
Chapter 1083 The Gan family is crying

Chapter 1083 The Gan family is crying

Chapter 570

At Chang Sheng's mansion, naturally a Taoist priest had already gone to report it, and the old Taoist made it clear on purpose that he must bring Wang Sheng's original words with him.Of course, the main meaning is to kill the Gan family.

If the Gan family is willing to be encircled and suppressed after entering the Thousand Jedi, then they can ignore Wang Sheng's ultimatum.However, this decision is not so easy to make.

Upon receiving the news, Meier's eyes flashed a sharp edge.For the Taoist priest who came to report the letter, Mei'er was still very pleasant, and told Steward Wang to treat her warmly and thoughtfully, and she must not be left out in the cold.But turning around, Qiangwei saw that Meier's eyes were as sharp as knives.

The Gan family is miserable this time!Qiangwei snorted coldly in her heart.Similarly, she was equally furious about the Gan family's death-defying behavior, but she didn't show it in front of outsiders, but in front of Meier, Qiangwei didn't have to hide her anger at all, and almost wanted to send someone to Gan country immediately Killed.

"Qiangwei, you don't need to worry." Mei'er is obviously more able to control her emotions than Qiangwei. Seeing that Qiangwei was a little out of control, Meier stopped her in time: "My father-in-law said, you and your sisters and sisters can practice with peace of mind during this time." You are the last guarantee that we can sleep peacefully in the future, and there is no room for loss."

Both Wang Sheng and Meier Qiangwei had discussed the arrangements for the girls in the Grand View Garden.Before they have combat power, Wang Sheng will never let them go out to take risks, and this will not change in a few years.Qiangwei didn't even know these things, so she nodded obediently in agreement!
"Don't worry, when the Gan family's compensation arrives, we'll take it out and put a reward on the heads of the Gan family." Mei'er narrowed her eyes, and the cold light flickered again: "So, it depends on how many gold coins we can dig out from their mouths." gone."

Thinking of the exhilaration of robbing the Xia family last time, the two girls are now full of fighting spirit.These two extremely powerful wills seemed to penetrate time and space, causing the Patriarch of the Gan family who was far away in the capital of Gan Kingdom to fight a cold war.

The Patriarch of the Gan family and several elders have been waiting for the news. From receiving the news from the capital to making arrangements there, the speed is very fast.This is due to the fact that they are the closest to the capital, and the high-speed Infobird can fly from the capital to the capital in less than half an hour. In addition to the front and rear arrangements, and the mobilization of people, it took an hour in total.

Calculated according to the footsteps of normal people, those masters should have successfully killed Ling Xu and took Wang Sheng away.As long as they drill into the Thousand Jedi, no one will know who they are and where they have gone.As for Gan Guo, all he had to do was wait to bring him back for interrogation.

Everything feels perfect, and the suppression of power is absolutely overwhelming, there is no possibility of any variables.It's just that these people are a bit uneasy in their work, and they don't consider the feelings of the people behind them at all, and they haven't sent any news back until now.Of course, it was probably because he was in a hurry and was afraid of being discovered, so we waited until we reached the edge of the Thousand Jedi.

While waiting anxiously, the head of the family and the elders finally waited for the Message Bird to send the letter.The disciples who received the letter didn't dare to neglect, they didn't even open the letter, and sent it directly to the king with the bag.

Full of anticipation, the lord opened the bag of the message bird, took out the letter inside, and after only a few glances, the whole person became sluggish.

Several elders beside him saw that the state of the king was not right, and one of them snatched the letter from the hand of the king in a hurry.After the letter was passed through the hands of all the elders, everyone fell silent.

The foolproof plan actually failed, and the failure was due to failure to take into account that Laojunguan would send out manpower to meet it.

Everyone has an urge to scold their mothers. Wang Sheng and Ling Xu have gone out of the city to Laojun Temple so many times, and they have never been picked up by Laojunguan people on the way. Finally, there were only two people Going out, and ended up running into such a sad thing, where can I justify it?

45 legendary masters, more than 20 of them are at the peak of legends, all of them were wiped out!How many legendary pinnacles does the Gan family have in total?This is half gone.

The head of the Gan family wants to cry but has no tears!Why did Zhu You suddenly become confused and thought of sending someone to attack Wang Sheng and Ling Xu?Now it's all right, let's not talk about it, Wang Sheng and Ling Xu didn't hurt half a hair, but the Gan family will be in big trouble next.

Both Changsheng Gongfu and Laojunguan want the Gan family to give an explanation. If they don't give an explanation for this matter, I'm afraid this matter will be difficult.Thinking about the value of the core area of ​​Qianjedi and the huge secrets that may be hidden inside, even if the Gan family gritted their teeth, they still had to explain it to the two families.

The problem is, this explanation may never be easy, someone has to take the blame, and whoever ordered the ambush must be pushed out by a very important person, at least at the elder level.The status is low, not to mention Chang Shenggong and Lao Junguan don't believe it, even those who watch the excitement don't believe it!Dozens of legendary peak masters, you can just launch a young man to command?Who are you fooling?

This is not counted, and the subsequent compensation is even more troublesome.The thought of facing Mrs. Mei in Changsheng's mansion made all the senior members of the Gan family feel numb.

Although the Xia family was cheated, they didn't say much, but both the Qiu family and the Tang family revealed that it was an extremely simple way to enter the mountains and mountains, and each family paid tens of millions of gold coins.

That's just buying a method, everyone's relationship is pretty good, and there is no real harm.However, to send a master to ambush and be killed by others, what kind of price must be paid to face Madam Mei?
"Let's talk! What should we do?" After being in a trance for a while, the Lord of Gan finally calmed down. Now that most of the elders are here, let's find a way!

Everyone was silent, the matter had already happened, and it was meaningless to try to evade it. If someone took the current situation, what is this called?

"No one saw what happened, or turn around and ask Chang Shenggong and Lao Junguan for an explanation?" An elder suggested in a low voice: "Our people died, isn't it normal to ask them to explain? "

The king looked directly at the elder who suggested this way, as if looking at a fool.The eyes of the other elders also became strange.The elder who spoke instantly realized that something was wrong, and forgot about Qian Jedi's core.It's okay to bite back, but the Gan family can say goodbye to Qian Jue in the future.I just got a part of the peerless treasures from the core of Qian Jedi, and I haven't got a lot of real secrets, so why don't the Gan family want it?

"Send someone with a sharp tongue to go to Chang Sheng Gong's mansion first to listen to Mrs. Mei's request!" Another elder suggested a reliable method.

Anyway, the Gan family is in big trouble this time!
(End of this chapter)

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