Chaos hegemony

Chapter 857 Battle Liu Yuxuan! [4th update! 】

Chapter 857 Battle Liu Yuxuan! [Fourth update! 】

Only at this time did Shen Haoxuan realize that Liu Yuxuan, who was always fooling around, actually seemed to be a completely different person when fighting. His calm mind, abnormal reaction speed, and terrifying ability to change formations on the spot all showed that he was a natural fighter!

The battle was still going on, there were more and more Shen Haoxuan in the arena, and Liu Yuxuan's defense vortex was getting bigger and bigger, and a spiritual storm was set off in the entire arena.

Shen Haoxuan tried for a long time, but there was no way to break through Liu Yuxuan's defense. It seems that the fast sword is indeed unable to attack. Thinking of this, Shen Haoxuan's eyes fixed, and the figures on the field began to gradually decrease. No, it should be said that they began to gather towards a certain place Going forward, countless figures finally gathered together, and Shen Haoxuan's real body was revealed again. At this time, the countless sword shadows all gathered on the Soul Eater Sword in Shen Haoxuan's hand, and the purple-black sword glow came out straight. Refers to Liu Yuxuan's defense vortex!
"Break it!" Shen Haoxuan roared, and the Soul Devouring Sword in his hand stabbed out suddenly. The next moment, a purple-black sword with the thickness of an arm lit up, piercing towards Liu Yuxuan's defensive vortex like lightning. Cut through the space, revealing the dark chaotic space!
This is not comparable to the attack of countless sword shadows just now. The ear-piercing sound of friction rang in the ears of everyone in the Liu family. Piercing inside the vortex of spiritual power, a series of cracks visible to the naked eye formed from the vortex of spiritual power, and the next moment they burst open under the shocked eyes of everyone.


A tyrannical storm of spiritual power erupted from the arena, blowing everything on the arena upside down, and the Liu Family disciples who were forced by the fierce force all backed away.


All of a sudden, a figure was thrown out from the storm of spiritual power, and fell to the edge of the martial arts platform like a kite with a broken string, splashing a cloud of dust, but there was no sound, the disciples of the Liu family saw this The figures were all stunned in place, because this figure was Liu Yuxuan whom they had great confidence in!

Seeing Liu Yuxuan lying on the ground like a dead dog, the disciples of the Liu family couldn't recover. They all saw the fight between the two of them just now, and they would definitely not be able to hold up one or two moves if they were just another person. Shen Haoxuan's strength has already It exceeded their expectations.

Those elders also opened their mouths wide open. They are all old and mature. Judging from Shen Haoxuan's battle just now, it is clear that Shen Haoxuan is definitely not just a showman who only knows how to make alchemy. It seems that he is not weaker than their Liu family in terms of martial arts. Elite disciples, you can tell from the timing of the attack just now and the rhythm of the battle.

When everyone was shocked, a bright sword light lit up from the spiritual storm, directly cutting the spiritual storm in half, Shen Haoxuan's figure also walked out of it slowly, his body was still spotless, even His chest didn't fluctuate too much, as if the fierce battle just now hadn't affected him at all.

Shen Haoxuan came out, glanced at Liu Yuxuan who was lying there, and said angrily: "What are you pretending to do? With my attack just now, I didn't hurt you at all, okay!" After finishing speaking, Shen Haoxuan shook his head helplessly. Shaking his head, after the sharp sword intent broke through Liu Yuxuan's defense just now, it disappeared strangely, probably directly swallowed by Liu Yuxuan's talent for controlling space.

"Haha, I still can't fool Brother Leng!" Sure enough, as soon as Shen Haoxuan's words fell, Liu Yuxuan stood up from the ground like a carp, then laughed loudly, and patted the dust on his body. What a close call, if I hadn't reacted quickly and transferred the sword intent into the chaotic space, I would have been injured by the blow just now!

Liu Yuxuan returned to the center of the arena from the edge of the arena, looking at Shen Haoxuan with fiery eyes, and the fighting spirit in his body couldn't help rising. Originally, he thought that Shen Haoxuan was only talented in alchemy, but he didn't expect that in the The same is true in martial arts. Judging from the temptation of the two just now, Shen Haoxuan's strength is absolutely unfathomable. He has finally met an opponent. Thinking of this, the blood in Liu Yuxuan's body is all boiling, and the naked eye Visible energy spread out from his feet, and an aura that was many times stronger than before suddenly burst out from Liu Yuxuan's body.

Seeing this, the corners of Shen Haoxuan's mouth also raised a smile. Liu Yuxuan's strength is definitely the strongest person he has ever met among his peers, whether it is in terms of melee combat skills or talent, this is completely true. Provoking Shen Haoxuan's fighting spirit, the Soul Devouring Sword in his hand pulled out a sword flower, and an extremely domineering aura erupted from Shen Haoxuan's body, not inferior to Liu Yuxuan at all.

" this the real strength of the two of them?" Seeing the two men bursting out with all their strength on the competition stage, the disciples of the Liu family all opened their mouths wide, their eyes filled with astonishment. It's too powerful, and it has completely surpassed the cognition of their peers. Even the elders couldn't help swallowing. From these two juniors, even they felt a great pressure. It's green out of blue that's better than blue!
"Brother Leng, be careful, I will use all my strength next, the sword has no eyes, and the fists and feet are ruthless!" Liu Yuxuan said lightly, and then his body sank slightly, and he assumed a fighting posture.

"You too!" Shen Haoxuan chuckled, the Soul Devouring Sword in his hand was also crossed in front of his chest, ready to strike at any time!
The two looked at each other and smiled, they understood each other's meaning, both of them wanted a hearty battle, so there would be no restraint at all, and naturally they would use all their strength!
Neither of them made a move. This is the time to fight for endurance. If they make a rash move, they will be hit like a storm once they are caught in the opponent's offensive. After all, neither of them is a fighting rookie.

The two continued to confront each other. At a certain moment, the corners of Liu Yuxuan's mouth suddenly rose, revealing an inexplicable smile. When he saw the smile on the corner of Liu Yuxuan's mouth, Shen Haoxuan felt a dangerous feeling in his heart. Sure enough, the next moment Liu Yuxuan disappeared out of thin air!
Not feeling the slightest breath, without the slightest sign, Liu Yuxuan just disappeared in front of Shen Haoxuan, but before Shen Haoxuan could react, the space behind him suddenly distorted, and a figure suddenly appeared, with huge fists carrying bursts of sonic booms , hit Shen Haoxuan's vest directly!

"Space talent!" Shen Haoxuan exclaimed, he did not expect Liu Yuxuan to be able to use his space talent so proficiently, to travel through the chaotic space...

(End of this chapter)

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