Chaos hegemony

Chapter 726 Medicine Pond?

Chapter 726 Medicine Pond?

There was no suspense in the battle. At the moment when it started, the five of Shen Haoxuan ignored it and let the flying beast continue to fly forward. After only a moment, Huo Jingang returned to the back of the flying beast, with a trace of evil spirit on his body , blood and torn clothes stuck to his body, making Huo Jingang look like a demon god.

"Hmph, is it the dragon and scorpion clan? When I go back, I must show my father, who is so courageous, who dares to use the banner of my Qinglong clan to bluff outside!" Long Aotian snorted coldly, and said extremely dissatisfied.

Hearing Long Aotian's words, Shen Haoxuan knew that the so-called dragon and scorpion clan was over, and if he got involved with Long Aotian, the young patriarch of the Qinglong clan, the dragon and scorpion clan was destined to have no good results, so Xie Yan pretended in front of Long Aotian. Dude, when Long Aotian was a dude, Xie Yan was probably still in his fucking stomach!
The crowd quickly forgot about this little episode, talking and laughing to pass the boredom of the journey.Five days later, everyone finally saw the shadow of Zhongdu.

"Phew...he's finally back!" Long Aotian let out a long breath, compared to the oppressive and bloody city of sin, there is more or less fireworks in the city, which looks more friendly.

Entering Zhongdu, after Shen Haoxuan entrusted the three daughters to Long Aotian, he went straight to the medicine hall. Now that the strength improvement is imminent, Shen Haoxuan really can't wait.

Rushing into the medicine hall, the alchemists in the medicine hall saluted respectfully when they saw Shen Haoxuan coming. Shen Haoxuan's performance in the alchemy battle had already reached the level of the deputy head of the medicine hall. Alchemists naturally have to salute.

"Where is Hall Master Medicine?" Shen Haoxuan asked a Dan boy casually, with an anxious expression on his face.

"The hall master is in the Houshan Medicine Garden!" Seeing Shen Haoxuan's rushing expression, Xiao Dantong said quickly, the moment Shen Haoxuan finished his words, the Shen Haoxuan in front of him had disappeared, and the speed of this little Dantong's return for a long time But gods.

"Master of the Medicine Hall! Master of the Medicine Hall!" Shen Haoxuan rushed into the medicine garden, shouting like Yao Wuchen from a long distance, and ran behind him leaving behind a gust of wind, if the surrounding medicine fields were not protected by formations, I'm afraid it will all be destroyed.

"Slow down, ouch, slow down, my hundred-year-old ganoderma grass! Don't step on it, don't step on it, it's my hibiscus flower!" Seeing Shen Haoxuan rushing towards him, Yao Wuchen's face changed drastically, and he kept shouting, Shen Haoxuan every time Every step is stepping on his heart!
Fortunately, Shen Haoxuan also knew the preciousness of these elixir, although the speed was very fast, but he avoided those elixir skillfully, and that Yao Wuchen was just worrying in vain.

"I said you boy, why did you become reckless when you went out!" Yao Wuchen distressedly lifted up the elixir that was blown down by the strong wind hanging brought by Shen Haoxuan, and said with a resentful face.

"Hey, that Hall Master of Medicine, I have something to ask you!" Shen Haoxuan scratched his head and said with some embarrassment.

"What's the matter?" Yao Wuchen asked.

"I want to break through to the level of the Spirit Emperor!" Shen Haoxuan took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"Why don't you ask me if you want to break through to the Linghuang rank, with your talent, you will definitely be able to break through to the Linghuang rank within a year!" Yao Wuchen said casually, continuing to fiddle with the elixir in his hand.

"Master Yao, you're mistaken. What I mean is, I want to break through to the level of the Spirit Emperor right now. I can't wait for a year. I still have a lot of things to do, and I want to break through in the shortest time." You are the only one in the Eastern Region who can break through to the level of the Spirit Emperor!" Shen Haoxuan said sincerely.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Yao Wuchen stopped what he was doing, turned around, fixed his eyes on Shen Haoxuan and said: "You should know that the only way to practice is to keep your feet on the ground and take one step at a time. There is no shortcut at all!"

"I know, but you get what you sow, you get as much as you put in, there are always shortcuts, but not everyone can take them!" Shen Haoxuan looked at Yao Wuchen expectantly and said.Indeed, there have always been shortcuts, like Shen Haoxuan, who by devouring the spirit of heaven and earth, jumped directly from an ordinary person to the level of spirituality in just three or four years. This is a shortcut, but not everyone has the ability Those who can devour the spirit of heaven and earth, the pain they must endure cannot be expressed in words.

This time, Shen Haoxuan approached Yao Wuchen because Yan Lao told him before he left that if he wanted to break through to the Linghuang rank in a short time, he had to come to the medicine hall, and Yao Wuchen would definitely help him, although I don't know how Yao Wuchen will help him, but Shen Haoxuan knows that Yan Lao will not lie to himself.

Looking at the look of expectation in Shen Haoxuan's eyes, Yao Wuchen also froze in place for a while, not knowing what to say, a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes, it took a long while before Yao Wuchen came back to his senses, and said: "I do have a way to help you break through to the Spirit Emperor level in a short period of time, but it requires you to pay a huge price. If you can't bear the failure, there is only one consequence, death! Are you sure you want to try ?"

"Sure!" Shen Haoxuan agreed almost without the slightest hesitation, Shen Haoxuan even endured the pain of refining the spirit of heaven and earth, so he was afraid of such a small test?

"Okay, the medicine hall has a medicine pond, which has been cultivated by the medicine hall and the four great beast families for hundreds of years. The medicine hall and the four great families will often put some rare medicinal materials or other genius treasures into it, and even There are also medicinal materials of the holy rank. The energy contained in it has been hard to imagine for a hundred years. It was originally prepared for the outstanding geniuses of the younger generation in Zhongdu. No.1, it is not impossible for you to open it up!" Yao Wuchen introduced to Shen Haoxuan.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan nodded. He didn't expect that the medicine hall and the four great beast families would jointly create such a treasure land. The energy needed to break through to the Spirit Emperor is astonishingly large. It would take a long time to accumulate, or use some With the help of the medicine pool of the medicine hall, he might really be able to break through to the level of the Linghuang.

"When can we start?" Shen Haoxuan asked with some expectation.

"Wait a few days, because the medicine pool is not owned by our medicine hall, and we have to seek the opinions of the other four great beast families, but don't worry, with the support of the Qinglong family and the Xuanwu family, it is imperative to open the medicine pool Yes!" Yao Wuchen chuckled lightly, and assured Shen Haoxuan that the medicine pool was owned by the Medicine Hall and the Four Great Beast Families, and as long as the three parties agreed, the medicine pool would definitely be opened!
"Then I'll wait for the good news from the medicine hall!" Shen Haoxuan nodded, and then left the medicine hall...

(End of this chapter)

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