Chaos hegemony

Chapter 783 Northern Territory, my chapter is here!

Chapter 783 Northern Territory, I'm Back!
There was an uproar outside the southern region, and Shen Haoxuan, who was the instigator of all this, was sitting cross-legged on the scarlet flame spirit vein, practicing penance. After a battle in Xue Chengtian, Shen Haoxuan felt the barrier in his body A little loose, and now he came under the Chiyan spiritual vein with abundant spiritual power, ready to make a breakthrough.


Below, the torrential ocean of spiritual power was constantly tumbling, and Shen Haoxuan sat cross-legged on the ocean of spiritual power, carefully feeling the changes in the spiritual power in his body.

A moment later, with a thought in Shen Haoxuan's mind, the spiritual power in his body began to revolve around the exercise route of Chaos Batian Jue, and a trace of devouring power was released from his pores, and the spiritual power surrounding him seemed to be affected by it. It was like a traction, surging towards Shen Haoxuan's body.


With the influx of those spiritual powers, the devouring power in Shen Haoxuan's body became more and more powerful. In the blink of an eye, the devouring power became extremely huge, and a huge vortex with Shen Haoxuan as the center was above the spiritual power ocean. form.

The spiritual power ocean below was also pulled, and the calm spiritual power ocean began to riot, and the spiritual power water column rushed towards Shen Haoxuan's body frantically.

Seeing this, Shen Haoxuan seemed to be conscious, and the purple-black flame rose up, turning into a curtain of fire to wrap Shen Haoxuan in it, and when the thick water column of spiritual power touched the curtain of fire around Shen Haoxuan, there was a chirping sound In the blink of an eye, the spiritual power water column, which was originally several feet wide, was refined into the thickness of an arm, and then poured into Shen Haoxuan's body.

With the influx of those spiritual powers, Shen Haoxuan's aura was slowly increasing, slowly approaching the peak of the first-order Linghuang, and constantly trying to break through that barrier.

"Boom boom boom..."

Shen Haoxuan consciously controlled the dragon of spiritual power in his body, and kept hitting the barrier of the second-order spirit emperor, and circles of spiritual power ripples erupted from Shen Haoxuan's body, making the ocean of spiritual power below become even more violent.

However, under Shen Haoxuan's crazy impact, the originally tough barrier began to loosen a little, and a trace of cracks appeared on the barrier, and soon the cracks spread like a spider web, and finally broke with a loud bang open.

At the moment when the barrier was shattered, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but let out a long roar due to an indescribable sense of comfort. A terrifying aura erupted from Shen Haoxuan's body, and the powerful air wave blasted out a huge wave of spiritual energy below him. It took a long time to recover from the deep pit.

"Phew... finally the second-order spirit emperor!" Shen Haoxuan clenched his fists, felt the huge spiritual power in his body, and couldn't help but smile with satisfaction at the corner of his mouth.

In a blink of an eye, Shen Haoxuan left Chiyan Lingmai, and the turmoil in the southern region had gradually calmed down. When Shen Haoxuan returned to Yaomen headquarters, Zi Yuexi was also having a good chat with Shui Ruolan in the lobby. Since Shen Haoxuan Since cooperating with Zi Yuexi, the two women seem to have changed their previous temper, instead of bickering, they have a lot of common topics, as if they met each other and hated each other late.

"You are finally back!" Seeing Shen Haoxuan's appearance, Zi Yuexi chuckled, but when she felt the aura emanating from Shen Haoxuan's body, she couldn't help being a little surprised that Shen Haoxuan had actually broken through to the second-order Spirit Emperor. It's really scary!

"Why, what news did you bring?" Shen Haoxuan asked casually beside Zi Yuexi.

"As you wish, both the Illusion Sect and the Guiyuan Sect are already seriously injured at this time, and they will pose a threat to the Five Elements Sect within at least ten years, and the sects in the entire Southern Territory that have the strong Lingdi are only left with the Five Elements." Zong and our Ziluo Palace, of course those strong hermits are not counted, so you Five Elements Sect regained the position of the overlord of the Southern Region again!" Zi Yuexi briefly recounted to Shen Haoxuan what happened during this period.

"There is another piece of good news. The Blood Fiend Alliance seemed to be seeking explanations among the Guiyuan Sect and the Illusionary Sect during that time, but it was also involved. It has almost been wiped out now. This is a surprise!" Zi Yuexi continued.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan also nodded. Guiyuanzong and Huanhuazong were fighting each other, and now it is no longer a climate. Indeed, there is no longer any sect in the southern region that threatens the Five Elements Sect. What a surprise!
"Then what's your plan next?" Zi Yuexi continued to ask.

Hearing Zi Yuexi's question, Shen Haoxuan chuckled and said, "Of course I'm going to the Northern Territory, but before that, I need your help, I need your eyeliner in the Northern Territory to spread my news , it is best to let Fallen Valley know."

"What, spread your news?" Zi Yuexi exclaimed. The power of the Fallen Valley in the Northern Territory is well known, and even the power in the Southern Territory will be a little afraid of it, let alone the power of others. The base camp is here, and Shen Haoxuan might be stopped halfway and killed before he reaches the Fallen Valley.

"I know what you are worried about, but don't worry, with my current strength, if the Fallen Valley doesn't send a strong Spirit Emperor, I won't be able to keep me, but if the other party only sends a strong Spirit Emperor, then I will I don't mind cutting off a few more hands and feet of the Fallen Valley!" Shen Haoxuan said with a sneer, the release of his own news is just a bait, if the Fallen Valley sends a strong Spirit Emperor, Shen Haoxuan can go if he can't beat him, if he sends a strong Spirit Emperor , Shen Haoxuan will definitely make Fallen Valley regret it.

"Okay!" Zi Yuexi also understood what Shen Haoxuan meant, and nodded immediately, but she finally said: "The strength of the Fallen Valley is very strong. If you can't match it, you can flee back to the Southern Region, no matter how long his hands are." , you have to restrain yourself a little bit in the Southern Region!"

"Understood, after I leave, the Five Elements Sect will be handed over to you Ziluo Palace to take care of!" Shen Haoxuan nodded and said, after all, Changmao and Fire King Kong will be taken away when I leave this time, and the Five Elements Sect is still in the development stage, so we cannot If something goes wrong, it is the wisest choice to leave it to the Purple Palace.

"Don't worry, with me in Ziluo Palace, no one can hurt a disciple of the Five Elements Sect!" Zi Yuexi assured.

Hearing Zi Yuexi's words, Shen Haoxuan nodded in satisfaction, and then he exited Yaomen and walked towards the courtyard where the Shen family members lived. Naturally, he learned that he would call Mr. Shen about the matter of going to the Northern Territory for revenge.

After Mr. Shen heard Shen Haoxuan's decision, he only told Shen Haoxuan to be careful, and did not stop Shen Haoxuan. After all, this matter has been on the hearts of everyone in the Shen family for more than a year. If it is not resolved, I'm sorry The dead members of the Shen family!

Shen Haoxuan left, took Xue Ling, Changmao and Huo Jingang with him, and rushed towards the Northern Territory.

"North Territory, I, Shen Haoxuan, are back again, Fallen Valley, are you ready to meet my wrath?"

(End of this chapter)

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