Chaos hegemony

Chapter 751 "Torture"

Chapter 751 "Torture"

Chapter 752:
"Hey, you don't need to worry about this kind of unlucky work, just leave it to us!" Seeing that Xue Ling was about to pick up the two corpses, Wang Zhang stepped forward and said with a smile.

"Don't worry about it, I have these two corpses for use!" Shen Haoxuan stepped forward, stopped Wang Zhang directly, and then nodded at Xue Ling, who picked up the two corpses and walked out.

Looking at Xue Ling's back, Wang Zhang smiled awkwardly, and then ignored them, they were just two corpses. It is said that the elders in Fallen Valley like to refine corpses into dolls. As long as Shen Haoxuan is happy, let him take them again. Why not.

"That...Elder Ning, have you found out the eyes of the Five Elements Sect's protective formation?" Wang Zhang approached and asked, while Zhang Xiong and Niu Chong also looked at Shen Haoxuan expectantly.

"Go gather people and prepare to attack the Five Elements Sect tomorrow. This time, we will definitely take them all down!" Shen Haoxuan said calmly with his hands behind his back.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, the faces of Wang Zhang and the three were happy. In this way, they knew the location of the Five Elements Sect's protective formation, and the three of them admired Shen Haoxuan even more. Shen Haoxuan couldn't solve the problem that they couldn't solve in a month. It will be resolved in 10 minutes. After the people from the Five Elements Sect are completely eliminated tomorrow, their mission will be completed, and they will be rewarded by the Blood Fiend Alliance at that time, so they don't have to travel around to be tired.

Thinking of this, the three of Wang Zhang immediately went out to gather their manpower, and the whole camp became lively in an instant.

Shen Haoxuan was arranged in a big tent, and after Wang Zhang and the others left, Shen Haoxuan immediately summoned Changmao, handed a kit to Changmao, and said: "Go and give this kit to Ruolan, She'll know what to do!"

Chang Mao, who got the kit, nodded, and then disappeared in place in a flash.After the long hair disappeared, Shen Haoxuan sat on the dress, frowning tightly, as if he was thinking about something, after a while, Shen Haoxuan had a thought, Huo Jingang also appeared in front of Shen Haoxuan, Shen Haoxuan whispered a few words in Huo Jingang's ear In other words, Huo Jingang also turned into a stream of light and left quietly.

After Huo Jingang left, Shen Haoxuan's expression eased a lot, then he looked in the direction of the mountains and forests, and murmured: "I don't know what's going on with Xue Ling?"

In the mountain forest, Xue Ling came to a cave with two "corpses" in her arms. After making sure that there was no one behind her, she put the two on her back on the ground, and then stuffed the pills given to her by Shen Haoxuan into their mouths .

"Cough cough..."

The two elixirs entered the entrance. The two corpses, which were originally pale and lifeless, suddenly coughed. The closed eyes slowly opened and the expressions in the eyes slowly recovered. After taking the two elixirs, they had already " The two who died" came back to life again.

It turns out that Shen Haoxuan didn't attack these two Five Elements Sect disciples at all, and he couldn't do it either. Wang Zhang and the three were there just now, and Shen Haoxuan was just putting on a show, using his powerful spirituality to suppress the consciousness of these two disciples. Hai and dantian were all sealed, making them appear in a state of suspended animation, trying to save them after hiding from Wang Zhang's eyes.

The two disciples of the Five Elements Sect watched him come back from the dead with disbelief on their faces, and looked at Xue Ling with some doubts, hoping to get something from Xue Ling.

"Go back to the Five Elements Sect to heal your injuries first. You have done a good job this time. Yaomen is proud to have disciples like you!" Xue Ling looked at the two wounded Five Elements Sect disciples and said lightly, These words were taught by Shen Haoxuan, with Xue Ling's cold personality, how could she say such words.

"You...why did you save us?" Both of them looked at Xue Ling with some doubts and asked. In the tent just now, this woman was obviously with the man who "killed" them, and the blood The attitude of those people in Shameng was extremely respectful to the person who wanted to "kill" them just now. These two people didn't know why that person wanted to save themselves.

"Because he is the master of your Yao Sect, Shen Haoxuan!" Xue Ling said lightly.

Hearing Xue Ling's words, the two disciples of the Five Elements Sect froze in place, and then their faces became fanatical. The master of the Yao Sect is a legendary existence in the Five Elements Sect, except for the core disciples of the Yao Sect. In addition, I haven't seen the master of Yaomen yet!
The two disciples of the Five Elements Sect were excited for a while, and left under Xue Ling's gaze. Xue Ling returned to the tent of the Blood Fiend League after completing the task.

"What's the matter?" Shen Haoxuan asked anxiously as he watched Xue Ling come back.

"Going back, it's just that they were a little excited when they heard your name!" Xue Ling looked at Shen Haoxuan curiously, she really wanted to know what happened to Shen Haoxuan in the Five Elements Sect, which made two disciples who had never met so excited.

"That's good, let's wait for tomorrow's show!" Shen Haoxuan let out a long sigh of relief, and then sat down cross-legged, waiting for the arrival of the next day, while Xue Ling stood quietly Beside Shen Haoxuan, he was fiddling with his hair.


At this time, in the Five Elements Sect, Chen Yu and Shui Ruolan gathered in the meeting hall, and Mr. Shen was not absent.The atmosphere in the conference hall was a bit heavy, everyone's brows were full of sorrow, and their faces looked extremely ugly.

"Sovereign, the Blood Fiend Alliance is attacking us more and more fiercely. If this continues, even if they don't need to find the eyes of the sect-protecting formation, they can still destroy our sect-protecting formation!" Shui Ruolan said in a deep voice. Said.

At this time, Shui Ruolan's brows are tight, and she hasn't seen her for a few years. Shui Ruolan has become more succulent, and she has also become an elder of the Five Elements Sect. Zimo and Long Zhenlongmo are also like this. It is still under the name of the Five Elements Sect, but 80.00% of the disciples in the sect have joined the Yao Sect. It can be said that the Five Elements Sect is the world of the Yao Sect.

"These grandsons, let's go out and fight them to the death. Even if we die, I will hold them back!" Zi Mo slammed the table and shouted, his face was full of anger, he couldn't stand this kind of suffocation He was wronged, and he was surrounded and beaten. If he had been in the past, he would have rushed away.

"Don't act impulsively. The Blood Fiend Alliance came too suddenly. It seems that the opponent's purpose is not simply to destroy my Five Elements Sect. They seem to have another purpose. Before we figure it out, we can't be impulsive!" Long Mo said in a deep voice. .

Hearing Long Mo's words, everyone nodded, and Zi Mo could only smash the table angrily, without saying a word.

"It's just what the other party's purpose is? I really can't figure it out!" Shui Ruolan rubbed her aching head and said, the Five Elements Sect now has nothing that can make Xue Fiend What are they all about?
"Oh, it would be great if Shen Haoxuan was here, with his mind, he can definitely guess the other party's intention!" Chen Yu said with a long sigh.Hearing Chen Yu's words, everyone's faces were also a little gloomy, and the atmosphere became more serious.

"Tsk tsk tsk, a small Blood Fiend Alliance made you do this, I really disappoint the boss!" Just as everyone was depressed, a banter sounded in the conference hall, making everyone's spirits immediately excited ...

(End of this chapter)

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