Chaos hegemony

Chapter 84 The power of Tyrant Tribulation!

Chapter 84 The power of Tyrant Tribulation!

Following Zuo Chuan's furious roar, the huge palm that covered the sky and the sun came crashing down, and the terrifying air wave directly crushed the bluestone slabs on the competition platform into powder, the whole earth began to vibrate, and the smoke and dust filled the entire square in an instant superior!

"Boom boom boom..."

"Da da da……"

The roar rang in everyone's ears, accompanied by the sound of broken stones falling to the ground.Everyone in the square looked at the competition stage, dumbfounded, speechless in shock.

At this time, the fighting arena has disappeared, leaving only a raised platform full of cracks. The platform is covered by smoke and dust, and circles of air waves spread outward from the platform, making people look down on the situation on the platform.

"Is this the all-out attack of the spirit general? It's terrifying!" The people in the audience still felt a little scared when they thought of the power just now!
"Oh, that kid is also a good seedling, it's a pity that he just fell like this!" Jian Wuxin said with some regret as he looked at the dilapidated martial arts arena.Rose Fairy at the side also nodded in agreement. To be able to draw a tie with a first-level spirit disciple at the seventh-level spirit disciple, the talent is indeed terrifying!

"Hmph, against my Spirit Crane Sect, this is the consequence!" He Yiming said with a cold snort.

The sloppy old man also shook his head, the disappointment in his eyes flashed, and then he closed his eyes again.

Under the stage, everyone in the Shen family was full of sadness. Shen Haoxuan is the hope of the Shen family. If he falls, the blow to the Shen family will not be ordinary!Old Man Shen was shocked even more, the look in his eyes disappeared, and he almost fainted to the ground. Fortunately, Ji Lingxuan supported the old man by the side.

"Grandpa, don't worry, brother Haoxuan is fine!" Ji Lingxuan said calmly.

Hearing Ji Lingxuan's words, Mr. Shen was shocked, and asked incredulously, "What? Haoxuan is okay?"

"En!" Ji Lingxuan nodded heavily. Isn't it the best proof that she can stand here so calmly now?
But at this time, on the competition stage...

"Huhu..." Zuo Chuan panted heavily, staring at the place where Shen Haoxuan was standing without blinking, but now the place has turned into a deep pit, and Shen Haoxuan's figure is nowhere to be seen!
But at this time Zuo Chuan didn't feel the joy of defeating his opponent at all. Instead, he looked at the deep pit with a serious face, and a sense of crisis lingered in his heart.

"Boom...!" Suddenly, a loud noise came from the deep pit, and a black figure slowly appeared!

"What's going on?" The sudden noise made everyone unable to recover, and they looked at the competition stage with puzzled faces!
"Bang..." There was another muffled sound, and a wave of air rushed out from the competition stage, instantly shaking the smoke and dust on the stage, and the situation on the stage appeared in front of everyone again!

At this time, a black figure slowly rose from the deep pit where Shen Haoxuan was. The whole body of the black figure was wrapped in black flames. The raging flames rose up, and the terrifying high temperature melted away the stone chips under his feet. !

This figure is exactly Shen Haoxuan!Against the backdrop of the black flames, he looked like a demon god from hell, his dark pupils ruthlessly scanned everyone, as if he was overlooking a group of humble ants!
Zuo Chuan looked at Shen Haoxuan, and the moment he looked at him, he felt that his mind was about to be frozen, and the clothes on his body were soaked in cold sweat instantly, and he stepped back involuntarily!
" is this possible!" Zuo Chuan roared in his heart.

At this time, everyone present was as puzzled as Zuo Chuan!He was hit by a full-strength blow from a spirit general, yet he was unscathed, and his aura was greatly increased. Could it be that Shen Haoxuan has been hiding his strength all this time?

On the stage, Jian Wuxin looked at Shen Haoxuan in disbelief, and the aura emanating from Shen Haoxuan's body had reached the level of a spirit general!A sixteen or seventeen-year-old spiritual general?If you say it, it will probably shock the entire continent!
He Yiming stared at Shen Haoxuan with a sinister face, the spiritual power in his body slowly circulated, and a murderous aura lingered around him!He didn't believe that Shen Haoxuan could really jump directly from the seventh level of tempering spirit to the strong spirit general in two years. If it was true, He Yiming would kill him personally, otherwise he would leave it to himself and the Linghe sect. An enemy with terrifying talent and potential is extremely unwise!

On the stage, the sloppy old man whose face changed drastically, but what he cared about was not Shen Haoxuan's strength, but the black flames that lingered around Shen Haoxuan's body!After feeling it carefully, the slovenly old man's eyes were filled with ecstasy, and he looked at Shen Haoxuan as if seeing a peerless treasure!
At this time, Shen Haoxuan was in a strange state, his spirituality seemed to be separated from his body, and he looked at the berserk power in his body like a bystander.Because of the use of Tyrant Tribulation, the Fire Spirit Obsidian in Shen Haoxuan's body was detonated. Watching the atoms of spiritual power break apart one by one from the most primitive form, small strands of energy began to gather, and finally condensed into a powerful one. strength.

Seeing the explosion and condensation of these spiritual energy atoms, Shen Haoxuan actually had some insight, as if he had touched the essence of power, but it was a little vague, this feeling is very strange!
"Hiss..." Just as Shen Haoxuan was immersed in enlightenment, a pain of muscle tearing came, and he couldn't help but take a breath!

Although Ba Tianjie was terrifying, forcibly raising his strength from a seventh-level spiritual disciple to a spiritual general, but the negative effects brought about were also obvious. At this time, Shen Haoxuan's body was full of bruises, and there were many cracks in his skin. The meridians also felt bursts of pain, which made Shen Haoxuan feel very uncomfortable!This is because Shen Haoxuan's physique is extremely strong, if he were to be replaced by another person, he would probably be blown away by this berserk energy!

"Huh..." Shen Haoxuan took a deep breath, suppressed the restless energy in his body, and looked at Zuo Chuan.

Seeing Shen Haoxuan's trembling body, Zuo Chuan recovered and guessed the origin of Shen Haoxuan's power.Thinking of how Tang Tang, a genuine spiritual general, was scared back by Shen Haoxuan just now, a sense of shame rose in his heart, and he stared at Shen Haoxuan with resentment.

"Hmph, so it's just a swollen face to pretend to be fat. I don't know how long your secret method can last!" Zuo Chuan sneered.

Hearing Zuo Chuan's words, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that Shen Haoxuan had put all his eggs in one basket, and even came up with a secret method that would hurt the enemy by eight hundred and hurt himself by one thousand!As long as Zuo Chuan survived the secret method time, then Shen Haoxuan would be useless without other people paying attention!

Shen Haoxuan didn't pay attention to everyone's words, he clenched his fists, familiarized himself with his own strength, and said coldly: "It's enough to abolish you!"

As soon as the words fell, Shen Haoxuan's figure disappeared like a ghost, and when he reappeared, it was in front of Zuo Chuan!
Feeling the scorching wind coming from in front of him, Zuo Chuan's pupils shrank!Shen Haoxuan's speed and strength have surpassed him. When he was still a seventh-level spiritual disciple, Zuo Chuan could still rely on his own powerful spiritual power to suppress Shen Haoxuan, but the current level of Shen Haoxuan's spiritual power is not weaker than Zuo Chuan's. Chuan, when the two are in the same realm, Shen Haoxuan's terrifying speed and strength will crush Zuo Chuan!
(End of this chapter)

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