Chaos hegemony

Chapter 74 Breaking Through Tier 7!

Chapter 74 Breakthrough to the Seventh Order!

After dealing with the matters in the front yard, Shen Haoxuan returned to his own courtyard.Seeing that Shen Haoxuan came back safely, Aunt Xue and Ji Lingxuan breathed a sigh of relief, and after a brief understanding of the situation, they were relieved.

Afterwards, as Shen Haoxuan said, the men in black did not come to attack the Shen family, it was as if they never existed!The Shen family returned to its former peace.

One day, Shen Haoxuan was sitting cross-legged on the bed and closing his eyes to practice, when a black shadow flashed in from the window and landed on Shen Haoxuan's shoulder.

"How is it? Did you find it?" After the black shadow fell, Shen Haoxuan opened his eyes and asked.

"No, that breath is well hidden, I can't feel its existence anymore!" Hei Ying shook his head and said.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan frowned.It turned out that after that night, Shen Haoxuan sent Chang Mao to look for the man in black, but after two days, there was still no news.These people in black are like a thorn in Shen Haoxuan's heart, Shen Haoxuan does not allow any hidden dangers that could threaten the safety of his family!
"You still can't think of any news about the man in black?" Shen Haoxuan looked at Changmao and asked, he remembered that Changmao said that it was very familiar with the breath of the man in black!
"I can't think of it, I just keep a part of my memory, maybe I will recall it when I find the main body!" Changmao said helplessly. "

"Alas..." Shen Haoxuan sighed, and communicated to Old Yan in his heart: "Old Yan, I can only trouble you a lot with this matter, pay more attention to the situation of the Shen family, and tell me immediately if there is anything abnormal!"

"No problem, it's on me!" Old Yan replied happily.

This is the best solution Shen Haoxuan can think of at the moment. Now that the Qingshan City Hunting Contest is approaching, he must put all his thoughts on it. He needs to continue to practice to improve his strength, and he must also defeat Zuo Chuan to defend his dignity!
In the next half month, Shen Haoxuan began to practice crazily!He locked himself in the room, and even Ji Lingxuan couldn't see him a few times. If he couldn't clearly feel the gradually stronger aura in the room, Ji Lingxuan would have thought that something had happened to Shen Haoxuan!
Time always flies by during cultivation, and half a month has passed in the blink of an eye. On this day, Ji Lingxuan came to the door of Shen Haoxuan's room as usual to check on Shen Haoxuan's condition.

When she came to Shen Haoxuan's door, she felt that the breath in the room became unstable, becoming stronger and weaker.Sensing this, Ji Lingxuan's expression brightened, this is a sign of a breakthrough!
Sure enough, the next moment, a huge vortex of spiritual power formed on Shen Haoxuan's roof, and the surrounding spiritual power rushed towards Shen Haoxuan in the center of the vortex like a flood.

"Huh la la..." The spiritual sea in the dantian within the body began to expand under the infusion of external spiritual power, slowly filling up seven tenths of the entire dantian, black flames churning in it, very strange!
Soon, the dantian could not accommodate the external spiritual power, and these spiritual power began to flow to Shen Haoxuan's meridians, and the bones surged, wave after wave, one after another, washing the internal organs of his body like a wave, and a wave of saying no The feeling of comfort made Shen Haoxuan couldn't help moaning!
When the last drop of spiritual power from the outside world seeped into Shen Haoxuan's body, the originally closed eyes suddenly opened, two light-like lights flashed, and a breath of turbid air was exhaled from the mouth, and the body instantly relaxed a lot!
"Seventh-level spiritual disciple!" After feeling his own strength, Shen Haoxuan smiled with satisfaction.Now that he has broken through to the seventh-level spirit disciples, coupled with the Chaos Divine Body and the Fire Spirit Obsidian, he can deal with the ninth-level spirit disciples calmly, and he can still survive if he meets a strong man of the spirit general level. !

"Zuo Chuan, just wait!" Shen Haoxuan was full of fighting spirit, he wanted to pay back all the humiliation he suffered two years ago!

After sorting out his mood, Shen Haoxuan opened the door. Outside the door, Ji Lingxuan was looking at him with a smile.

"Congratulations to brother Haoxuan for advancing again!" Ji Lingxuan said sweetly.

"Haha, but I still can't catch up with you!" Shen Haoxuan chuckled. He found that although he had broken through to the seventh-level spiritual disciple, he still couldn't feel Ji Lingxuan's strength, which proved that Ji Lingxuan's strength was far superior to his!
Thinking of this, Shen Haoxuan felt a sense of defeat. He thought that his cultivation speed was already against the sky, but he still couldn't keep up with Ji Lingxuan's pace.

"Boy, you don't need to underestimate yourself. The background of this little girl is beyond what you can imagine now! If you really like her, then work hard, you will one day surpass her family You have to believe that you have this strength!" Yan Lao said in his heart.

"Of course!" Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan straightened his chest again, a burst of confidence spontaneously emerged!

Feeling the self-confidence emanating from Shen Haoxuan, Ji Lingxuan was fascinated by it, but then she immediately came back to her senses, and said with a flushed face: "Brother Haoxuan, when you were practicing, Grandpa came to see you several times, saying that he had something important to do with you. You discuss it, but seeing that you haven't left the customs, I don't dare to disturb you, so hurry up and go there now!"

Seeing Ji Lingxuan whose pretty face turned red inexplicably, Shen Haoxuan couldn't hold back for a moment and even kissed her. Then, without waiting for Ji Lingxuan's reaction, he quickly ran to the front yard, leaving Ji Lingxuan alone in the wind.

Shen Haoxuan came to the front yard and went straight to Mr. Shen's study.

After seeing Shen Haoxuan, the old man was stunned for a moment!Half a month ago, Shen Haoxuan had just broken through to the sixth-order spiritual disciple, and now he has broken through to the first-order within half a month. This is a terrifying speed of cultivation. Thinking back then, it took him a whole year to break through!
"Grandpa, what do you want from me?" Shen Haoxuan asked directly when he saw the old man in a daze.

"Oh, it's nothing. The hunting competition in Qingshan City will start in only ten days. At that time, the envoys from the three major sects will come to select disciples. I think you will definitely be selected because of your talent! But just in case , you still have to be careful, after all, there is still a gap between you and Zuo Chuan, the genius disciple of the Linghe Sect. I have a list of people participating in the hunting competition here, please take a look!" After finishing speaking, Mr. Shen threw a scroll Gave it to Shen Haoxuan.

After receiving the scroll, Shen Haoxuan opened it and saw hundreds of names listed on it. It seems that the recruitment of disciples from these three sects is still very attractive to these ordinary warriors!
Shen Haoxuan scanned them one by one, and most of the contestants were below the fifth-level spirit disciples, but there were a few that surprised Shen Haoxuan.

"Ge family, Ge Jian, eighth-level spiritual disciple, good at swordsmanship! Liu family, Liu Yu, ninth-level spiritual disciple, good at body skills! City Lord's Mansion, QH ninth-level spiritual disciple..." Shen Haoxuan has heard of these people, but still One person's label is very strange.

"No name, unknown strength, unknown skill, unknown origin..." All his information is unknown!
"This person...?" Shen Haoxuan was a little puzzled.

"I don't know either. It stands to reason that contestants must report their own strength and source, otherwise they will not be eligible for the competition, but this person has appeared on the roster, which is unpredictable!" Mr. Shen shook his head and said. , he himself is also very strange!
"It seems that this hunting competition is not easy!" Shen Haoxuan said in a low voice while supporting his chin.

"However, this time I will be the champion!"

(End of this chapter)

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