Chaos hegemony

Chapter 73 Repel!

Chapter 73 Repel!

Shen Haoxuan was covered with black flames, like a wolf entering a flock of sheep, a large number of men in black fell down instantly, and Shen Haoxuan also found that these men in black seemed to be afraid of the black flames on their bodies, as if they had encountered a natural enemy!
The man in black at the spirit level was no match for Shen Haoxuan. Soon, Shen Haoxuan joined the battle of several elders. The elders who were under tremendous pressure instantly relaxed and looked at Shen Haoxuan in disbelief.

Two years ago they were still laughing at Shen Haoxuan as a waste who could not cultivate, but today, two years later, Shen Haoxuan's outburst of fighting spirit even shocked them!However, they also felt a little lucky, fortunately, they didn't quarrel with Shen Haoxuan to the point of breaking away from the family, otherwise the Shen family would be in danger today!

"Several elders went to appease the clansmen, leave this place to me!" Shen Haoxuan said without looking back at the three black-clothed five-level spiritual disciples in front of him.

"Haoxuan, can you do it?" The elders were a little worried, after all, there were three of them.

"Leave it to me!" Shen Haoxuan raised the corner of his mouth confidently and said.

"Hmph, what a bold tone!" Seeing that Shen Haoxuan was going to resist three people with his own body, he snorted coldly.

"The tone is not loud, you will know if you try it!" Shen Haoxuan smiled lightly, and then the fire spirit obsidian in the panacea in his body exploded again, black flames rose up from Shen Haoxuan's body, and kept beating with Shen Haoxuan's aura , A terrifying high temperature also spread around him centered on him!
Feeling Shen Haoxuan's oppressive aura, the faces of the three men in black were a bit ugly, and they were shocked in their hearts. The aura that Shen Haoxuan erupted at this time did not have the aura of a sixth-level spiritual disciple, which was already close to a ninth-level spiritual disciple. Beyond, is this still human?

"Don't be surprised, the fun is just beginning!" Shen Haoxuan looked at the shocked three people, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then his body disappeared in place!
The moment Shen Haoxuan's figure disappeared, the three of them felt a sense of crisis coming, and immediately stood back to back in a triangle shape.

As soon as the three of them took their positions, Shen Haoxuan appeared in front of one of them, and his fist wrapped in black flames brought a scorching wind to the face of the man in black!
"Here!" Feeling the terrifying temperature, the man in black exclaimed, and then the three joined forces to resist Shen Haoxuan's fist.

"Boom!" With a muffled sound, the three of them fell back a few meters under Shen Haoxuan's punch, leaving a long gully in the ground.

"Damn it, what kind of flame is this!" The three of them didn't have time to calm down the churning blood in their bodies, and wanted to extinguish the black flame on their arms, but no matter how hard they tried, the black flame not only showed no signs of extinguishing, but burned even more vigorously up!

"Chi Chi..." In the end, a stream of black air emerged from the three men in black to envelop the black flame. After a burst of hissing, the black flame was finally extinguished, and a stench of scorching permeated the air.

After losing a few strands of black energy, the aura of the three men in black was somewhat decadent. Seeing this situation, Shen Haoxuan understood a lot in his heart. It turned out that these black energy was their source of strength!
"Why, are you all so capable?" Shen Haoxuan played with the black flame in his hands, and said playfully as he watched the three of them slumped.

"Stinky boy, don't be arrogant, let's see how we deal with you!" The three men in black snorted coldly, and then puffs of black air flew out of the three of them and gathered above their heads.

"The magic snake goes out to sea!" Following the three people shouted loudly, the black air turned into a poisonous snake, twisted its body and flew towards Shen Haoxuan, the place where the black snake passed stirred up dust, and the cold breath was unbearable Want to shudder!
Seeing this ferocious black poisonous snake, Shen Haoxuan licked his lips with fiery eyes, and said, "This is what makes it interesting!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Haoxuan put on a punching posture, and the black flames all over his body gathered towards his right fist.

"Heaven-shattering Kill!" When all the black flames gathered in his right fist, Shen Haoxuan's body rushed towards the black poisonous snake like a cannonball.

"I don't know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth!" Seeing that Shen Haoxuan was about to confront the black poisonous snake head-on, the three men in black sneered.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the next moment, the black poisonous snake collided with Shen Haoxuan, and the terrifying air wave directly lifted the roofs of the surrounding houses, and even uprooted the weeds and trees!
Next, the three men in black seemed to have seen something unbelievable, and they all looked at the place where Shen Haoxuan collided with the black poisonous snake with horror on their faces.

There, Shen Haoxuan turned into a sharp sword, directly piercing the black poisonous snake from head to tail!The pierced black poisonous snake turned into a cloud of black air again, before the three of them recalled it, the black flame on Shen Haoxuan's fist directly purified it!

And after piercing through the black snake, Shen Haoxuan's offensive continued unabated, and his sandbag-sized fist directly blasted at the three men in black who had been severely injured!
"Pfft..." Before the fist arrived, the wind of the fist went first, and the three of them were flying blood under Shen Haoxuan's attack. The black blood was evaporated by the black flame before it landed, emitting a stench!
At this time, the three men in black were very miserable, one of them died directly, and the pupils of the remaining two were wide open, still not reacting from the shock just now, the black flames slowly rose above their bodies, and soon engulfed them and go.

Not far away, Mr. Shen and the leader in black, who were fighting fiercely, stopped in tacit understanding when they heard the movement here. When they saw the situation here, their faces were full of disbelief!

However, the two reacted differently, Mr. Shen was overjoyed, Shen Haoxuan's strong appearance directly resolved the crisis of the Shen family, not only that, but also caused the other party to lose three martial artists of the spirit apprentice level!
When the leader of the man in black at the spirit general level saw the three corpses, the anger in his eyes was about to burst out. This time, he thought that he would completely drive the Shen family into the abyss and make him never stand up again!But this boy who appeared suddenly broke his plan and caused him to lose a few generals, so he can't explain to the adults this time!
However, the situation is not good for him now, the leader in black snorted coldly, turned around and rushed outside Shen's house, a strong spirit general wanted to leave, but no one could stop him yet.

Seeing the black-clothed leader leave, Shen Haoxuan still wanted to catch up, but was stopped by the old man: "Don't chase after the poor, let's see our losses first!"

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan could only glance unwillingly at the direction in which the black-clothed leader was escaping, and then waited for the guard's report.

After a while, a guard stepped forward and clasped his fists and said, "Patriarch, due to the timely appearance of Master Haoxuan this time, the guards of the Shen family were basically slightly injured, and the only loss was those houses. !"

After hearing the guard's report, Old Man Shen looked at Shen Haoxuan and said with satisfaction: "Haoxuan, this time is thanks to you!"

"Grandpa, anyway, I am also a member of the Shen family, this is what I should do!" Shen Haoxuan scratched his head and said.

"Haha, it's Grandpa's birthday, let's go, let's go back to the conference hall to discuss and discuss! After today's battle, compared to those men in black, it will be quieter for a while." The old man glanced at the messy Shen family gate and said.

"After today's battle, compared to those men in black, it will be quiet for a while, and the hunting competition in Qingshan City will soon be seen. At that time, people from the three major sects will come, let them help to see if they can find out who is behind the scenes! "The old man said a little tiredly.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan could only remain silent. The purpose of these men in black was the Shen family's final decision. As for asking the three major sects to find the mastermind behind the scenes, Shen Haoxuan felt a little unreliable, and he had to rely on himself for this kind of thing!

(End of this chapter)

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