
Chapter 1124 It's time to find Shanyue Kingdom

Chapter 1124 It's time to find Shanyue Kingdom

Chapter 590 It's time to find Shanyue Kingdom

Hearing the question of Grand View Lord, Wang Sheng couldn't help laughing, but he forced himself to hold it back.

Does Dai Xiao dare to refuse to accept it now?The fate of dissatisfaction is placed on the altar table in the main hall not far in front. As long as Dai Xiao is not a fool, it is impossible to say what he dissatisfies with.

This is like parents educating their children. After a beating, they have to call over to ask you whether the beating was right, whether to accept it, physical and mental repression, material civilization and spiritual civilization, both hands must be hard.

Da Guanzhu looked at Dai Xiao who was kneeling and apologizing for a long time, and then said: "Get up!"

Dai Xiao didn't dare to neglect at all, let him kneel quickly and get up quickly.

"When you go back, take their heads back and bury them together!" Da Guanzhu's voice softened a little, and he said to Dai Xiao.

"Thank you, Guanzhu!" Without further ado, Dai Xiao immediately knelt down to the ground again, kowtowing three times to thank the Guanzhu.

After thanking him, Dai Xiao didn't get up, but said loudly to the Grand Priest: "The Grand Priest is generous!"

The reason why Dai Xiao spoke so loudly was because what he said next was not only for the audience, but also for all parties present.

"Shanyue Kingdom did develop to the present with the secret support of my country Dai before." Dai Xiao smiled wryly: "But now, except for the occasional flying mounts that the masters of my Dai country can use a few times, Shanyue country has already Not under the control of my country Dai, Zhu Xingsheng of Baoqing Yutang has completely controlled Shanyue country."

Dai Xiao brought up the Shanyue Kingdom at this time, on the one hand, it was to completely separate the Shanyue Kingdom from the Dai Kingdom, so that the hatred of all parties would not focus on the Dai Kingdom.On the other hand, there is no intention of telling grievances.

According to Dai Xiao, Dai Guo could no longer control the Shanyue Kingdom, so the Shanyue Kingdom's masters attacked the head teacher of the Taoist sect, which was actually Zhu Xingsheng's idea.Daomen suppressed Dai Guo, Dai Guo was convinced and did not dare to question anything, but Shanyue Kingdom, which really moved Daomen, did not suffer any damage. The subtext may not mean that the door is unfair.

Ever since Zhu Xingsheng was promoted as a god envoy by the head teacher of Tongxuan according to the method of the cult, he was basically a big man who made a decision with one word in Shanyue Kingdom, and there was no one else.Those barbarian masters only recognize the envoys and do not recognize others. They only obey Zhu Xingsheng's command and don't care about others.

Under such circumstances, even if Dai Guo wants to control the Shanyue Kingdom, he has no choice.In the later stage, Dai Guo actually wanted to let go, but unfortunately they invested too much in the early stage, and they couldn't withdraw even if they wanted to.

Now, Dai Xiao told the current situation of Shanyue Kingdom in front of the head teacher of Taoism and other important figures in the vassal states. With the help of the heavy consequences of the destruction of the King Dai, the Great Elder and King Dai's palace, Dai Xiao and other important figures in the kingdom were completely put to death. The Shanyue Kingdom was split apart.

Originally, they used each other, but now they are separated and have nothing to do with each other.This show of weakness by Dai Xiao also redirected everyone's attention to Shanyue Kingdom.

Good idea!Wang Sheng hadn't shown up all this time, but now listening to Dai Xiao's words, he couldn't help but praise him in his heart.Even people who are already dead can be held up by him as a banner and successfully separated from Shanyue Kingdom completely.

In addition, Dai Xiao successfully steered the disaster to the east.Since the Taoist sect took revenge on Dai Xiao, why didn't they take revenge on Shanyue Kingdom?In front of so many representatives of the vassal states, if the Taoist sect does not express its attitude, the Taoist sect will not be able to escape the reputation of being unfair in the future.

Da Guanzhu is such a shrewd person, how could he be caught by Dai Xiao, he smiled slightly, and wrote lightly: "My Taoist sect only punishes the head of the evil, and others don't. If the Shanyue Kingdom offends them next time, they will naturally find them .”

Dai Xiao wanted to say something more, but the master just waved his hand lightly. Dai Xiao didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of the master. He kept all his words in his heart, kowtowed, stood up and returned to the original place. I dare not say more.

Next, Master Daguan said a few more things. In summary, it is nothing more than that the Taoist sect does not cause trouble, and is not afraid of trouble. With this attitude, the conference ended.

All parties finally got a result that satisfied them.The Taoist school is still the same Taoist school, and has no intention of entering the secular world to fight for hegemony, and it is said in front of all parties, which makes everyone put their hearts back in their stomachs.As long as the Taoist sect does not participate, otherwise, with the terrifying strength of the Taoist sect, which king can sleep?

Next, all parties can feel confident and bold about what to do.Suddenly, all parties discovered that there were several delicious prey, and they didn't know how to choose for a while.

Shanyue Kingdom is now being attacked by all sides, Dai Kingdom is half dead, and Xia Kingdom is at a loss. Which one is the best prey, and which one can be eaten most easily?this is a problem!
However, this issue can only be decided after going back and discussing with the respective country leaders. The important thing now is to quickly repair the relationship with Taoism and Laojunguan. All parties have brought important gifts, why?Isn't it to make friends with Laojunguan?
Laojun accepted all the goodwill from all parties, and at the same time gave a rich gift in return.When leaving Laojun Temple, except for the Dai family, all other forces were smiling.

Wang Sheng didn't leave right away, and together with Meier, thanked Daguanzhu for helping to watch the day, and at the same time, he didn't forget to ask Daguanzhu to go to a concert in half a month.

The Grand View Lord did not let Wang Shengkong leave. When he went back, there were at least a thousand copied scrolls in Wang Sheng's ring, all of which were brought back by Wang Sheng and Lao Dao from the peerless treasures in the inner circle of Qianjedi. of.

Such a long time is enough for Laojunguan's Qing Dynasty veterans to copy all the scrolls and study a part of them at the same time.What made Da Guanzhu and the others not particularly happy was that among the scrolls they brought back, only one-third of the exercises could be practiced by men, and the remaining two-thirds were entirely for women to practice.It is not even one-tenth of the way that does not contradict the way of Taoism.

"These exercises are suitable for women to practice. There are many women in your house, so take them back!" Da Guanzhu and Wang Sheng are not polite, they have copied them anyway, and don't care about sharing them at all: "Unfortunately, there are not many female disciples in my Taoist sect. , There are indeed many exquisite martial arts in it."

"It's really a pity." Wang Sheng also felt a little pity that there are so many exercises and Laojunguan that few people can practice them.

"By the way, Guanzhu." Others dare not ask Daguanzhu's true meaning, but Wang Sheng doesn't have to worry about anything, he can just ask whatever comes to mind: "Shanyue Kingdom, are you really going to let them go?"

"This time the Dai family will be taken by me, Laojunguan." Daguanzhu smiled, and replied to Wang Sheng: "Other five sects, a group of masters have already entered the land of Shanyue by using the method you mentioned."

(End of this chapter)

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