Chaos hegemony

Chapter 782 Changes in the Southern Territory!

Chapter 782 Changes in the Southern Territory!

When everyone in the Southern Region was arguing because of Xue Chengtian's death, in the Five Elements Sect, Shen Haoxuan and Shui Ruolan were quietly recuperating. This time, almost no one would have thought that they did this. Yes, everyone is pointing their finger at Huanhuazong and Guiyuanzong, which Shen Haoxuan guessed a long time ago.

Two days later, the Five Elements Sect finally welcomed its first guest, Zi Yuexi from Ziluo Palace.

After arriving at the Five Elements Sect, Zi Yuexi went straight to Yaomen headquarters without saying a word, and directly blasted out Shen Haoxuan and the others who were recuperating. When seeing the paleness on the faces of Shen Haoxuan and the others, Zi Yuexi His eyes were even brighter.

"You did what Xue Chengtian did!" Zi Yuexi stared at Shen Haoxuan and asked.

"Haha, as expected of Ziluo Palace, you guys have discovered such a secret thing!" Shen Haoxuan laughed, and he didn't hide anything, because Zi Yuexi is also his partner, if there is no Zi Yuexi, It is simply impossible to pull out so many strongholds in the Fallen Valley!

"Hiss..." Zi Yuexi couldn't help but take a deep breath when she heard Shen Haoxuan's agreement. Although she was mentally prepared, she was still a little shocked when she heard it, because they killed the Lingdi class. Another strong man!

Zi Yuexi was very curious. Powerhouses other than the Spirit Emperor rank belonged to those standing at the top of the pyramid, whether they were in the Southern Region or the Northern Region. Shen Haoxuan even summoned four or five Spirit Emperor powerhouses, and directly joined forces to kill them. Killed, I really don't know what Shen Haoxuan did, the Lingdi powerhouse really kills as soon as he says it!

However, the stronger Shen Haoxuan is, the happier Zi Yuexi is. This proves that her bet is correct, Shen Haoxuan is indeed worthy of their help, and Shen Haoxuan will definitely lead them to the entire continent in the end!

"Now that Xue Chengtian of the Blood Fiend League is dead, the only remaining Spirit Emperor powerhouse of the Blood Fiend League is the one sent by Fallen Valley, but since Xue Chengtian is dead, the Blood Fiend League has nothing to use. The value of the price, the Lingdi powerhouse in the Fallen Valley should evacuate, and the matter of you pulling out the Fallen Valley to build a stronghold in the Southern Region will also be sent back to the Fallen Valley headquarters!" Zi Yuexi said lightly.

"Can you get the route for the Fallen Valley Spirit Emperor to leave the Southern Region?" Shen Haoxuan asked after hearing Zi Yuexi's words.

"Ah?" Asked by Shen Haoxuan, Zi Yuexi was stunned. What did Shen Haoxuan mean? Would he want to attack the Spirit Emperor of the Fallen Valley?
"Well...forget it, with my current state, I still won't go, anyway, I will return to Fallen Valley sooner or later!" Shen Haoxuan scratched his head and said.

"However, if the owner of the Fallen Valley knows the news that the Southern Region stronghold has been destroyed, he will definitely send someone to investigate. If the Five Elements Sect is found, that would be wonderful!" Zi Yuexi said with a frown.

"It doesn't matter, he can't find out about the Southern Region, and he doesn't need to, because I want to go to the Fallen Valley myself!" Shen Haoxuan waved his hand and said indifferently.

"Go to the Fallen Valley in person?" Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Zi Yuexi couldn't help but even Shui Ruolan and the others were stunned. They all knew the enmity between Shen Haoxuan and the Fallen Valley, what Shen Haoxuan meant by saying this , Isn't it going to kill the Fallen Valley directly?
"I've dragged on this hatred for too long. If I don't get rid of it, I don't have much interest in cultivation, and I have more important things to do, so I can't waste time on Fallen Valley!" Shen Haoxuan's eyes A fierce light flashed, the enmity in the Fallen Valley must be resolved as soon as possible, and after the matter of the Fallen Valley is settled, Shen Haoxuan has to go to the Imperial Capital of the Central Region, but he remembers that Ji Lingxuan said that before the strength of the Spirit Emperor, one cannot step on God Du, now that my strength has broken through to the Linghuang, it's time to go to the imperial capital. My mother is trapped in the imperial capital Murong's house!
"However, before going to Fallen Valley, we still need to get rid of the hidden threats in the Southern Region!" Shen Haoxuan said lightly.

Hearing this, Zi Yuexi nodded. She naturally knew what the potential threats Shen Haoxuan was talking about were the Illusion Sect and the Guiyuan Sect. After all, these two were the only ones in the entire southern region that could pose a threat to the Five Elements Sect. With power, Shen Haoxuan's trip to the Fallen Valley this time is also a near-death situation, so Shen Haoxuan will not leave any trouble for himself.

"Here are some materials of the Illusion Sect and the Guiyuan Sect. Let's see what you can use!" Zi Yuexi threw the two scrolls to Shen Haoxuan and said, in fact, here are some of the most basic materials of the Illusion Sect. Super sect, there are many handles that even Zi Luogong can't catch, but Zi Yuexi wants to believe that Shen Haoxuan can find some useful things from it.

Shen Haoxuan took the scrolls and began to read them very quickly. Soon, Shen Haoxuan's brows were tightly wrinkled, because these two scrolls were all basic information, and there was nothing useful about them.

Shen Haoxuan slowly closed his eyes, and began to recall the information on the scroll in his mind. Soon, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Although these things are only the most basic, sometimes some essential things Things are also expressed from these most basic information.

Shen Haoxuan took out a scroll casually, drew on it, and handed it to Zi Yuexi. Looking at the series of plans on the scroll, Zi Yuexi gradually became shocked. Unexpectedly, Shen Haoxuan was able to start from such a basic Zi Yuexi found so many flaws in his things, from this scroll, Zi Yuexi saw that the two super powers of Huanhuazong and Guiyuanzong were like women who had taken off their clothes, standing in front of her without any cover.

"Then you just wait for the good news. Within half a month, the vitality of these two sects will definitely be seriously injured, and they will never pose any threat to the Five Elements Sect again!" Zi Yuexi vowed, Zi Luogong not only They are just collectors of intelligence, and they are extremely good at using some information. After mastering the information, it is too easy to provoke a battle between the two forces!
Zi Yuexi left, and Shen Haoxuan and Shui Ruolan entered the secret room again to heal their wounds. Not long after, the Southern Territory boiled again. They were also involved, and the three major factions fought fiercely. As a result, after half a month of melee, the ancestors of Guiyuanzong and Huanhuazong both died in battle, and most of the disciples in the sect were also killed or injured. The two sects have completely become mortal enemies, and the Blood Fiend League is even more miserable. After losing the leader of Xue Chengtian, they were sandwiched between the Huanhua Sect and the Guiyuan Sect. What's up.

After this great battle, the Southern Territory has completely calmed down this time, and the situation has undergone tremendous changes. The Five Elements Sect has unknowingly become the biggest giant, which makes everyone a little speechless...

(End of this chapter)

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