Chaos hegemony

Chapter 895 Crisis!

Chapter 895 Crisis!

"Why are you in a daze, ready to go!" Shen Haoxuan's cry brought You Menglan back to her senses, she also nodded immediately, a tyrannical aura erupted from her body.

I have to say that You Menglan's strength is not weak. After all, she is a person who has broken through the heavenly emperor's way. Her strength is at least in the top fifteen of the Tianlong list. Before that, she brought the three of Nangong Mengze and there was no way to escape. If she was the only one who hunted down the deep-sea demon cow, she might really be able to escape.

"It's about to go!" Shen Haoxuan let out a low voice, and then the Suzaku wing behind him suddenly shook, and his whole body flew out instantly like an arrow off the string, facing the countless tentacles, towards the head of the deep sea demon cow. rush away.

The moment Shen Haoxuan left, the seal in You Menglan's hand started to twitch. Where there is water, it is the home field of the deep sea demon cow, so why not for her You Menglan?With the pinching of the seal in her hand, the sea below violently churned, and water jets shot up into the sky, slowly condensing behind her, and countless water guns shone with icy light, pointing directly at those tentacles.

You Menglan's purpose is to contain the tentacles of the deep sea demon cow, she only needs to stare at Shen Haoxuan, but any tentacles that want to attack Shen Haoxuan will be pierced by Shui Ruolan's spear, firmly nailed to the ground, Under the blessing of Ling Xuanming's gravity, the attack power of the water gun has been doubled, and the speed of the deep-sea magic cow has also become extremely slow due to the influence of the earth spirit Xuanming, so You Menglan can be said to be hit with every shot. The tentacles of the deep sea demon cow couldn't touch Shen Haoxuan's body at all!

The deep sea demon cow roared, at this time it also understood that this human warrior in the sky is also a trouble, and immediately separated part of the tentacles to attack Youmenglan, even with the suppression of the earth spirit Xuanming, the speed is still fast As fast as lightning, the strong wind also made You Menglan's scalp tingle.

"Water dragon bomb!" But now You Menglan doesn't dare to back down in the slightest, now she holds the initiative to attack, if she takes a step back, the deep sea demon cow will completely blow the horn of counterattack, when the time comes, she and Shen Haoxuan There is no chance of survival!

Following You Menglan's tender drinking, countless water dragons rushed up from the sea below, and crazily entangled towards the huge tentacles, pinching it tightly in place.

"Leng Feng, it's up to you!" You Menglan said inwardly, she had exhausted all her strength to do this.

At this time, Shen Haoxuan was already approaching the deep sea demon cow, a stench came from all directions, and countless tentacles were constantly entangled, trying to stop Shen Haoxuan's figure.

"Hmph!" Shen Haoxuan snorted coldly at this, the surrounding space began to twist together, a purple-black long sword slowly emerged, and the next moment it burst out crazily, attacking towards the tentacle.

"Unlimited Sword System!" To deal with such a huge number of tentacles, one should use quantity to suppress them. The purple-black sword light formed an airtight sword net around Shen Haoxuan's body, and there were still purple clouds lingering on the sword light. The black flame, this kind of flame fused by three kinds of spirits of heaven and earth, is the nemesis of the deep sea magic cow. After all, it is a holy beast of water attribute, and the most annoying thing is naturally the fire attribute!

The tentacle attack of the deep sea demon cow was cut off directly on the sword net around Shen Haoxuan's body. This is completely hitting a stone with an egg!However, the Deep Sea Demon Bull knows that whoever perseveres will win at this time, he is also smart, countless tentacles only attack a certain point on the sword net, and gather all the attacks on one point, even if Shen Haoxuan is blessed by the purple black flame Jianwang couldn't last long either.

"Long Mao, quickly find out where his nerve is!" Shen Haoxuan said in a deep voice in his heart. Now he is very close to the Deep Sea Demon Bull. If the sword net is destroyed, he will definitely suffer from the Deep Sea Demon Bull. The most terrifying attack, when the time comes, it will be dangerous!
"There!" The long-haired paw pointed at the eyebrows of the deep-sea demon cow, and said hastily.Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan also looked intently, at the center of the brows of the deep sea demon bull, a group of purple bewitching rays of light emanated, although it intentionally blocked it, it still couldn't stop it!
"I found it!" Seeing the purple light, Shen Haoxuan's face was overjoyed, and then a few phantoms flashed across his feet, and the whole person disappeared instantly. At this time, Shen Haoxuan had already increased his speed to the extreme, holding The soul-devouring sword pointed directly at the purple light.

"Moo..." The deep-sea demon cow also felt the crisis at this time, and countless tentacles quickly crossed in front of his eyebrows, and the rest of the tentacles started a more frenzied attack, trying to stop Shen Haoxuan.

"Electric Light Poisonous Dragon Drill!" Shen Haoxuan let out a loud cry, his whole body began to spin rapidly, countless sword qi condensed around his body, and finally turned into a vortex of sword qi, carrying Shen Haoxuan towards the eyebrows of the Deep Sea Demon Bull in an instant, Wherever it passed, those tentacles were all twisted into pieces!
Shen Haoxuan's speed was extremely fast, and he rushed to the center of the eyebrows in an instant. The tentacles of the deep sea demon cow were like paper in front of him. In the light.


However, the imaginary piercing sensation didn't come, instead, there was a crisp sound of iron and steel clanging, and the powerful counter-shock made Shen Haoxuan's arm instantly lose consciousness!

"What?" Shen Haoxuan turned pale with shock, and then looked intently, there was actually a purple scale between the eyebrows of the deep-sea demon cow, it was this purple scale that blocked Shen Haoxuan's fatal blow, and it seemed that Shen Haoxuan's attack The blow did not leave the slightest trace on the scale. You must know that the Soul Devouring Sword is a divine weapon. From this we can see how hard this scale is!


The next moment, another bad news came. Shen Haoxuan touched the reverse scale of the deep-sea demon cow, which also made this overlord-level holy beast go crazy. A prehistoric aura emanated from it. The light blue body turned into pitch black, and Shen Haoxuan and You Menglan were startled by the violent aura.

"Oops, he activated the power of blood!" Changmao reminded Shen Haoxuan loudly in his heart, and Shen Haoxuan's face also became extremely dignified at this time.


The deep-sea demon cow roared again, and the thick tentacles began to attack Shen Haoxuan crazily. The deep-sea demon bull who had activated the power of blood became even more violent, and the tentacles also became a bit thicker. The lavender light knew that the tentacles had become indestructible, and Shen Haoxuan's Soul Devouring Sword would not necessarily cut them off!

In mid-air, You Menglan, who was restraining the deep-sea magic cow, also changed her expression drastically at this moment. Those tentacles broke free from her water dragon's restraint, stabbing at her frantically, and You Menglan could only dodge tiredly. There was no chance of fighting back at all, and the two of them fell into a crisis in an instant...

(End of this chapter)

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