Chaos hegemony

Chapter 896 The crisis is lifted!

Chapter 896 The crisis is lifted!

"What the hell is going on?" You Menglan's face was full of astonishment, and then she anxiously looked at the Deep Sea Demon Bull, trying to find Shen Haoxuan's figure, but at this time the Deep Sea Demon Bull had gone completely crazy, and countless tentacles Continuously twisted and entangled together, attacking crazily, so that You Menglan couldn't find Shen Haoxuan at all!

You Menglan had a bad premonition in her heart. She had already received such a powerful attack on the periphery, let alone Shen Haoxuan who was in front of the deep sea demon cow. At this time, You Menglan also guessed that this deep sea The magic cow should have activated the power of blood, and its strength has already reached the terrifying fifth-order spirit emperor. This is not something she and Shen Haoxuan can solve at all!

But You Menglan still had a glimmer of hope in her heart. Now that the Deep Sea Demon Bull has not dealt with her with all her strength, it means that Shen Haoxuan is still alive, but I just don't know how long Shen Haoxuan can last!
At this moment, You Menglan suddenly had a thought of running away. After all, after the Deep Sea Demon Bull finished Shen Haoxuan, the next target would be her, and now she could be dragged by Shen Haoxuan, and she would take the others away first!But this idea was rejected by her as soon as it appeared, how could it be said that Shen Haoxuan fell into this situation only to save her, how could she be ungrateful?You Menglan couldn't help but there was nothing she could do now, she could only desperately try to attract some firepower for Shen Haoxuan and relieve Shen Haoxuan's pressure.

But at this time, in front of the brows of the Deep Sea Demon Bull, Shen Haoxuan's face was heavy, and he kept blocking the tentacles that were attacking him. Now these tentacles can't be cut off by Shen Haoxuan's words, looking at the densely packed tentacles Rao, even Shen Haoxuan felt his scalp go numb!
"No, I can't continue to consume like this!" Shen Haoxuan said in a deep voice, even if he had the wood spirit Qingxuan, the spiritual power in his body would not be exhausted for a while, but compared with the consumption of the deep sea magic cow in the ocean, That is simply looking for death, as long as there is water, the power of the deep sea demon cow will not be exhausted, unless it can evaporate the entire ocean, Shen Haoxuan asked himself that he still does not have that power.

With a thought in Shen Haoxuan's mind, Chang Mao and Huo Jingang appeared on both sides of him, and then he said to the two of them: "Hold me for a while, I don't believe that I can't break this turtle shell!"

Shen Haoxuan cast his eyes on the purple scale, a hint of madness flashed in his eyes, and then the unicorn arm and the dragon claw appeared at the same time, since the Soul Devouring Sword can't pierce it, then he can only use his fists!
The crimson lines on the unicorn's arm burst into a bright light, and then, Shen Haoxuan punched the purple scales hard.


A dull sound resounded, and a shock wave visible to the naked eye erupted from Shen Haoxuan's fist, forcing all the surrounding tentacles back, and the force from the prehistoric poured out, making the purple scales tremble violently.


The huge pain made the deep-sea demon cow neigh, its eyes became redder, a trace of hostility erupted from its body, and the tentacle's attack became more fierce and faster!

Fortunately, Chang Mao and Huo Jingang are not weak, they can still stop Shen Haoxuan for a while together, but I don't know if Shen Haoxuan can smash the purple scale.

After punching down, Shen Haoxuan raised the Demon Dragon Claw again, and the emerald green lines appeared, the terrifying power gathered on the left fist, and the next moment it was fiercely bombarded on the purple scales, another terrifying wave This time, the deep sea demon cow reacted more violently, and both Changmao and Fire King Kong were almost injured.

The next moment, Shen Haoxuan didn't stop for a moment, his left and right arms started working at the same time, each punch used up all the strength in his body, in order to let his strength skyrocket, Shen Haoxuan also deliberately took a Longli Pill that increases physical strength, making Shen Haoxuan's strength It doubled directly, and each punch could burst out shock waves visible to the naked eye, and the screams of the deep sea demon cow became more and more horrific.

After mid-air, You Menglan looked at the tentacle that suddenly withdrew, her face full of doubts, but the next moment, she felt an extremely violent force erupting from the body of the deep sea bull demon, and the surrounding sea water was also affected. Under the influence of this terrifying shock wave, circles of waves centered on the deep sea demon cow, continuously spreading outward.


You Menglan couldn't help but feel a twitch when she heard the increasingly urgent and dull sound, Shen Haoxuan must be resisting inside, but what is it that can make the deep sea monster push it to such an extent that even she can't care about it? , all the tentacles all attacked Shen Haoxuan without the slightest reservation!
Shen Haoxuan is guarded by Changmao and Huojingang, and he completely entrusted his back to these two people, and now there is only one thought in his mind, which is to smash this scale, and the obsession in his heart makes his eyes It turned red, and now Shen Haoxuan seemed to have lost his mind, only knowing to punch the purple scales crazily.

The hardness of the purple scales still exceeded Shen Haoxuan's expectations, blood was already splashing on Shen Haoxuan's fists, but the purple scales still didn't move at all, as if they were really indestructible!
However, Shen Haoxuan didn't intend to stop at all, the blood spurting from his hands completely aroused the fierceness in his body, the speed of punching became faster and faster, and the power became more and more terrifying!
"Kacha..." At a certain moment, a slight sound sounded like thunder in Shen Haoxuan's ears, making Shen Haoxuan recover from his madness, and then he quickly looked at the dark purple scales. On the ground, a slight crack appeared in Shen Haoxuan's line of sight, which made Shen Haoxuan ecstatic. Now that there is a crack, it will be easy to deal with!
Shen Haoxuan raised his fist, and punched down again. The next moment, the crack spread rapidly like a spider web, and soon covered the entire scale.


It was another punch, and after this punch, the scales were finally overwhelmed and shattered, turning into a little purple streamer, flying out from the forehead of the deep sea demon cow, revealing a piece of tender meat.


Shen Haoxuan discovered his life gate, and the deep sea demon cow neighed, and all the countless tentacles on its body stood upright, pointing directly at Shen Haoxuan. At this moment, the deep sea demon cow had to choose to put all his eggs in one basket, otherwise, he would die in the hands of this human being. up!
Countless tentacles stabbed at Shen Haoxuan like lightning, the fierce attack pierced the surrounding space, and he came to Shen Haoxuan's back in an instant, but Shen Haoxuan didn't have the slightest intention of dodging, he grabbed that piece of heart-like tender meat, ruthlessly Pulling it out, the heart was directly pulled out of the Deep Sea Demon Ox by Shen Haoxuan, and the moment the heart was separated from the body, the Deep Sea Demon Ox's movements stopped completely, and the tentacle was also within a distance of Shen Haoxuan. It's just a slight difference, and the next moment, everything will go limp...

(End of this chapter)

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