Chaos hegemony

Chapter 96 Illusion at the top of the ladder!

Chapter 96 Illusion at the top of the ladder!

"Boom!" A muffled sound resounded above the chaotic ladder, and then black flames burst out from Shen Haoxuan's body, and Shen Haoxuan's aura also increased sharply, and he reached the spirit general stage in an instant!
"This..." Everyone looked at each other, and they all saw the inconceivable look in each other's eyes.

And Mu Feiyu, who just woke up over there, saw Shen Haoxuan standing on the No. 80 steps like a demon god, a breath stronger than him emanating from Shen Haoxuan's body, Mu Feiyu's eyes Once black, he was stunned again!

"This kid, he must have used some kind of secret method!" Old Madam She frowned and said.

"Well, it should be, and the rank is not low, so he can break through the ranks!" Chen Yu nodded, and looked at Shen Haoxuan with narrowed eyes. At this time, he cared more about the black flames around Shen Haoxuan. Isn't it the fire spirit obsidian among the five elements!

On the other side, Elder Huo was like an ant on a hot pot, turning around in a hurry, and kept muttering in his mouth: "This brat, you are so foolish, you are so foolish! You have to teach him a lesson later. No! Don't cause any trouble to me!"

On the ladder of chaos, Shen Haoxuan didn't know what everyone was thinking, but even if he knew, he wouldn't care, because he didn't have time to care about it!The violent spiritual power erupted by Tyrant Tribulation raged in his body, coupled with the terrifying coercion of the saint outside, Shen Haoxuan might be crushed into pieces by these two forces at any time, now he had to take advantage of Tyrant Tribulation During this period of time when his power is still within his control, he can rush to the first step of No.80, otherwise, even if the gods come, he will not be able to save himself!
Shen Haoxuan stood up with difficulty. Now he does not intend to counteract the coercion of these saints by opportunism. He completely relies on his own violent spiritual power and the terrifying temperature of the fire spirit obsidian to forcefully tear the coercion of the saints apart. Open up!
Shen Haoxuan took a deep breath, looked at the steps ahead, gritted his teeth, and stepped up directly!

"Kacha..." With a crisp sound, when Shen Haoxuan's sole stepped on the first step of No.80, he was directly broken by the terrifying pressure around him, and his whole leg was bent into a strange arc!

"Ah!" The huge pain made Shen Haoxuan couldn't help crying out.

Shen Haoxuan's tragic cry reverberated on the square, stimulating everyone's nerves. All those present were warriors with excellent eyesight. They all saw Shen Haoxuan's completely twisted right leg, and a chill surged from the bottom of their hearts. It turns out that no one can imagine how terrifying the coercion above the 81st level is, and they dare not imagine it!
"Well..." Shen Haoxuan bit his lips at this moment, keeping his consciousness in a clear state, looking at his bent right leg, Shen Haoxuan didn't have the slightest intention of giving up, his gaze was still extremely firm, Because in Shen Haoxuan's dictionary, he never gave up these two words!
"Oh, my God, is he going to continue? He has obviously won the bet, why is he still working so hard?" Everyone looked at Shen Haoxuan who did not give up, and asked in puzzlement.

"I don't know why he insists on it so much, I just know that he is my idol at this moment!" One person said excitedly.

"But, if he goes on like this, he will die!"

Yes, it will kill you if you go on like this!But does Shen Haoxuan care?His martial arts are always going forward, in order to carry out his own martial arts, even if he sacrifices his life for it, he will not hesitate to do so!

"Roar...!" Shen Haoxuan roared angrily, leaning his whole body onto the first step of No.80.

At that moment, Shen Haoxuan was directly pressed down on the ground by this terrifying coercion, unable to move a single finger. Moreover, he felt as if he was about to be torn apart, the skin all over his body began to crack, and the blood was like If you don't want to pour out money, you will instantly become a bloody man, and your mind will be buzzing, and you will not feel the existence of your body at all!
This feeling didn't last long, after only a moment, Shen Haoxuan could no longer feel the existence of that coercion, but a strange suction was generated, and before Shen Haoxuan had time to react, his consciousness was swallowed into a dark, distorted world. In the black hole!

"Did it fail?" On the stands, Chen Yu looked at Shen Haoxuan who had lost his vitality and said with some regret.

On the other hand, Mrs. She shook her head regretfully, and Elder Huo even sat down on the ground, as if she couldn't accept this fact.

Under the stage, those martial artists couldn't help shaking their heads, and laments kept ringing out.

"Alas... what a pity! This test will end here! Elder Huo, bring Shen Haoxuan's body down so that he can bury it!" Chen Yu sighed again.

"Yes!" Elder Huo replied in despair, but when he was going to bring Shen Haoxuan's body down, he was stopped by Ji Lingxuan.

"Brother Haoxuan is not dead yet, I can still feel his existence!" Ji Lingxuan's pretty face was full of seriousness. Ji Lingxuan once saved Shen Haoxuan with her own blood essence, and those blood essence made her and Shen Haoxuan establish a relationship. A trace of connection, and the current connection has not been broken, it proves that Shen Haoxuan is still alive!

"Still alive?" Chen Yu cast his eyes on Shen Haoxuan again, this time Chen Yu's eyes were as dazzling as a star, and after scanning Shen Haoxuan's body, his face was full of surprise: "It's so hard, the fire of life is really not there yet!" Extinguish!"

Indeed, Shen Haoxuan didn't die at this time, but his consciousness was sucked by that black hole somewhere?
"Hmm... where is this?" Shen Haoxuan's consciousness was drowsy, and he was slowly regaining consciousness, but when he fully woke up, he was stunned by the scene in front of him!

Yes, Shen Haoxuan was frightened!At this time, his face was pale, his whole body was trembling, and he seemed to be quite frightened!

In front of him are mountains of corpses!Even with strong willpower, he couldn't help but took two steps back, and around the mountain of corpses, black air kept flying, and creatures that he had never seen before were gnawing on these corpses, not far away. At the same place, many fighters are struggling with this hideous and terrifying monster. However, the difference in combat power is really too big. This is completely a one-sided massacre!
Looking at the ground that had been soaked red with blood, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help swallowing: "What the hell is this place!"

"Boom!" Before Shen Haoxuan came back to his senses, a loud bang sounded above Shen Haoxuan's head. Hearing the sound, Shen Haoxuan looked up and found these two people standing in the sky.

One of them was wrapped in black mist, making people look down on his appearance, while the other man in a golden robe looked at him solemnly, his eyes full of fear!

"Hand over that thing!" A feminine voice sounded from the black mist, presumably speaking to the man in the golden robe. ,

The man in the golden robe snorted coldly: "Dream!"

"If that's the case, then I'll slaughter you, Taixuanzong!" After finishing speaking, the figure in the black mist waved his hand, and the monsters at the foot of the mountain became even more crazy, and countless warriors died instantly. The tragic scene made Shen Haoxuan A chill rises in my heart!

Looking at the disciples who kept dying below, the man in the golden robe roared: "I'll fight with you!" Immediately, a terrifying power erupted from his body, and a mountain-like trapezoidal ladder descended from the sky towards the black man. The figure in the fog smashed away!
Seeing this huge trapezoidal platform, Shen Haoxuan was shocked: "Isn't this the ladder of chaos?"

(End of this chapter)

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