Chaos hegemony

Chapter 788 Abnormal Speed!

Chapter 788 Abnormal Speed!

The violent sword intent condensed in front of Shen Haoxuan, and in an instant, Shen Haoxuan's whole body turned into a sharp long sword, attacking the guardian, the fierce wind seemed to split the space.


Shen Haoxuan's speed was extremely fast, and he came in front of the guardian in an instant, and the long sword condensed with sword intent in his hand slashed at the guardian's head.

The guardians here are not the ordinary spirit emperor powerhouses from the outside world, these guardians survived from ancient times, and their fighting consciousness is still reserved. The moment Shen Haoxuan drew his sword, the guardians' bodies were thrown backwards , Shen Haoxuan's sharp one brushed against the tip of his nose.

After dodging Shen Haoxuan's blow, the guardian's body unexpectedly bent over in mid-air, his legs pinched towards Shen Haoxuan's neck, and the fierce retreat forced Shen Haoxuan to raise his arms to resist.


A muffled sound sounded, and Shen Haoxuan's body was directly kicked into the air by the guardian. The guardian's strength was stronger than imagined, and Shen Haoxuan couldn't bear it for a while.

The moment Shen Haoxuan was kicked away, the guardian followed closely behind him. It was obvious that the guardian's combat experience was also extraordinary, definitely not comparable to those second-rate Linghuang powerhouses!

Sensing the fierce aura following closely behind him, Shen Haoxuan sneered. It seems that the guardians on this level are quite strong, but they underestimated themselves too much. How dare they follow up without any scruples?
After the sneer, Shen Haoxuan's uncontrollable body suddenly stopped, and the next moment he disappeared in the same place, yes, he just disappeared without any sign, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived at the guardian's side On the other hand, the guardian has not yet reacted at this time, and his body still maintains this forward posture.

"Go down for me!" Shen Haoxuan roared, and swung his right fist suddenly. Purple-black flames poured out from the fist, and bombarded the guardian's body heavily. The body was like a sandbag, and it hit the ground fiercely, and purple-black flames shot out, illuminating the snow-white space into purple-black.


The purple-black flame raged for a while, and finally calmed down. The snow-white ground has now turned into purple-black. A huge depression also lies in front of Shen Haoxuan, and the one lying in the depression is the guardian , a huge crack spread from under the guardian. On the guardian's chest, a bowl-sized wound pierced through directly. There were still some purple-black flames lingering on the body. Shen Haoxuan's punch , actually seriously injured the guardian of the spirit emperor rank directly!
The milky white purification power slowly wrapped the guardian's body, the purple-black flame began to extinguish slowly, and the wound piercing the body was also slowly recovering. After a while, all the scars on the guardian's body recovered. It looked like nothing happened.

"Huh?" Shen Haoxuan was also a little surprised when he saw the guardian who had recovered as before. He didn't expect that the purification power could even purify his purple-black flame. You must know that the purple-black flame was condensed by the three great spirits of heaven and earth. It's done, but Shen Haoxuan also felt it, the aura on the guardian has obviously weakened, it seems that his attack is not ineffective!

"Hmph, let's see how many attacks you can block me!" Shen Haoxuan snorted coldly, and then shot towards the guardian again. In the milky white space, a purple-black streamer continuously hit the guardian. .


After more than a dozen rounds, the guardian finally couldn't bear Shen Haoxuan's stormy attack, and exploded with a bang, turning into countless pure purification powers, which poured into Shen Haoxuan's body.

After solving the guardian, Shen Haoxuan rushed to the tenth floor without the slightest hesitation. At this time, the warriors outside became tense, Xue Bitian also clenched his fists, and he also broke through the tenth floor It's just that I have to deal with serious injuries to get rid of the guardian. I don't know what kind of performance Shen Haoxuan will have.

However, the next moment, Xue Bitian's face changed, because the spot of light represented by Shen Haoxuan hadn't stayed on the tenth floor for more than a minute, and it just flashed and rushed to the No.1 floor. !

At this time, Xue Bitian regretted coming to watch Shen Haoxuan break into the tower. This is simply a shock. You must know that he stayed on the tenth floor for half a day, and he barely passed through with serious injuries. Dead man!

However, Xue Bitian's complexion quickly returned to normal. The No. 11th floor guardian is a strong man at the peak of the Linghuang. Even in the hands of the guardian, he can't do a single move. I don't know if Shen Haoxuan can still do it. create a miracle.

At this time, Shen Haoxuan was already standing in the space on the No.11 floor. In front of him, a woman with a fiery figure was looking at him with a smile.

"Women?" Shen Haoxuan was a little helpless, why in the end, all the ones who came out to guard were women?I vaguely remember that when I was in Wanjianzong, the suzerain who appeared at the end was also a woman.

"You are the second disciple to break in here, and you are also a handsome young man!" The fiery woman tapped her seductive red lips with her fingers, her smile trembling wildly, seeing the corners of Shen Haoxuan's mouth twitching, the guardian , It's too weird.

Although the guardian moved lightly, Shen Haoxuan felt an extremely strong pressure from her body. The woman in front of her was definitely not simple.

"Is he that scary? Look at you!" Seeing Shen Haoxuan's vigilant expression, the guardian said bitterly.

"But you are much more interesting than that little boy just now, why don't you play with your sister?" The woman hooked her fingers to Shen Haoxuan, and cast a charming wink at Shen Haoxuan.

Looking at the guardian, Shen Haoxuan's scalp became numb for a while, and he couldn't help but slander: "Sister? You probably don't even know how long you have lived. You have been wronged by being my grandma, and you are still my sister?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm here to challenge you, not to recognize your relatives, either you get out of the way and let me go up, or I kill you, I go up by myself, you choose!" Shen Haoxuan said coldly, he didn't want to Waste of time here.

"Yo, you have a very hot temper. Okay, I'll give you a chance. If you can beat me, I'll tell you what's on it!" The guardian was still smiling, but the next moment, her expression It suddenly became gloomy, because Shen Haoxuan, who was standing not far away, suddenly came in front of her with a flash attack.

"You talk too much nonsense!" Shen Haoxuan didn't show any sympathy at all, and directly hit the guardian's head with his huge fist.


(End of this chapter)

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