
Chapter 1123 Convinced Oral

Chapter 1123 Convinced Oral

Chapter 590 Convinced

The ceremony of the puja was very long, and all the Taoist priests were dressed in solemn cassocks, each had their own positions, and followed the steps of the puja meticulously.When it's time to worship Laojun, worship Laojun, stand when it's time to stand, burn incense when it's time to burn incense, and be extremely serious.

Representatives of the princes and the royal family, as the distinguished guests invited to watch the ceremony, were arranged in the VIP seats outside the main hall.The distance is very close and can be seen clearly.

It is said that it is the Dharma Assembly of the Laojun Temple, but it is actually the Dharma Assembly of the entire Taoist sect.The head teachers of the six sects of Taoism were all there. When worshiping Laojun, the six head teachers lined up, and there was no distinction between front and back. They stood in a row and paid homage together.

For the inside of the Taoist sect, this puja is basically a ceremony of thanking the ancestors held by Taoists big and small after inheriting the inheritance of the ancestors.Of course, this opportunity is also used to let the successors of all parties make their debut, and at the same time, to express the position of the Daoist sect to the world.

What the forces of all parties really care about is actually the last one.Everyone wants to know what Daomen thinks.

But now, everyone's eyes are focused on the two offerings on the altar in front of the statue of Laojun, the patriarch of Taoism.Those were two well-preserved human heads.

Anyone who knows what happened before will know the origin of these two heads, even if they don't know each other, they can guess it.What's more, the person who came here, who is the one who doesn't know what happened?If you really didn't know, would you come here to participate in the Fa conference?
The heads of Lord Dai and Elder Dai are now placed on the altar of the Daoist Patriarch at Laojun’s Dharma Viewing Meeting as tributes. Those who saw this scene took a deep breath in their hearts.

Of course, there are also those who don't breathe air-conditioning, Dai Xiao doesn't.He just looked at the two heads and secretly shed tears and blood in his heart. The dead Lord Dai is Dai Xiao's father, his biological father!Although the new Great Elder is not that close to him, not that direct relative, but after all, the Great Elder has taken good care of Dai Xiao.

Now, Dai Xiao can only watch the heads of his biological father and the Great Elder placed on the altar, but he can't do anything but watch.

As for the idea of ​​taking the two heads back, Dai Xiao didn't even dare to think about it.Under the heavy guards of King Dai's palace, Patriarch Ling Xu took off his head as soon as he said it, and all the guards died cleanly.This is an important place for Taoism, if you dare to think this way, if you do something here, your head will be placed next to your father's head on the table.

Therefore, when it was the turn of the guests to salute the Taoist patriarch, Dai Xiao was more pious than those big figures in other vassal states, and knelt down twice as long as others.

Dai Xiao couldn't bear the strange gazes from the people around him.Now Dai Guo can't withstand too strong a storm, so he can only be a coward.But if other vassals think that Dai Guo is a soft persimmon that can be pinched, Dai Xiao doesn't mind letting them know Dai Guo's hidden strength.

Thanks to this Dharma meeting of the Taoist sect, it has attracted the attention of other vassal states.Perhaps in the eyes of other princes, Dai Guo is already a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, just waiting for them to find a suitable posture to strike the knife.It's a pity that they missed the best opportunity to eliminate Dai Guo. This short period of half a month gave Dai Guo the opportunity to take back all the previously hidden power into the country.

The elders that Dai Guo talked about on all sides hurried back to Dai Guo, Qian Jedi, and the masters of Dai Guo in the mountains and mountains were the same. On the fifth day after the incident, there were thousands of young masters in Dai Guo, all of whom used to hide their names. A new generation of masters of the Dai family who practiced casually in various places.

Although the overall strength of these masters is not as powerful as the masters in the original palace, but in terms of the number of masters in the legendary realm, they are no less than those in the palace.What is even more gratifying is that they are younger and have more potential, and their future achievements may be even greater.

The elders of Dai Guo, this time they were fighting against each other, and did not fight for the position of Patriarch.Of course, this is not a good position. Sitting in it may mean great danger and responsibility, as well as unimaginable humiliation.After giving way to each other, the elders chose Dai Xiao, the heir appointed by the previous Patriarch when he was still alive, as the new Patriarch and Patriarch.

The first thing the new Patriarch did after he came to power was to personally rush to Laojunguan to make an apology.This kind of humiliating thing would never be done by the previous Dai family.But now, Dai Xiao can only come over obediently, not daring to say a word of rejection.

The ceremony of the puja was finally completed, and everyone took a deep breath, waiting for Laojunguan to open the card.

Daguanzhu represents the six sects of Taoism, and with a single sentence, the hearts of the princes of all parties are put in their stomachs.

"I have six sects of Taoism, and I don't intend to compete with you in the secular world." When Master Daguan said these words, countless people's angry voices were clearly heard at the scene.

"My Taoist school is still the original Taoist school, and it has never changed." The voice of Da Guanzhu is very clear and reassuring: "In the future, apart from exploring the essence of Taoism and practice in the pursuit of the way of heaven passed down by the ancestors, there may be ways of cultivating the Tao. Except for the change, it will not affect you in any way. You don't have to worry about it."

Can you not worry?All parties slandered in their hearts.Fortunately, Da Guanzhu said this publicly in front of many people this time, which shows that the Taoist sect will not change its attitude, which is a good thing.

Daomen won't change?Maybe, maybe not, but at least not right now.What has changed is only the attitudes of all parties towards the Taoist sect. As Daguanzhu said, the Taoist sect is still the same Taoist sect and has not changed.

Patriarch Lingxu didn't pop out from the crack of the rock suddenly, he had it before, and he will have it for a long time to come.But didn't you always pay little attention to Taoism before?Has Patriarch Ling Xu changed?Unchanged!He just did one more thing than before. It's just that he had the ability before. Everyone didn't know it before. Who is to blame?

"Dai Guohou!" Da Guanzhu greeted suddenly.

Dai Xiao didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly answered in unison, walked to the front, and obediently knelt down to salute the grand master, with the expression on his face and body movements, he didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction at all.

"This matter is because you Dai Guozhu sent the masters of Shanyue Kingdom to attack the six suzerains of my Taoist sect, and tried to steal my Taoist inheritance and interfere with the grand ceremony of my Taoist inheritance." Da Guanzhu asked bluntly: "This result, you Dai Guo Can you take it?"

"It's true that I, Dai Guo, was at fault in the first place." Dai Xiao really deserved to be a master who can bend and stretch, knelt on the ground, kowtowed to the master, and said, "I am convinced by Dai Guo!"

(End of this chapter)

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