
Chapter 1084 Daoist Inheritance

Chapter 1084 Daoist Inheritance

Chapter 570 Second Daoist Inheritance

The Gan family is trying every means to remedy it. No matter what, things have happened and the dead are dead, but the living still need to continue to live and continue to unravel the secrets of Qian Jedi.

As for how to settle accounts with Wang Sheng in the future, that's a matter for the future, but we can't turn our backs now, we have to pay a sufficient price to resolve the misunderstanding.

Otherwise, if other families have the right to enter the core area of ​​Qianjedi, but their Gan family does not, then I am afraid that after the real secret is revealed, the Gan family will be the first target to be destroyed.

The secret of this level must be that the fewer competitors, the better, and the fewer insiders, the better.If you can't squeeze in, you can only be eliminated.Still the same sentence, the eight major families and the eight major vassal states are not monolithic, and it is normal to have a smile on your face and pay for something in your pocket.

The relationship between Wang Sheng and the Eight Great Families is also the same, but the time for Wang Sheng to rise is too short now, and he has not yet reached the point where the Eight Great Families are afraid. If his strength is weak, they are the first batch to be cleaned up afterwards.

Everyone now knows what happened, and their reactions vary.There are those who secretly laugh at the Gan family's stupidity, and those who have the same thoughts as the Gan family but are secretly glad that they have no time to do it. All kinds of thoughts, but there is one thing that everyone has in common, that is, waiting to watch the show and see what happens to the Gan family!

If you make a move, you must have the awareness that the move will not be successful. Do you really think it's okay to swagger and want to kill people but fail?
The royal people's admiration for the Gan family who dared to provoke Wang Sheng and Patriarch Ling Xu was like a surging river.Sure enough, the ignorant are fearless!

A long time ago, during the royal rebellion, the three major priests and the old priest taught the royal masters a lesson.It is also the legendary peak state, but the legendary peak and the legendary peak are incomparable.The three major priests are the pinnacle of legends, but they are the pinnacles of legends after they have entered the core of the Thousand Jedi and come out safely, and then they have comprehended it.

Back then, ordinary legendary peak masters faced the top three priests, and that was the end of being instantly killed.As for the three major priests, facing the old priest of the royal family who had lived in seclusion for many years, the three of them could only fight to match each other.Ordinary legendary masters don't even have the qualifications to approach them, and if they enter within a radius of ten feet, they will be shocked to death by Qi.

That was a year ago, and a month ago, the three priests thought that they had reached the limit of their cultivation, and it was impossible to improve.But Wang Sheng told them in the box of the Grand Theater that there is still a way up.In fact, the same is true. The three major priests successfully advanced, broke through the legendary peak, and entered the realm of the tenth level that was unimaginable before.

If there are any masters known as the pinnacle of legend who dare to attack them, any one of the three major priests can instantly kill these so-called pinnacles of legend with their little fingers.Only after crossing this realm can one realize how terrifying that strength is.

Wang Sheng is only at the seventh or eighth level, so how did he know about breaking through the legendary peak?Apart from Lingxu Patriarch of Laojunguan, is there anyone else to point him out?
The three major priests are now in the powerful realm of the tenth level, and they dare not easily think about the Lingxu ancestor. What kind of bear heart and leopard courage did those legendary peak masters of the Gan family have to have such an idea?Ambush and kill Patriarch Ling Xu and capture Wang Sheng alive?Do you know how to write the word dead?Do you know how many strokes there are?

It's all about ridicule, but whether it's the Son of Heaven, the three major priests, or the families watching the fun, none of them think that it's wrong for the Gan family to plot against Wang Sheng.At most, it was the Gan family's bad luck. Those who didn't know thought that the Gan family had met many masters of Laojunguan and went to greet them, and those who knew sighed that the Gan family dared to move Wang Sheng beside Lingxu ancestor, that's all.

In this era, calculating each other is simply a matter of course, what is wrong with this matter?From Wang Sheng's point of view, naturally all methods of calculating Wang Sheng are wrong, but from other people's point of view, as long as they serve their own interests, there is nothing wrong.

Wang Sheng himself understood this point.Are there few such things on earth?Take Wang Sheng himself as an example. In the eyes of the enemy, he is a heinous crime, but in his own motherland, he is a hero.Whether right or wrong is right or wrong depends on where you stand.

Therefore, Wang Sheng himself did not immediately go to the Gan family to kill the Quartet for revenge.It is now obvious that Meier's affairs are much higher priority than the Gan family's calculation of their own affairs. For the Gan family's affairs, Meier will scrape a layer of ground from them first, and Wang Sheng's main energy is still with Ling Xu. Together, we will perfect the Taoism's "The Method of Zhixu, Shou and Meditation".

In the quiet room of the Laojunguan scripture building, Lingxu sat for two days and two nights, while Wang Sheng read the books of Laojunguan one by one, going through everything from Taoist theory to exercises .Now that I have majored in Taoism, it is natural to learn the theory of Taoism.

Two days later, when old Taoist Ling Xu and Wang Sheng were slowly enjoying the Tai Chi health porridge, Da Guanzhu, who had disappeared for two days, entered the quiet room again.Seeing Wang Sheng and Lao Dao were drinking porridge, he was not polite, so he found a bowl and poured it himself, and sat down with Wang Sheng Lao Dao to drink slowly.

"How's it going?" the old Taoist asked after Da Guanzhu drank a bowl.

"It's almost there." Daguanzhu replied with a smile and affirmation: "Basically, there are no objections."

"So there are still people?" The old man asked very annoyed.

"There are a few small Taoist temple masters who are dissatisfied." The master of the big temple thanked him and explained: "However, they have already set off to come here. Some disciples of those small Taoist temples are willing to merge into my Laojun temple , I have promised. They will convince their Lord on the way."

What Daguanzhu said was very casual, it sounded like an understatement, but both Wang Sheng and Lao Dao understood the hidden meaning.

What small Taoist temple?Is the small Taoist temple qualified to speak in the major events of the Taoist inheritance?At least it must be a combination of dozens or hundreds of Taoist temples.As for those people who will persuade their viewers, it is even more ridiculous.If those temple masters can't even persuade the grand temple master of the Laojun temple, can the disciples in their own Taoist temple be able to persuade them?
The struggle for power and profit may not be easy, but Daguanzhu handles it very flatly, and doesn't want the old man to be exposed to these things.From this point, Wang Sheng could also feel that Da Guanzhu really respected Patriarch Ling Xu.

Although the matter has something to do with him, Wang Sheng will never object to Master Daguan doing this.Even if it is for Meier, Wang Sheng will never allow anyone to destroy it.

(End of this chapter)

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