Chaos hegemony

Chapter 85 is over!

Chapter 85 is over!

And in fact, it is true!Under Shen Haoxuan's crazy attack, Zuo Chuan's figure was like a flat boat under the raging sea, it seemed that it might capsize at any time!
"Bang!" There was another fierce confrontation, and Zuo Chuan was forced to retreat again. Now his whole body was completely dark, and there was even the smell of barbecue.

"Damn it, what kind of flame is this!" Zuo Chuan exclaimed in his heart after struggling to extinguish the black flame on his fist, looking at the red and swollen fist.He didn't expect that the black flame on Shen Haoxuan's body could burn the spiritual power in his body!During the battle, he was distracted to resist this weird flame, which made Zuo Chuan very uncomfortable!
On the other side, Shen Haoxuan was also panting heavily, the violent power in his body was getting stronger and stronger, the sequelae of Batian Jue began to appear, if the battle was not resolved, it would be bad!

Thinking of this, Shen Haoxuan's eyes narrowed, the power in his body began to gather, and a storm of spiritual power formed around him!

Seeing Shen Haoxuan gathering momentum, Zuo Chuan couldn't care less about his own pain, Shen Haoxuan's next attack would probably end the battle, Zuo Chuan had to use all his strength!
Zuo Chuan took a deep breath, and the giant palm in the sky appeared again!This is his strongest blow, and also his last resistance!

Seeing the formation of the giant palm, Shen Haoxuan's eyes showed no waves. In the next second, Shen Haoxuan's figure disappeared directly, and the spiritual storm surrounding him instantly subsided!
Feeling the danger coming, Zuo Chuan clapped his hands without hesitation, that suffocating coercion descended from the sky again!

"Hannya Palm!"

"Destroy the sky!"

The next moment, fists and palms collided, and a terrifying storm of spiritual power swept across the square. Some weak warriors in the audience were blown away by the strong wind, and some were even stunned by the impact!

In the middle of the sky, two powerful spiritual forces were still in a stalemate, and their black fists occupied half of the arena.Slowly, the giant white palm began to lose the battle. The powerful aura from the black fist made Zuo Chuan feel powerless. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Looking at the approaching black fist, he could only bite Grit your teeth and hold on!

"Ahh...!" On the other side, Shen Haoxuan was also sweating profusely, the violent power in his body could no longer be controlled, and with a roar, all the violent power poured out!This is the power of Fire Spirit Obsidian, the purest and most terrifying explosion in the world. Under the attack of this violent force, the giant white palm was shattered to pieces, and then ran towards Zuo Chuan!

The giant white palm was shattered, and Zuo Chuan's face instantly turned pale. His body shook, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. He stared blankly at the onslaught of violent power, and a crisis of death lingered in his heart.

"Oops!" Feeling the berserk power, He Yiming's face changed drastically, and he appeared in front of Zuo Chuan in a flash, stretched out his palm, and caught the fatal blow!
"Boom..." With a loud noise, even He Yiming, who was at the spiritual level, was forced to take two steps back!

He Yiming looked at the scorched and trembling palm, his face was full of horror!What level is he, a strong spiritual person can move mountains and fill seas with every gesture, but now he was injured by a kid from the level of a spiritual disciple, a violent anger grew in his heart, and there was no killing intent in his eyes. Plus cover up!
Shen Haoxuan also fell from the sky at this time. The time of Tyrant Tribulation has passed, and now his body has been devastated, and the meridians in his body are full of cracks. Fortunately, his physique has been strengthened, otherwise today's battle will definitely be difficult. It will kill him!
Shen Haoxuan looked at He Yiming standing in front of Zuo Chuan, and frowned. He originally thought that the blow would kill Zuo Chuan, but he didn't expect that He Yiming would get in on him!It is impossible to abolish Zuo Chuan now!
"Huh, you have such a vicious heart at such a young age. This is just a competition, but you want to kill your opponent. People like you must be a disaster in the future. My Spirit Crane Sect will abolish you today. Eliminate future troubles!" He Yiming looked at Shen Haoxuan and shouted in a cold voice.

Hearing He Yiming's words, Shen Haoxuan froze for a moment, the next moment, a sense of crisis came, and He Yiming actually made a move directly!

Sensing He Yiming's killing intent, Shen Haoxuan's eyes turned cold, but his body is very bad now, and he doesn't even have the strength to avoid it!

Seeing the approaching He Yiming, Shen Haoxuan's heart became ruthless, he wanted Shen Haoxuan's life, if I don't break your teeth, I won't be named Shen!Thinking of this, a fierce aura emanated from Shen Haoxuan's body. He used the only spiritual power in his body to mobilize the Fire Spirit Obsidian, and his body began to swell. It looked like he was going to explode himself!
Seeing Shen Haoxuan's appearance, He Yiming quickened his pace and appeared in front of Shen Haoxuan in an instant. He looked down at Shen Haoxuan and said coldly: "This is what will happen to you for offending the Linghe Sect!" Swipe down, and slap Shen Haoxuan on the head!

"No!" All this happened too fast, before Ji Lingxuan could react, He Yiming had already made a move, and a terrifying chill erupted from her body!

However, just when He Yiming was about to concentrate on Shen Haoxuan, a burst of fiery red spiritual power struck He Yiming's temple. If He Yiming didn't dodge this blow, it might directly pierce through his head!

People cherish their lives, He Yiming was also shocked by the sudden attack, so he had to give up on Shen Haoxuan and dodge back!
"Tsk tsk tsk, I have never seen such a brazen person! It is obviously a life-and-death battle. Not only have you broken the rules, but you also want to bully the small with the big. How can I see this old man!" On the stage, that The sloppy old man stretched his waist, and said in a smooth manner.

"Hmph, old man Huo, you'd better not meddle in your own business!" He Yiming looked at the sloppy old man and said with a frown.

Hearing He Yiming's words, the slovenly old man jumped off the rostrum, walked slowly in front of Shen Haoxuan, put his right hand on Shen Haoxuan's shoulder, a warm spiritual power flowed to Shen Haoxuan's body, under this warm spiritual power Under the nourishment of the spirit, the violent spiritual power began to calm down, and finally fell silent in the dantian!

Shen Haoxuan looked at the sloppy old man in front of him with some surprise, that warm spiritual power Jiang Ran could soothe Huoling Hei Yao!And I actually felt a little familiar!
"I'll take care of this matter today, what's the matter, let's fight?" The slovenly old man nodded to Shen Haoxuan, then turned around and said arrogantly to He Yiming.

"You..." Seeing such a rascal and scruffy old man, He Yiming's face was full of black lines!Shen Haoxuan must be eliminated, otherwise, if such potential enemies remain, the future safety of the Linghe Sect will be in jeopardy!
But this sloppy old man firmly guarded Shen Haoxuan behind him, not giving He Yiming a chance!He Yiming was furious in his heart, but he had no choice but to fight that old man Huo?After laughing, He Yiming is not capable of this!

"Okay, that's all for today!" Right now, Jian Wuxin also jumped off the stage.He glanced at Shen Haoxuan intentionally or unintentionally, then turned around and left with Liu Yu, the Rose Fairy also followed behind Jian Wuxin with a smile, as if she didn't care about today's affairs at all!
"Hmph!" At this point, He Yiming could only snort coldly, picked up Zuo Chuan who was still sitting on the ground, and left the square.

The big shots left one by one, leaving everyone in the audience looking at each other in blank dismay!
What happened to this Nima?A seventh-level spiritual disciple directly crippled a spiritual general, and two spiritual powerhouses almost did it. They were frightened a lot by this point!

(End of this chapter)

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