Chaos hegemony

Chapter 97 Golden Token!

Chapter 97 Golden Token!

"What's going on here?" Shen Haoxuan looked at the huge chaotic ladder, his face full of confusion!

And at the moment when Shen Haoxuan was stunned, the battle in the sky started!
The huge chaotic ladder is like a meteorite falling from the sky, smashing towards the figure in the black mist!The violent wind tore apart the surrounding space, and a series of pitch-black space cracks appeared above the silhouette of the black mist, which was terrifying!
But in the face of such a powerful attack, the figure in the black mist just raised his right hand, and then gently grasped it, and the falling chaotic ladder stopped strangely!

"Overreaching!" The figure in the black mist snorted coldly, raised the Chaos Ladder in his hand, and smashed it fiercely at the man in the golden robe!
Faced with such a quick and heavy blow, the man in the golden robe had no way to avoid it, he could only raise his arms to block it!
"Boom!" With a dull sound, the body of the man in the golden robe was like a kite with a broken string, smashing into the woods below, leaving a deep ravine along the way before stopping.

The gap between the two is really too big, the man in the golden robe is no match for the figure in the black mist!

"Hoo!" The figure in the black mist disappeared in the air, and appeared in the forest the next moment, directly lifting the man in the golden robe up!

"Give me the things, and leave your whole body!" The voice was still emotionless!
The man in the golden robe raised his head weakly. If the blow just now hadn't been for the shadow of the black mist, the man in the golden robe would have died long ago!At this time, he looked at the mountain gate that no longer existed in the distance, his eyes were full of sadness, and then he set his eyes on the black mist figure in front of him, his eyes were burning with anger!

"You want something, right? Okay, here you are!" After finishing speaking, the man in the golden robe stretched out his hand and grabbed the black mist figure's arm, the spiritual power in his body surged, and he was about to explode himself!
"You're crazy!" Feeling the violent spiritual power in the golden robe man's body, the black mist figure turned pale with fright. Although he was very powerful, if the golden robe man blew himself up, he wasn't sure if he could survive!

The figure of the black mist wanted to get away, but his arm was firmly grabbed by the man in the golden robe. In the end, the figure of the black mist was decisive and broke his arm to escape!

"Boom!" A shocking explosion sounded, and a terrifying spiritual storm swept across the entire mountain forest. The surrounding mountains were instantly razed to the ground, and the spiritual storm continued to spread outwards. Wherever it passed, not a single blade of grass grew!

Shen Haoxuan was not spared from the spiritual storm. Although he was only a conscious body, his body was still shaken by the impact, and it seemed that he might dissipate at any time!

"Hoo!" Just as Shen Haoxuan stabilized his figure, a golden light rushed into his mind with lightning speed, and then a burst of severe pain came, Shen Haoxuan's eyes went dark, and he completely lost consciousness!

At this time, on the square of Chiyan City, everyone stared dumbfounded at the empty square, where the originally huge chaotic ladder like a hill disappeared strangely!
Chen Yu was even more sluggish. This Chaos Ladder was originally a sacred object that could only be held by previous suzerains, but just now, his connection with this Chaos Ladder disappeared directly!

"Sect Master... this..." Old Madam She was full of surprise.

Chen Yu frowned, looking at the place where the chaotic ladder disappeared, only Shen Haoxuan's damaged body was left there.

"Take Shen Haoxuan down to heal his wounds, and let him come to see me when he wakes up!" Chen Yu seemed to have thought of something, and left the square with an order.

Chen Yu left and left this mess to Mrs. She. Mrs. She could only smile wryly at this, and then found an excuse to prevaricate the matter of the Chaos Ladder. Afterwards, the test was issued. prize!
No.1 is temporarily vacant, and the evaluation is not good at the moment. The second No.3 is given to the two genius disciples of Houtu Hall and Jinyang Hall. As for Mu Feiyu, he fell from the chaotic celestial body, so naturally he has no results!
And the other fighters also got some rewards more or less, and a few talented people were selected into the five halls. Apart from the accident of Shen Haoxuan, this test can be regarded as a perfect end!
However, although the senior officials of the Five Elements Sect, including Mrs. She, announced that the test was over, the disciples below were still discussing it fiercely, especially Shen Haoxuan, who has now become the hottest student in the entire Five Elements Sect. talk to!

"Hey, have you heard that one of the new disciples is named Shen Haoxuan, and it is said that he broke the record of Sect Master Chen Yu by climbing the Chaos Ladder!"

"Oh, you mean Shen Haoxuan, I know, I went to see it that day, and it's really a bit unusual!"

"I heard he tried to climb to the top?"

"That's right, but the result was very tragic, and I'm a bit overwhelmed!"

"He has talent, but he has no brains. Such a person is not worthy of being called a genius!"

Regarding Shen Haoxuan's remarks, there were mixed opinions, but the protagonist who was discussed by the disciples was still in a coma.

At this time, Shen Haoxuan's consciousness was still in chaos, the battle between the man in the golden robe and the shadow of the black mist and that terrifying spiritual storm kept flashing through his mind!

"Hmm..." After a long while, Shen Haoxuan's consciousness finally came to his senses. Looking at the familiar scene around him, Shen Haoxuan finally breathed a sigh of relief, his consciousness finally returned to his own sea of ​​consciousness.

But before Shen Haoxuan was happy, he discovered something that surprised him even more. He found himself standing on a high platform, and this high platform looked so familiar!

"This...isn't this the Chaos Ladder? How could it appear in my sea of ​​consciousness!" Shen Haoxuan looked at the golden Chaos Ladder under his feet in disbelief.

At this time, the top of the Chaos Ladder had long since lost the terrifying coercion, and Shen Haoxuan could walk around freely on it.

"Hoo!" Shen Haoxuan turned around casually, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded in his ears, and a golden light appeared in front of him!

"This..." Shen Haoxuan looked at the golden light, and suddenly remembered that he was finally stunned by this golden light in that strange mountain forest.

"What exactly is this!" Shen Haoxuan was puzzled.

As soon as his words fell, the golden light seemed to understand, and it slowly dissipated, and a golden token appeared in front of Shen Haoxuan.

The golden token was exquisitely crafted, like a work of art, but Shen Haoxuan couldn't understand the engraved characters on it at all. Shen Haoxuan was dizzy looking at the tadpole-like runes, and finally could only look away.

"Remember, please protect this token with your life!" A heavy voice sounded in Shen Haoxuan's ear in a daze, and suddenly, Shen Haoxuan seemed to see the man in the golden battle robe!
(End of this chapter)

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