
Chapter 1133 Unbelievable Assassination

Chapter 1133 Unbelievable Assassination

Chapter 590 The Sixth Unbelievable Assassination

At a distance of more than ten miles, Wang Sheng flew by at supersonic speed, and it only took about [-] seconds. It took more than ten seconds to send the warning signal before, and it took a few seconds for the guards to see the warning signal. Zhu Xingsheng In order to show that he is an envoy of God, he walked calmly and unhurriedly for a few seconds.

The time taken together was enough for Wang Sheng to fly to the altar where Zhu Xingsheng was.

Zhu Xingsheng is an envoy of the gods. Before he became an envoy of the gods, Zhu Xingsheng was the owner of Baoqing Yutang.I dare not say high position and weight, but it is definitely at the level of the world's richest.What Zhu Xingsheng wanted to do, he only needed to give an order, and someone would help him do it naturally. If he wanted to kill someone, he just gave an order, and someone would help him to do it.

Therefore, no matter how high his cultivation level is, Zhu Xingsheng is just a showman. It can be said that he has never had any real combat experience.Strictly speaking, it means that his guards have accompanied him to practice a few moves, that's all.

When Zhu Xingsheng saw the black spot that was getting bigger and bigger, his first reaction was to be curious, until the black spot became so big that he could tell it was a person, it quickly turned into panic.

In fact, from when he saw the black dot to when Wang Sheng came in front of him, it took at most one second.And in this second, Zhu Xingsheng ordered everyone to get up in a leisurely manner.

"What..." When Zhu Xingsheng saw Wang Sheng's face, it was too late.He only had time to utter a word, and after asking for a word, there was no more words.

In Wang Sheng's hand, he was holding a sharp saber. At the moment when Zhu Xingsheng passed by at supersonic speed, the saber had already scratched Zhu Xingsheng's neck, and his other hand grabbed Zhu Xingsheng's hair bun.

Whoosh, the masters of Shanyue Kingdom who just got up from the altar didn't even see what happened. The God Envoy they had always believed in lost his head in an instant.

The headless corpse was still standing there, and the blood sprayed from the flat neck was a full six feet high, forming a small fountain of blood.

However, this scene terrified the barbarian masters of Shanyue Kingdom.In the end what happened?But until this moment, everyone heard the explosion of fireworks and a booming sound, but it was the sound and movement of Wang Sheng flying through the sound barrier.

Someone saw Wang Sheng flying past, but Wang Sheng flew too fast and disappeared in a flash. When he wanted to see it again, he was blocked by the high altar.By the time they turned around, Wang Sheng was no longer in sight.

In an instant, countless screams began to resound in Ningyue City. The supreme envoy suddenly lost his head. For these barbarians who had already been brainwashed, it could almost be said that their faith collapsed.The sky is falling!
In less than 10 minutes, the entire Ningyue City was plunged into an irresistible fear and sorrow.All the barbarians in the city looked like mourners, and countless people knelt down on the spot, tears streaming down their faces.

The few individual gangs who were allowed to enter the outskirts of Ningyue City, and were allowed to do business with Shanyue Kingdom, looked at all this inexplicably, and they didn't know what happened.

Finally, there were a few smart people who understood something from the activities of those barbarians, and they were shocked for a while.He didn't dare to stay any longer, and left quickly before these barbarians could react. If he didn't leave, he might never have the chance to leave again.

Wang Sheng didn't care about what happened in Ningyue City in a short period of time. He was now controlling the flying mouse suit, and he had already flew past another flying monster, and cut off the head of the beast trainer. Fly forward without returning.

Without the command of the animal trainer, the flying monster ignored the commands of the two passengers above and just flew indiscriminately.But none of the flying monsters in the other directions thought about chasing them. When they figured it out, it was too late, and Wang Sheng's shadow had long been lost.

As long as the flying squirrel suit has speed, it can continue to fly, but as the distance gets farther and farther, the speed will gradually decrease.Although it was already below the speed of sound at this time, the speed was still very terrifying, but to Wang Sheng, there was no more danger, it was nothing more than enough time and enough distance to slow down.

After flying for dozens of miles in a row, Wang Sheng heard Daxue's cry, and without raising his head, Wang Sheng could already feel Daxue's body flying above him, blocking even the sunlight.

Liu Zi Jue sent a signal to Daxue, and Daxue flexibly flipped a few times in the air, and instantly flew below Wang Sheng, maintaining the same speed as Wang Sheng.

With ease, Wang Sheng grabbed the long feather on Daxue's back again, and then lightly landed on Daxue's back.Greeting to Daxue, Daxue flapped his wings a few times, soared into the sky, and disappeared into the clouds in a blink of an eye.

From the beginning to the end, Wang Sheng never landed.Even because the speed was too fast, Wang Sheng didn't have any blood on his body.All the bloodstains were left far behind Wang Sheng, and it was too late to catch up with Wang Sheng's body.

In the eyes of the masters of Shanyue Kingdom, the death of the envoy was so unbelievable that they didn't even know what happened.The entire Shanyue Kingdom suddenly lost its backbone and became a mess.

Those smart gang members left Ningyue City as quickly as possible, and then quickly fled to the hiding place they had prepared in advance outside the city.Ningyue City has flying mounts, how far can they run if they try to escape?Only hide and wait for a chance to escape.

Those who were not smart enough thought that those barbarians would let them go, but after a while, all the outsiders in Ningyue City were beheaded and offered in front of the headless corpse of the envoy.

Soon, the chaos in Ningyue City subsided slowly. Zhu Xingsheng's original subordinates stepped forward and temporarily stabilized the situation. However, there were a few smart guys, but they were nowhere to be found.

The news inevitably started to spread from Xia Kingdom after more than ten days, and then spread rapidly throughout the entire kingdom starting from Xia Kingdom.

Everyone who heard the news was stunned.Zhu Xingsheng from Shanyue Kingdom was inexplicably killed in Ningyue City under heavy guards?Even up to now, no one knows who killed Zhu Xingsheng?How can this be?Could it be that so many masters in Ningyue City are all deaf and blind, and they can't even see the killer's face clearly?

The news spread to Wuyou City, and the housekeeper was stunned when he heard about it.How did Wang Sheng do it?
(End of this chapter)

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