Chaos hegemony

Chapter 750 Blood Fiend Alliance!

Chapter 750 Blood Fiend Alliance!

Chapter 751: "Torture"

"Tell me, how far have you guys gone?" Shen Haoxuan pulled the chair forward and sat in front of Wang Zhang and the others, but he didn't have the slightest intention to make them stand up.

Standing behind Shen Haoxuan, Xue Ling saw Shen Haoxuan's arrogant and domineering appearance, and couldn't help but want to laugh out loud. Shen Haoxuan's move was too powerful, because he had been in contact with Fallen Valley a lot, and Shen Haoxuan knew The way of doing things in the Fallen Valley is to first take out the token of the elders of the Fallen Valley that he got from Ning Qi to disguise his identity. He took the right to speak in his own hands, and then used force to coerce Wang Zhang to feel afraid of himself, and finally threw out the Fallen Valley. Wang Zhang had no doubts about Shen Haoxuan's identity, and he used it later. Wang Zhang's identity made others believe that a very simple psychological trick was played by Shen Haoxuan to such a good effect.

At this time, the three of Wang Zhang knelt in front of Shen Haoxuan, did not dare to raise their heads, and said in a trembling voice: "We have pushed the Five Elements Sect to a dead end, but the Five Elements Sect was once the strongest in the Southern Region. Even if we are unable to break through the gate array for a while, unless we find the opening of the array, but we can do nothing in this regard."

"Hmph, what a bunch of trash!" Shen Haoxuan heaved a long sigh of relief when he heard that everyone in the Five Elements Sect was safe and sound, but there was a trace of sullen expression on his face, and he hummed coldly .

"My lord, we have really tried our best, but the formation of the Five Elements Sect is left over from the ancient times, and we can't find its weakness!" Wang Zhang and the three said with wry smiles.

"But don't worry, my lord. We have already arrested several disciples of the Five Elements Sect. They wanted to sneak out to ask for help, but they were stopped by us. After careful interrogation, we will be able to find out the weakness of the Five Elements Sect's formation. !” Zhang Xiong said flatteringly.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan's heart skipped a beat. The disciple of the Five Elements Sect was actually caught by the Blood Fiend League, and his face became gloomy. He looked at Wang Zhang and the three of them and said, "It's up to you? Hmph, it's the year of the monkey, take me Go, I will interrogate myself!"

"Ah, my lord, leave this kind of rough work to us!" Hearing that Shen Haoxuan wanted to interrogate himself, the three of Wang Zhang were a little surprised.

"Stop talking nonsense and lead the way. I don't have time to wait for you!" Shen Haoxuan said impatiently, then stood up and walked straight out. Seeing this, Wang Zhang and the three looked at each other and hurriedly followed.

Under the leadership of Wang Zhang and the others, Shen Haoxuan soon came to the outside of a pitch-black tent. He opened the tent and walked in. Two disciples dressed in Five Elements Sect costumes were hanging in mid-air, between their chests. There is also a word "Yao" embroidered on it.At this time, several martial artists from the Blood Fiend League were whipping the two disciples of the Five Elements Sect, and the blood on their clothes was dyed bright red.

Seeing this scene, Shen Haoxuan was angry from the heart, and then stepped forward, two sharp sword qi flashed out suddenly, directly across the necks of those warriors, before they could react, they were The heads are separated!

Looking at the suddenly angry Shen Haoxuan, Wang Zhang and the others couldn't recover for a while.

"It's really a bunch of trash. How can we get information after beating people to death?" Shen Haoxuan glanced at the headless corpses on the ground, and said coldly. A martial artist came in and quickly accompanied the corpses on the ground.

Shen Haoxuan slowly came to the two Five Elements Sect disciples, looking at the scars on their bodies, Shen Haoxuan felt a little guilty, he arranged the Shen family members to the Five Elements Sect, originally thought it would be a perfect hiding place, but unexpectedly It actually brought such a big disaster to the Five Elements Sect.

"Hmph, Fallen Valley, I will definitely make you pay the price you deserve!" Shen Haoxuan secretly gritted his teeth in his heart.

Shen Haoxuan suppressed the emotions in his heart, now he is the elder of the Fallen Valley in disguise, and Wang Zhang and the other three are still at the side, so he must not reveal his secrets.

Shen Haoxuan looked at the two people who were dying, and said lightly: "You two, I will give you a chance to survive, but unfortunately, only one of you can leave here alive, whoever tells the five elements sect first Where is the formation eye, I will let anyone die, and now I will give you ten breaths of time to think about it, and after ten breaths, I will get my answer, otherwise, you will all die!"

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, the eyes of Wang Zhang and the three of them brightened. Shen Haoxuan's method of extorting a confession is really ingenious. It completely exploits the dark side of people's hearts. If one of them speaks first, the other will die. No one can guarantee whether the other party will harm him in order to survive. Once there is a conflict between the two, it will be much easier to pry their mouths open.This method is much better than their torture to extract a confession. As long as the opponent's bones are hard enough to extract a confession by torture, nothing can be pried out of their mouths. As expected of the elders from the Fallen Valley, they are so sharp when they make a move.

The two Five Elements Sect disciples also looked at each other, then spat at Shen Haoxuan and said: "Do you really think we will be fooled by you? You don't want to get any information from us, even if we are both dead, I will never speak!"

Shen Haoxuan looked at the two disciples of the Five Elements Sect in front of him who regarded death as home, and smiled brilliantly. As expected of the disciples of the Yao Sect cultivated by Shui Ruolan, their bones are hard.

The next moment, the smile on Shen Haoxuan's face suddenly subsided, and in an instant he came in front of one of the disciples, dragging his head up with one hand, and a cold voice sounded in the tent: "You think you don't talk about me? Wouldn’t you know? Don’t forget that there is another secret art in this world, called Soul Searching Art!”

As soon as Shen Haoxuan's voice fell, a terrifying spiritual thought erupted from Shen Haoxuan's sea of ​​consciousness. In the next instant, the tent above his head exploded, and a strong wind raged around, making all the warriors of the Blood Fiend Alliance Looking in the direction of Shen Haoxuan in horror.

Wang Zhang and the others also looked at Shen Haoxuan's back in shock, they didn't expect this elder from Fallen Valley to have such terrifying spiritual thoughts.

Shen Haoxuan's huge spiritual thoughts rushed towards the sea of ​​consciousness of the Five Elements Sect disciple, and the Five Elements Sect disciple's expression became ferocious, looking extremely happy. After a while, the Five Elements Sect disciple rolled his eyes and completely lost his vitality Afterwards, Shen Haoxuan did the same to another Five Elements Sect disciple, and the two disciples were instantly "beheaded" by Shen Haoxuan.

"Ling'er, get rid of the corpse!" Shen Haoxuan clapped his hands and said casually, then slipped two pills into Xue Ling's hands without any trace.

Xue Ling took the elixir, picked up the two corpses expressionlessly and walked out...

(End of this chapter)

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