Chaos hegemony

Chapter 723 is over!

Chapter 723 is over!

The energy of one black, one yellow and one green dyed the entire world into these three colors. A terrifying energy storm descended from the sky, carrying thunder billowing in it, and its momentum was extremely frightening!
Huo Jingang swooped down from a high altitude at the moment when the three-color Yanyang exploded, and his body became huge, completely protecting the five of Shen Haoxuan under his body, and the terrifying energy storm poured down, Huo Jingang All of them resisted with their backs.

The whole world was trembling, and the spiritual power of the three attributes of fire, earth, and wood also rioted at this time, converging from all directions, forming a huge vortex of spiritual power, raging on the Ten Thousand Snakes Mountain, those poisonous snakes in this three Under this kind of spiritual power storm, they were smashed into powder in an instant, and some unlucky warriors were also swept away by this spiritual power vortex, and lost their lives in an instant.

I don't know how long the terrifying momentum lasted, and it finally dissipated slowly between the sky and the earth, but even if the terrifying three-color energy storm disappeared, the fire, earth, and wood attribute spiritual power in the entire space all changed. Extremely violent, I am afraid that this area will not be suitable for cultivation in the future!
Although the energy storm between heaven and earth dissipated, there was still a real buzzing sound in everyone's ears, and it couldn't stop at all. When everyone recovered from the terrifying energy storm, a sense of calamity rose in their hearts. For the rest of their lives, when the smoke cleared, they couldn't help but take a deep breath when they saw the scene in front of them, unable to recover for a long time.

At this time, what lay across in front of them was a huge deep pit. The deep pit was so big that they couldn't even see the edge of the other side with their eyesight. There was continuous water flowing into the deep pit. Snake Mountain, like a cake, was split from the top to the bottom of the mountain. At this time, only half of the mountain was left. The crack was as smooth as a mirror. Shen Haoxuan's attack actually changed the entire landscape of Wan Snake Mountain!
Standing on the edge of the deep pit, the legs of the warriors couldn't help trembling. The deep pit in front of them was only caused by the aftermath of the attack. Everyone couldn't imagine how terrifying the energy of the attack center would be!

"Where's Shen Cheng? Shen Haoxuan's attack seems to be aimed at Shen Cheng!" After reacting for a long time, everyone finally remembered Shen Cheng, and then looked up into the sky, but in the middle of the sky, there was a figure No, Shen Chengcheng seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

"Could it be that Shen Cheng was killed by Shen Haoxuan's attack just now?" Everyone looked for Shen Cheng's figure everywhere, but found nothing.

"No way. After all, Shen Cheng is a strong man at the Lingdi level. It would be unrealistic to kill him!" Everyone frowned.

"Do you dare to say that Shen Haoxuan's attack just now can be resisted by the strong Lingdi?" Someone retorted.

Hearing this warrior's words, all the warriors around fell silent. Indeed, Shen Haoxuan's attack just now, everyone really dare not say that Shen Haoxuan's attack just now against a strong man of the Lingdi rank can resist it, even with the overflowing energy The storm almost killed them. Even the strong Lingdi might have difficulty resisting it.

Everyone was whispering, and at this time, on the other side, Huo Jingang waited for the surrounding spiritual storm to calm down completely, and then slowly stood up straight. On his back, the scars that had been torn by the spiritual storm, Fortunately, Huo Jingang's recovery ability was astonishing, the scars on his back were disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the five of Shen Haoxuan were unscathed under his protection.

But now Shen Haoxuan's face is a little pale, if it wasn't for Ji Lingxuan and Yafei supporting him, he would probably have fallen to the ground and couldn't get up. The power of the three-color Yanyang explosion is indeed terrifying, but the consumption of Shen Haoxuan is not ordinary. , if it never happened once, Shen Haoxuan can't guarantee that he will use this three-color Yanyang explosion again.

"Huh..." Shen Haoxuan took a deep breath, and casually stuffed a few rejuvenation pills into his mouth, restoring the exhausted small world of primordial spirit.

Shen Haoxuan looked at the empty sky, and frowned slightly, Shen Cheng disappeared, it was not a good thing for him to say.

"Not dead?" Shen Haoxuan learned from Huo Jingang that Shen Cheng is still alive, and Huo Jingang is extremely sensitive to the breath of heavenly demons from outside the territory. At this time, he said that Shen Cheng is not dead, so Shen Cheng must still be alive, but Shen Cheng disappeared. , even Huo King Kong couldn't feel his breath anymore.

Thinking of this, Shen Haoxuan frowned even more. He originally thought that the explosion of the three-color flame would be enough to seriously injure Shen Cheng, or even kill him directly, but he still underestimated Shen Cheng and was escaped by him. He himself is a huge threat to the Shen family. If Shen Cheng survives, then the thorn in Shen Haoxuan's heart cannot be pulled out, and hidden dangers will eventually remain in the future.

"Don't worry, even if Shen Cheng survives this attack by chance, he is basically disabled, at least in a short period of time, he will not come out to make trouble again!" Yan Lao comforted Shen Haoxuan in his heart.

Hearing Yan Lao's words, Shen Haoxuan also heaved a long sigh of relief. What Yan Lao said was correct, this time Shen Cheng will not die but will also be disabled. As long as he improves his strength within this period of time, even if he meets Shen Cheng, he can solve him by himself. Thinking of this, Shen Haoxuan no longer struggled, and then, with the support of Ji Lingxuan and the other four, he walked towards the city of sin.

After Shen Haoxuan left, the warriors who survived on Wansnake Mountain were a little at a loss. Now that Shen Cheng has disappeared, the dragons in Wansnake Cave have no leader, and the warriors in the underground boxing market are invincible. No, there will be no Ten Thousand Snake Caves in Sin City in the future, and Sin City will be honored by the underground boxing market in the future!
The warriors in Ten Thousand Snake Cave didn't have any intention of resisting. Shen Cheng disappeared. Even if they resisted, they wouldn't be able to cause any trouble. In fact, they were more afraid of Shen Haoxuan. Now that Shen Haoxuan is still alive, if he angered Shen Haoxuan, Shen Haoxuan would come again. Hit, I don't even know how I died.

The warriors in Ten Thousand Snake Cave died, surrendered and surrendered. A big battle ended like this, and the underground boxing market became the biggest winner.

But at this time, there was a cold corner in Wansnake Mountain, and Shen Cheng's whole body was wrapped in pitch-black demonic energy. At this time, Shen Cheng had already lost his physical body, only his spiritual thoughts were left. If it wasn't for this demonic energy Because of this, Shen Cheng probably will die out of his wits, this time Shen Cheng was indeed abolished by Shen Haoxuan!

"Shen Haoxuan, it's you again! Next time, I will never spare you!" Shen Cheng looked at Shen Haoxuan's disappearing back, and said viciously, because of his anger, the devilish energy in his body was constantly churning.

"Cough cough..." A violent cough came from Shen Cheng's mouth. The injury suffered this time was too serious. Shen Cheng suppressed his heart and became angry instead. In a flash, it dived directly into the ground and disappeared...

(End of this chapter)

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