Chaos hegemony

Chapter 99 Another Big Trouble!

Chapter 99 Another Big Trouble!

Maybe it's because of their peers, Shen Haoxuan and the others had a good time chatting with each other. Although Long Mo's personality was a bit cold and he didn't talk much, but he was very eloquent, and every sentence he said was very direct, which saved him a lot. Let Shen Haoxuan think again and extract valuable information.

As for the brat Long Zhen, he ignored Shen Haoxuan the whole time, and just kept playing around with Ji Lingxuan, which made Shen Haoxuan feel a little unhappy, but when he thought about living together in the future, there would be more opportunities to teach him a lesson, Shen Haoxuan was able to balance it a lot.

"Junior Brother Shen, let's stop talking here today. When you recover from your injury, we will take you to familiarize yourself with the Chiyan Hall. You should rest well, and our two brothers will not disturb you!" Long Mo said politely.

"En, thank you, Senior Brother Long!" Shen Haoxuan cupped his hands in response.

"Hmph, let me tell you, little junior brother, don't bully your pretty sister while I'm not around, otherwise, hum..." Long Zhen waved his fist and said in an old-fashioned way.But then he was pulled away by Long Mo's ear!
Looking at the backs of the Long family brothers, Shen Haoxuan said in a low voice: "These two brothers are not easy!"

"Yeah, indeed, big brother Long Mo is already a third-level spirit general, at least on the surface, I don't know if he has hidden strength, and that younger brother Long Zhen is also a peak first-level spirit general. What's more terrifying is that the two of them Both of them have extreme physiques. It is said that when they were born, the divine fire descended from the sky, and the flame spirit seeds were planted in their bodies, which is extremely powerful! Geniuses with good luck, talent, and strength like them, if they don’t die young, they will die in the future. His achievements will definitely not be small!" Ji Lingxuan said with a smile.

"That's right, Nizi, it's only been a few days, and the news is so well-informed!" Shen Haoxuan joked while looking at Ji Lingxuan.

"No way, it was Long Zhen who told me!" Ji Lingxuan gave Shen Haoxuan a white look, and she was still in the mood to joke at this time.

"Haha, what about you, don't you need to go back? Hall Master She is willing to let you spend the night outside?"

"No need, I asked the old matriarch for leave, not only to take care of you!" Ji Lingxuan said with a small mouth, that cute appearance made Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but want to go up and kiss her!But when he thought that there was still business to do, Shen Haoxuan also rushed to suppress this stock.

"Ling Xuan, close the doors and windows, I have something to talk to Yan Lao!"

Seeing Shen Haoxuan mentioning Old Yan, Ji Lingxuan also knew the importance of the matter, and immediately put away her playful heart, quickly checked the inside of the house, and then closed the doors and windows.

After seeing Ji Lingxuan locked the doors and windows, Shen Haoxuan called out to Old Yan in his heart, and after a while, a transparent figure appeared in front of the two of them.

"Boy Shen, why did you make yourself look like this? It's wrapped like a rice dumpling!" Yan Lao asked immediately when Shen Haoxuan, who was covered in bandages all over his body, came into view.

Hearing Yanlao's question, Shen Haoxuan smiled wryly: "It's a long story, I'll ask you one thing first, I remember you once said, you belong to Taixuanzong!"

"That's right, I am indeed the suzerain of Taixuanzong! But that happened thousands of years ago, old Huangli!" The vicissitudes in Yan Lao's eyes flashed past.

Hearing Yan Lao's affirmation, Shen Haoxuan took a deep breath and asked again: "Then you should have heard of the Chaos Ladder!"

"Boom!" As soon as Shen Haoxuan finished speaking, a powerful spiritual storm erupted from Yan Lao's body, directly blasting the vase on the table!

"Old Yan!" Seeing that Lao Yan was so excited after hearing the Ladder of Chaos, Shen Haoxuan called out quickly. This is the Five Elements Sect, and there are not a few masters in the sect. It would be terrible if he found traces of Old Yan. !

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's call, Yan Lao suddenly came to his senses and hid his aura again.

"How do you know about the Chaos Ladder!" Yan Lao's voice was still a little unsettled.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan smiled wryly again, then opened his palm, a golden light flashed, and a small golden chaotic ladder appeared in Shen Haoxuan's hand!

"This..." Seeing this Chaos Ladder, not only Yan Lao was stunned, but even Ji Lingxuan felt a little unbelievable, it turned out that the Chaos Ladder that disappeared that day was taken away by Shen Haoxuan!
"What's going on here? How did the Chaos Ladder appear in your hands?" Old Yan asked puzzled.

Hearing Elder Yan's question, Shen Haoxuan told Elder Yan what he had encountered in the past few days, including the man in the golden robe he met after stepping on the 81st step, and also described the scene of him fighting the man in the black mist.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's narration, Old Yan frowned, as if he was remembering something.

"I really don't have the man in the golden robe you described in my memory, and Taixuanzong hadn't been exterminated when I was alive! I don't have any impression of the monster you mentioned!" Yan Lao shook his head and said, but After knowing that Taixuanzong was exterminated, his face was full of sadness!

"Old Yan, don't be too sad, Emperor Taixuan..." Shen Haoxuan wanted to say something to comfort Old Yan.

"It's okay, I'm already a dead person, the survival of the sect has nothing to do with me, life and death are fate, God has his own destiny!" Yan Lao shook his head and said with a wry smile.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan couldn't say anything more, but he suddenly remembered something: "Old Yan, it seems that the man in the golden robe gave me a token before he died, see if you have any impression!" A golden light flashed in Shen Haoxuan's hand again.

The golden light flashed, and the golden token appeared in Shen Haoxuan's hand. Yan Lao glanced at it, then turned pale with shock, and directly forced the golden token back into Shen Haoxuan's body again, and this happened only in an instant, even Shen Haoxuan There is no response!

"Kid Shen, remember, don't let others know that you own this thing, even your closest people, including your parents!" Yan Lao said solemnly, his eyes full of horror!
On the other side, Ji Lingxuan, who had always been indifferent to everything, was also full of panic, as if she had encountered something terrible.

"What's the matter with you? Is it just a token?" Shen Haoxuan was a little confused, what was it that made Yanlao and Ji Lingxuan so afraid!
"Brother Haoxuan, I can't explain it to you now, remember, don't let others know of its existence, or you will be killed, and even bring disaster to the entire Xingluo Continent!" Ji Lingxuan was serious Said.Old Yan also nodded in agreement.

Seeing Ji Lingxuan and Yanlao's serious expressions, Shen Haoxuan also realized the seriousness of the matter. It seems that he has encountered another big trouble!
Thinking of this, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help touching his forehead. He suddenly found that since he met Yan Lao, his life had completely changed. He awakened the Chaos Divine Body, met Ji Lingxuan, and refined the Fire Spirit Obsidian. Exploding bombs are really troublesome!

However, Shen Haoxuan feels that this kind of life is meaningful. Compared with living a mediocre life, Shen Haoxuan yearns for this future full of unknown challenges!

(End of this chapter)

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