Chaos hegemony

Chapter 98: Brothers of the Dragon Family!

Chapter 98: Brothers of the Dragon Family!

The Sanskrit-like voice disappeared in a flash, and before Shen Haoxuan could respond, he was pulled back to the real world by a tingling sensation! "Hiss..." The severe pain in his leg made him take a deep breath.

Shen Haoxuan opened his eyes and looked at his legs.It doesn't matter if you don't watch it, Shen Haoxuan almost cried out of anger when he saw it!
At this time, beside Shen Haoxuan's bed, a young man with short wavy hair and wearing a crimson cultivation uniform was holding a branch and kept poking his leg, and while poking, he muttered: "Why? Still not awake, it must be dead! Hey, that's just right, if you die, that beautiful sister will be mine, hehehe!" The young man said while making an exaggerated expression, and Shen Haoxuan listened. Face black lines.

"Ahem..." In the end, Shen Haoxuan finally couldn't listen anymore, he could only cough with both hands, signaling the young man to wake up!

"Ah! You're awake!" Shen Haoxuan's sudden cough made the boy startled, the branch in his hand was inserted into Shen Haoxuan's bandage not only intentionally or unintentionally!
"Hiss..." Shen Haoxuan took a deep breath again, and looked at this cute boy with vicious eyes, dammit, this guy definitely did it on purpose, Shen Haoxuan could feel it!

"My...leg!" Shen Haoxuan said in a trembling voice with a painful face.

"Oh... oh oh... I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." The young man hurriedly got up and stepped back in a panic. He seemed to have tripped over something under his leg, and his body fell forward. Unfortunately, he once again crushed Shen Haoxuan's body. on the legs!

"Ah...!" A pig-like cry came from Shen Haoxuan's room.

"What's the matter, what happened?" Ji Lingxuan just came to the gate of the courtyard when she heard the screams in the room, and ran in in a hurry.

"Uh... beautiful sister, you're here, I'm going to tell you that he's awake!" Seeing Ji Lingxuan coming in, the boy jumped up from Shen Haoxuan's body a few times. Of course, he naturally took care of him. Shen Haoxuan's broken leg, then ran to Ji Lingxuan and said as if to claim credit.

Shen Haoxuan was tortured by this young man because he really lost his temper. Looking at the harmless appearance of humans and animals, he wanted to die already!
Fortunately, Ji Lingxuan still cared about him as always!Ji Lingxuan patted the boy's head, then quickly came to Shen Haoxuan's side, and asked anxiously, "Brother Haoxuan, how are you? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Sensing Ji Lingxuan's relationship, Shen Haoxuan's heart was finally balanced. He squeezed Ji Lingxuan's little hand to signal that he was fine, then pouted at the young man behind him, and asked, "Ling Xuan, who is that brat?"

However, before Ji Lingxuan could answer, the short-haired boy charged forward, pointed at Shen Haoxuan's nose and said, "Who are you calling a brat? I'm your senior brother! From now on, in this Scarlet Flame Hall, I will be your boss! Also, Don't get so close to your pretty sister, have you got my permission?" After that, the young man stepped forward, directly tore Shen Haoxuan's "salty pig hand" from Ji Lingxuan's hand, and threw it aside, which made Shen Haoxuan look I was so dumbfounded that I couldn't speak for a while!
"Okay, Xiao Zhen stop making trouble, go and tell Elder Huo and your brother that brother Haoxuan has woken up!" Ji Lingxuan shook her head helplessly, and said with a smile.

"Okay!" The boy replied reluctantly, then looked at Shen Haoxuan, and said viciously: "Don't touch your beautiful sister again, otherwise, I won't let you go!" The boy said Forget it, warned Shen Haoxuan a few more words, turned around and walked out of the house, leaving only Shen Haoxuan messed up in the wind.

"Ling Xuan, what's going on here?" Shen Haoxuan was full of doubts. Why did he wake up and meet such a strange young man? If it wasn't for Shen Haoxuan not feeling murderous in him, he would have thought that he had fallen into a wolf's den Woolen cloth!
Seeing the puzzled expression on Shen Haoxuan's face, Ji Lingxuan told the truth about what happened after Shen Haoxuan fell into a coma. Only then did Shen Haoxuan realize that he had been in a coma for seven days!

It turned out that when Shen Haoxuan stepped on the first step of No.80, the ladder of chaos disappeared in front of everyone's eyes, and then Shen Haoxuan was helped to the Red Flame Hall to heal his injuries. During Ji Lingxuan's absence, it was always that young man He is taking care of himself, and that young man is indeed a disciple of Chiyantang, he can also be regarded as Shen Haoxuan's senior brother!

"I didn't expect to be recruited into the Chiyan Hall at such a young age. It seems that the talent is pretty good!" Shen Haoxuan nodded. He knew the conditions for recruiting disciples of the Chiyan Hall, which were extremely harsh, and that young man could be admitted. , Presumably he is also a dragon among men!
"Xiao Zhen, is that brat really awake?" While Shen Haoxuan was thinking, Elder Huo's voice came from outside the house.

"Of course, why should I lie to you?"

After a few breaths, Elder Huo hurriedly pushed open the door, seeing Shen Haoxuan who was sitting on the bed talking and laughing with Ji Lingxuan, he was still slightly shocked.

He had checked Shen Haoxuan's injuries. He thought that no one with such a serious injury would not be able to wake up for more than [-] days, but how many days, seven days, he woke up in seven days, this guy is really a monster!

"Elder Huo, you're here!" Shen Haoxuan hurriedly greeted Elder Huo when he came in.

But Elder Huo didn't buy Shen Haoxuan's account, and started scolding without saying a word: "Stinky boy, do you still know that I am your elder? Aren't your wings hardened, don't you, don't you listen to me? Ah, don't you know?" Knowing that you almost died, you..." Elder Huo scolded for half an hour, Shen Haoxuan could only nod his head and apologize.

Half an hour later, Elder Huo finally stopped, and Shen Haoxuan quickly motioned to Ji Lingxuan to pour him a glass of water. As a result, most of Elder Huo's anger was relieved by the water glass. A boy with a similar appearance asked, "Elder Huo, are these two...?"

"Introduce yourselves, let's get to know each other!" Elder Huo was probably tired of scolding and didn't want to talk more.

"Didn't I tell you that I am your senior brother, Long Zhen!" the short-haired boy said impatiently just now.

"Long Mo!" After the short-haired kid finished his introduction, the slightly older boy beside him nodded to Shen Haoxuan and said.

"Shen Haoxuan!" Shen Haoxuan nodded in response.

"Well, these two brothers are all the disciples of our Scarlet Flame Hall, now add you one more, the three of you will help each other in the future, and make our Red Flame Hall famous!" Elder Huo pulled Shen Haoxuan closer after the introduction. relationship with the two brothers.

"Let's talk about it now. I'm going to the Qingmu Hall. I've been dragging this old bastard for so many days, so it's time to hand over the cultivation materials to us!" Elder Huo said, and then He rushed out of the house in a hurry.

"Elder Huo behaves like this, and he will get used to it in the future. You are welcome to join the Scarlet Flame Hall!" Long Mo stepped forward and stretched out his palm to Shen Haoxuan.

"A lot of advice!"

(End of this chapter)

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