Chaos hegemony

Chapter 725 Leave!

Chapter 725 Leave!

After Yan Lao left, Shen Haoxuan suddenly felt a little empty in his heart, as if his energy had been taken away from his whole body, and he sat there blankly.

"Boss, it's not enough, Mr. Yan is gone, don't you still have me? Don't worry, I will never leave you!" Seeing Shen Haoxuan's appearance, the long hair came out of Shen Haoxuan's body and lay on his ear Bian comforted.

"Get out!" Hearing Changmao's disgusting comfort, Shen Haoxuan gave him a blank look, lifted him up and threw him aside, he just needed time to slow down, after all, he was indistinguishable from Yan Lao even now Open, I also regard Yan Lao as my grandfather, now that Yan Lao leaves, I will definitely feel a little sad.

Under the adjustment of Changmao, a living treasure, Shen Haoxuan quickly came out of the sadness, and then packed up his mood, put away the jade card that Yan Lao gave him, turned around and walked out of the room, Shen Haoxuan did not feel that Yan Lao left It should not be a fetter, but a kind of motivation. Shen Haoxuan believes that the next time we meet, he will definitely stand on top of the continent.

Walking out of the room, Long Aotian and the others were still waiting in the small courtyard. Seeing Shen Haoxuan coming out, Ji Lingxuan, Ya Fei and Xue Ling immediately greeted him, and began to greet Shen Haoxuan, seeing Long Aotian beside him With embarrassment on his face, he turned into a big light bulb!
"I'm fine, I'm fine!" It took Shen Haoxuan quite a long time to calm down the three girls, but the three girls saw that Shen Haoxuan was safe and sound, and their original worry turned into a grudge, making Shen Haoxuan's scalp tingle.

"Brother Shen, this is something from Supervisor Luo, take a look!" Just when Shen Haoxuan was embarrassed, Long Aotian handed over the two jade boxes that Luo Yu had sent over to help Shen Haoxuan out.

Seeing this, Shen Haoxuan hurriedly stepped forward to take the jade box and opened it. When he saw the eighth-level elixir and the simple token in the jade box, his heart was filled with ecstasy. The token was lost, but Luo Yu unexpectedly got it back for him. This is indeed a favor, and Shen Haoxuan remembered it in his heart.

"Sister Yafei, your eighth-level elixir!" Shen Haoxuan handed the eighth-level elixir to Yafei. With this elixir, the blood of the nine-tailed white fox in Yafei's body can be fully stimulated, and her strength will also increase. Great rise, at least no one will casually bully Yafei in the future. Even if a strong man at the Lingdi level wants to move against the forces of the four great beast families in Zhongdu, he has to weigh it carefully. In this way, Shen Haoxuan will at least not worried.

"Next, what are your plans!" Seeing Shen Haoxuan putting away the two jade boxes, Long Aotian asked immediately.

"Go back to Central Capital!" Shen Haoxuan said after a deep groan. Now that Xue Ling has been managed and rescued, it is meaningless to stay in Sin City. Another reason is that Shen Haoxuan needs to go to the headquarters of the medicine hall. Now Shen Haoxuan continues If you want to break through to the level of Linghuang, I am afraid that no one can help you except the medicine hall.

"When will you leave!" Long Aotian also nodded, it has been a while since he left Zhongdu, it's time to go back.

"It's not too late, let's go now!" Shen Haoxuan didn't hesitate at all, there was nothing he could miss in Sin City, and because of Shen Cheng's relationship, there was nothing worth remembering here.

Afterwards, Shen Haoxuan and his group directly found Luo Yu. Shen Haoxuan was still very grateful to the director of the underground boxing market, and because he retrieved the simple token for himself, Shen Haoxuan wanted to thank him.

"What, you guys are leaving?" After hearing Shen Haoxuan's plan, Luo Yu was also a little surprised. Originally, he wanted to share the things of Ten Thousand Snake Cave with Shen Haoxuan. After all, the underground boxing market was able to win the Ten Thousand Snake Cave, and Shen Haoxuan also contributed Indispensable.

"Yes, the person has been rescued, so we should leave too. As for those natural materials and earthly treasures, I don't want them anymore, just take it as a thank you for finding the elixir and token for me!" Shen Haoxuan chuckled and declined. Luo Yu's kindness.

"Okay, but it's a long way from here to Zhongdu. You need a flying beast, so don't be polite to me!" Seeing that Shen Haoxuan insisted on refusing, Luo Yu could only compromise now, but in the end he still gave it to him. He picked up a flying beast for Shen Haoxuan and his group, and personally watched the five of them leave.


Outside the City of Sin, the five of Shen Haoxuan stood on the back of the flying beast and headed towards the central capital.

"Director Luo really knows how to be a man, he actually gave you so many geniuses and treasures from Ten Thousand Snake Cave!" Long Aotian stood beside Shen Haoxuan, and said with a chuckle.

"They're all old foxes, otherwise, how could they survive in a place where people cannibalize people like Sin City!" Shen Haoxuan said lightly.

"Tch, you are not much better, let me tell you, they are old foxes, you are the ancestor of foxes, their scheming is not a bit worse than yours!" Long Aotian pouted and said.

"Why, do you want to learn from me? Call me master and I will teach you, how about it?" Shen Haoxuan looked at Long Aotian playfully and said.

"Hey, you little bastard, you were my younger brother when you were called in, but today you dare to tease my elder brother!" Long Aotian looked at the teasing look on Shen Haoxuan's face, and immediately said with a blank look on Shen Haoxuan.But just when Long Aotian was about to sarcasm Shen Haoxuan, he found that Shen Haoxuan's face turned cold, his eyes were fixed on the front, and a trace of killing intent erupted from Shen Haoxuan's body.

Seeing this, Long Aotian also put away his jokes, and looked forward following Shen Haoxuan's gaze. Not far away, more than a dozen flying beasts were quietly suspended in the mid-air, blocking the path of Shen Haoxuan and the others. blocked.

"A member of the dragon and scorpion family?" Long Aotian looked at the group of warriors, and frowned. The leader of the group of warriors, Long Aotian, was very familiar with him, and he was Xie Yan who was almost beaten to death by Shen Haoxuan that day.

"Hmph, I finally made me wait until you came out. I thought you would hide in Sin City like turtle sons!" Anyone can hear the resentment in the tone. The eldest young master of the dragon and scorpion family was beaten up by Shen Haoxuan in front of representatives of many forces, and even his ability as a man was disabled. This bad breath, How could Xie Yan swallow it, if he didn't eat Shen Haoxuan's meat and drank Shen Haoxuan's blood, Xie Yan would never stop.

Shen Haoxuan glanced at Xie Yan and those martial artists indifferently, without the slightest expression on his face. Among these people, the strongest one has not reached the eighth-level Linghuang. Ya Fei alone is enough to handle them, but Shen Haoxuan has no intention of Ya Fei's hands were dirty, and with a thought, a hot gust of wind flashed in front of him, and Huo Jingang suddenly appeared in front of Shen Haoxuan.

"Kill, don't leave one behind!" This time, Shen Haoxuan didn't have the slightest soft-heartedness, but when he heard Shen Haoxuan's order, the scarlet runes on his body lit up, and immediately shot towards Xie Yan and the others...

(End of this chapter)

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