Chaos hegemony

Chapter 858 Fight Liu Yuxuan!

Chapter 858 Fight Liu Yuxuan!
Traveling through the chaotic space is an extremely dangerous thing. If you accidentally get involved in the space storm, you will be crushed to pieces. Shen Haoxuan has experienced the space storm. If it was not for the protection of Yanlao at that time, he would have been crushed to pieces. is light.But now Liu Yuxuan can travel directly in the chaotic space. Although the distance is very short, it can't show the power of the Void God Body!

Sensing the sudden strong wind from behind, Shen Haoxuan quickly carried the Soul-devouring Sword on his back. The next moment, Liu Yuxuan's fist hit the Soul-devouring Sword, and the huge force directly bent the Soul-devouring Sword into a bow shape. The qi also made Shen Haoxuan grunt, and his body flew forward uncontrollably.

After a successful blow, Liu Yuxuan's figure disappeared again, and Shen Haoxuan knew without thinking that the opponent must be hiding in the chaotic space and was rushing towards him.

Sure enough, just as the thoughts in Shen Haoxuan's mind appeared, the space under him was distorted again, and Liu Yuxuan's figure appeared, and he punched him again.

Shen Haoxuan's body was in mid-air at this time, and there was no place for him to rely on, but his strong physical fitness allowed him to forcibly turn his body around. Liu Yuxuan's fist flew past Shen Haoxuan's waist, but did not hit Shen Haoxuan.

After dodging Liu Yuxuan's blow, the Soul Eater Sword in Shen Haoxuan's hand pierced out like lightning, pointing directly at Liu Yuxuan's throat, but what the sword pierced was only Liu Yuxuan's afterimage, and he himself had already disappeared.

Shen Haoxuan forcibly stabilized his body, and after falling from mid-air, a powerful spiritual thought gushed out like a tide, covering the entire arena, and any slight movement on the arena could not escape his own perception.

However, when Shen Haoxuan was surprised, the entire competition arena was silent, not to mention Liu Yuxuan's breath, even a fly could not feel it, Liu Yuxuan seemed to evaporate out of thin air.

"It seems that the Void God Body does not only have the talent of hiding in the chaotic space!" Shen Haoxuan suddenly became interested. Is this the Void God Body ranked fifth among the top ten god bodies in ancient times?

"I don't believe you won't come out!" Shen Haoxuan snorted coldly, the Soul-devouring Sword in his hand was put on his waist, and the fierce sword energy began to frantically gather towards the Soul-devouring Sword.

"Draw the sword and chop!" Shen Haoxuan shouted angrily, and the Soul Devouring Sword in his hand suddenly swung out from his waist, and a semicircular sword energy burst out instantly, covering almost the entire martial arts arena in it. The sword qi was vertical and horizontal, and all the bluestone slabs on the ground were cracked.

The scope of drawing the sword and slashing is extremely large, and the attack is also very tyrannical. Wherever it passes, the space on the competition stage will be shaken, and Liu Yuxuan is also forced to come out at this time. The space vibration will make the chaotic space unstable. He is a Void Divine Body and dare not continue to hide in the space. If he is involved in a space storm, even he will not even think about surviving!
The moment Liu Yuxuan appeared, Shen Haoxuan rushed in front of him, this speed was even faster than teleportation!
The moment Liu Yuxuan appeared, Shen Haoxuan felt the spatial fluctuations, and Liu Yuxuan was not far away from him, obviously preparing for the next attack, but Shen Haoxuan directly stirred up all the surrounding space, forcing Liu Yuxuan to come out in advance .

Now that he has come out, Shen Haoxuan will naturally not let him go back so quickly. If he is allowed to hide in again, it will be difficult to force him out. The Soul Eater Sword in his hand is swinging impenetrably, not attacking, but only To entangle Liu Yuxuan so that he could not escape.

Liu Yuxuan also sensed Shen Haoxuan's intentions, but when he wanted to escape, the soul-devouring sword master in Shen Haoxuan's hand would lie in front of him, and he would either escape and get injured, or he could only continue to dodge!It is absolutely impossible to be injured, a slight injury in this situation will lead to one-sided dominance, and at the moment they can only continue to avoid Shen Haoxuan's Soul Devouring Sword.

"I can't go on like this!" Liu Yuxuan frowned tightly. Although Shen Haoxuan's sword attack is not high, it can't be underestimated, but it's not a solution to be pestered by him all the time, and Liu Yuxuan still felt it in Shen Haoxuan's left hand. A huge amount of energy seemed to be gathering rapidly.

"Wind Blade!" Liu Yuxuan shouted angrily, and the seal in his hand began to pinch. Suddenly, countless wind blades appeared behind him, and the next moment they roared towards Shen Haoxuan. Taking advantage of this gap, Liu Yuxuan's figure changed It's about withdrawing and retreating, wanting to get out of Shen Haoxuan's attack range!

"Don't even think about leaving!" Seeing this, Shen Haoxuan threw out his left hand suddenly, and a small two-color unicorn flew out like lightning, pointing directly at Liu Yuxuan's face.


The moment the little unicorn approached Liu Yuxuan, it exploded, and a terrifying spiritual storm raged across the arena in an instant. Wherever it passed, all the bluestone slabs on the arena were lifted up, and pieces of broken stones splash out.

However, the terrifying momentum only lasted for a moment, and then suddenly disappeared. The raging spiritual storm seemed to be swallowed by something, and it frantically gathered towards the place where Liu Yuxuan was.

The spiritual storm mixed with smoke and dust soon disappeared, and Liu Yuxuan's figure appeared in front of everyone again. At this time, the clothes on Liu Yuxuan's body had become tattered, and his hair was also burnt. But other than that, there was no scar on his body. In front of him, a pitch-black space crack emerged, like a big mouth that devoured people, swallowing all the spiritual power storms. At the time of the explosion, Liu Yuxuan was transferred to the chaotic space, he was just impacted by the remaining energy.

"It's really a troublesome talent!" Shen Haoxuan frowned tightly. In this way, his attacking martial arts won't cause any substantial damage to Liu Yuxuan at all!

"In that case..." Shen Haoxuan put away the Soul Eater Sword in his hand, since martial arts can't play any decisive role, then he can only fight hand to hand.

Seeing Shen Haoxuan putting away the Soul Eater Sword in his hand, Liu Yuxuan was stunned suddenly. Of course, not only him, but also the disciples of the Liu family, Mr. Liu and the elders of the Liu family were also stunned. Shen Haoxuan was planning to use close combat Is the other party Liu Yuxuan?You must know that the Liu family is second in this aspect, no one dares to be the first, and Shen Haoxuan's sword attack is also very fierce, why did he choose to fight Liu Yuxuan in close combat? Is it long?

"Brother Leng, you are..." Liu Yuxuan was a little puzzled.

"Let the horse come here, let me see the real Void God Body!" Shen Haoxuan's eyes narrowed, and he shouted in a deep voice, he could see that Liu Yuxuan seemed to be afraid of hurting himself, so he didn't display the true power of the Void God Body.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's voice, Liu Yuxuan was taken aback for a moment, then nodded heavily. He also understood what Shen Haoxuan meant. In a battle, use all your strength even if you respect your opponent. !
(End of this chapter)

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