Sin City!
Under Shen Haoxuan's insistence, the Yanyang explosion formed by the fusion of the three spirits of heaven and earth slowly took shape, and a destructive force took shape from Shen Haoxuan's hands!


At the moment when the Yanyang Explosion took shape, a terrifying explosion sounded, and the sky was covered with dark clouds, and three-color thunder fell from the sky, bombarding the Wanshe Mountain, directly blasting the top of the Wanshe Mountain, and everyone turned their eyes Looking in the direction where Shen Haoxuan was, his eyes were full of fear. In Shen Haoxuan's hand, a small three-color unicorn was slowly waking up.

At this moment, Shen Haoxuan's face became extremely pale, without the slightest trace of blood. Looking at the three-color unicorn beast in his hand, Shen Haoxuan felt a little palpitating in his heart. The fusion of these three spirits of heaven and earth formed a flaming explosion, and its power surpassed Shen Haoxuan's imagination.

Shen Haoxuan raised his head and looked at Shen Cheng above the sky. At this moment, Shen Cheng and Huo Jingang stopped fighting, because the energy coming from below made them feel palpitations. When Shen Cheng saw the little unicorn in Shen Haoxuan's hand, Suddenly, the hairs on his body stood up, and his brain felt numb.

"Go!" With a thought in Shen Haoxuan's mind, the little three-color unicorn turned into a stream of light, and attacked Shen Cheng like lightning. Seeing this, Shen Cheng turned around and ran away without even thinking about it. The energy contained in the beast has made him feel scared. If he is hit, there is only one end, and that is death!


Although Shen Cheng's speed was very fast, he was still caught up by the little three-color unicorn. Shen Haoxuan pinched the seal in his hand, and the little unicorn exploded under everyone's terrified eyes. It swept away and enveloped the entire Sin City...

(End of this chapter)

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