Chaos hegemony

Chapter 787 Breaking into the tower again!

Chapter 787 Breaking into the tower again!

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to be alive!" Xue Bitian snorted coldly, his face was a little cold, but there was no sense of alienation in his tone, and he walked towards Shen Haoxuan slowly.

In fact, Xue Bitian had some feuds with Shen Haoxuan. At the beginning, Xue Bitian attacked Shen Haoxuan, and even fought against Ouyang Shaoyu, but he disdained Ouyang Shaoyu's plots and tricks, and always wanted to defeat Shen Haoxuan from the front , but before he started in the ancient desert city, he saw Ouyang Shaoyu after Shen Haoxuan exploded and killed the mutation with all his strength. You must know that Ouyang Shaoyu had already reached the peak of the Spirit Emperor at that time, and Shen Haoxuan was only a spiritual phase. Don't, Xue Bitian dispelled this idea since then, just kidding, he wanted to fight against geniuses, but he never fought against perverts, and Shen Haoxuan was one of those perverts!
"Our accounts haven't been settled yet, how could I die, and I also hope to have a hearty fight with you!" Shen Haoxuan said with a big laugh, although he didn't have a good impression of Xue Bitian, But in the ancient desert city, there is a big change, at least he won't give up his partner, this makes Shen Haoxuan appreciate it very much.

"Okay, I'm also looking forward to a fight with you!" Xue Bitian frowned, looking at Shen Haoxuan with piercing eyes, his eyes were full of fighting spirit, he would not take the initiative to provoke Shen Haoxuan, but if Shen Haoxuan invited him, he would He also won't avoid battles, no matter how strong Shen Haoxuan is, as a genius, he can't lose his arrogance, and challenging the strong is what he should do.

Looking at the two men with rising fighting spirit, the disciples of the Tiangang Sect around were a little dumbfounded. Xue Bitian was a martial idiot in their eyes, and his personality was extremely cold. When communicating with others, it is said that they are afraid of wasting their own cultivation time, but today they accept the challenge of a person they have never met. It seems that the two of them chatted happily.

"Who is this, who can be treated like this by the elder brother!"

"It seems that he is not a disciple of our Tiangang Sect, I have never seen him before!"

"Even if it's the other three masters of the Northern Territory, they won't let the senior brother treat them like this!"

For a while, the warriors around were all curious about Shen Haoxuan's identity. They were all new disciples and had never seen Shen Haoxuan before. In addition, Shen Haoxuan hadn't stayed in the Tiangang Sect for a long time, so those who knew him Few people.

"Why, what do you want to do today?" Xue Bitian asked Shen Haoxuan, ignoring the whispers around him.

"It's nothing, I haven't come to break into the pagoda for a long time, come and try!" Shen Haoxuan raised his head and looked at the pitch-black pagoda, his eyes filled with a trace of fiery color.

"Oh, you want to break into the tower too?" Hearing this, Xue Bitian's eyes also burst into light, and he also wanted to see how much Shen Haoxuan's strength would skyrocket after disappearing for a year.

"Why, do you want to compare?" Shen Haoxuan looked at Xue Bitian and said with a light smile.

"I wish for it! But you also saw it just now, my limit is the No.11 floor, you should try it too!" Xue Bitian responded.Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan nodded, and then walked towards the pagoda of the Buddha.

Looking at Shen Haoxuan's back, the warriors around were dumbfounded again. This kid actually dared to provoke their senior brother. He had a little affection for him just now, but now that trace of goodwill is gone. Challenge their senior senior brother, it is beyond self-control .

When Shen Haoxuan entered the pagoda, the familiar feeling of dizziness came again. When Shen Haoxuan came back to his senses, he had already entered the inner space of the pagoda.

"This place is still white, Shen Haoxuan's goal is the top floor, and he already has a good understanding of the situation in the pagoda, so he didn't hesitate at the moment, took a step forward, drew out the guardian, and solved it in an instant.

Shen Haoxuan's speed is very fast, and the first to eighth floors are almost all solved by one move. When he first came to the pagoda, he needed to activate the unicorn arm. Now his strength has greatly increased. With only his own physical strength, he can directly rush to the first floor. eight floors.

Outside the Futu Pagoda, those disciples of the Tiangang Sect looked at the red light spot whose speed was comparable to that of the blood swallowing the sky, and were speechless for a while. If they could rush to the eighth floor at this speed, the other party must be a Linghuang The strong man, such a young Linghuang strong man, needless to say, he is a supreme genius!

"Do you think he will rush to the top floor directly?" A warrior asked cautiously.

"Impossible, even the eldest brother can't make it up, and I'm afraid only those who have reached the level of the Ling Emperor can make it to the top!" The surrounding disciples whispered.

"Can the strong Lingdi rush to the top floor?" Xue Bitian laughed at himself, he didn't think so, he broke through the No.11 floor, and he is the most qualified to say such a thing, the guardian strength of the No.11 floor Even if they have already reached the peak of the Linghuang, their combat power is not much weaker than that of the first-order Lingdi, let alone the No.12 floor and the top thirteenth floor. Xue Bitian sometimes feels that this pagoda is simply It is used to play tricks on people, how can any disciple be able to reach the level of Emperor Ling so quickly, or even a higher level, not to mention disciples, even those elders are impossible!
While everyone was discussing, Shen Haoxuan had already drawn out the guardian of the eighth floor, who was still the old man he had seen before.

"The inheritor of the Chaos Divine Body, we meet again!" The old man looked at Shen Haoxuan and said with a smile.

"Hi senior!" Shen Haoxuan bowed in return.

"That's right, your strength has also improved a lot, and you are qualified to rush to the top floor, let's go!" said the guardian.

"Senior, I want to ask, what is that thing on the top floor?" Shen Haoxuan was a little curious.

"Go up, and you will know!" The guardian said with a chuckle, but did not answer Shen Haoxuan's question, and then his figure flashed, and it turned into a stream of pure purification power, rushing into Shen Haoxuan's body.

"Huh... It seems that I have to find the answer by myself!" Shen Haoxuan shook his head helplessly, and then looked up. More than a year ago, the coercion from the ninth floor made him feel irresistible, but A year later, he can no longer feel this coercion, and his own strength has grown too much!

Shen Haoxuan's figure flashed, and he stepped directly onto the ninth floor.


As soon as he stepped on the ninth floor, a figure slowly appeared in front of him. Hao Ran is the guardian of a powerful Spirit Emperor!Looking at this guardian, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but smacking his lips. He didn't expect that the span between the eighth floor and the ninth floor would be so large, and the guardian's strength would directly increase by a big level, but it's just the spirit emperor powerhouse, isn't it? Shen Haoxuan's opponent!

Thinking of this, Shen Haoxuan licked his lips, and then his figure flashed, and he went straight to meet him...

(End of this chapter)

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