
Chapter 1134 The Curiosity of the Whole World

Chapter 1134 The Curiosity of the Whole World

Chapter 590 The Curiosity of the Whole World

Worry-free City doesn't have the habit of spreading the word to everyone for free, unless someone pays a lot of money to buy the news.And it was related to Wang Sheng, the news must be ridiculously expensive.

This matter was mentioned by the housekeeper brother when he sent Wang Sheng information.Wang Sheng also nodded and agreed, but if no one asked, then Wuyou City had to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Everyone in the world is going crazy. Why did Zhu Xingsheng of Shanyue Kingdom, who had been so prosperous for a while, suddenly lost his head?Who did it?How did you do it?How could he survive after entering Ningyue City and killing Zhu Xingsheng under the protection of thousands of masters?These questions can make countless masters want to break their heads.

After being stunned, all the high-level executives from all parties were overjoyed.Why is Shanyue Kingdom so powerful?Isn't it because those savages have been thoroughly brainwashed, and they are crazy about willing to sacrifice their lives without hesitation for the envoy of God?Now that Zhu Xing is dead, and the snake can't do without a head, wouldn't the Shanyue Kingdom just become a fat piece of meat, ready to be slaughtered?
This time, all parties no longer hesitate to choose who to choose between Dai Guoxia and Shanyue Kingdom.What are you thinking about at this time?Don't you hurry up and send masters straight to the land of Shanyue, grab as much territory as you can, and grab as many flying monsters as you can?

Those who waited and watched all had this attitude. Xia Guo, Qiu Guo and Tang Guo, who were the first to bear the brunt, even sent people into the land of Shanyue immediately after receiving the news.

Xia Guo immediately counterattacked the occupied cities, Qiu Guo sent more experts, and Tang Guo was the happiest.Tang Guo was the shortest to join the battle group, suffered the least loss, but was also the most justifiable one.At that time, the three priests' methods of sowing dissension gave Tang the biggest excuse. It happened that Tang was one of the three countries that bordered the most mountains and lands, and it was the most convenient country to annex the mountains.

Even Feng State, which is also bordered by Shanyue State, has not been attacked much before, and at this moment, it does not hesitate to send experts to attack. At the same time, it sent envoys to Xia State and Tang State, and began to discuss how to carve up the land of Shanyue as soon as possible.

There is no way, there are more wolves and less meat, and if you move slowly, there will not be much left in the mountains.

In just a few days, almost all the barbarian tribes that had been discovered in the Shanyue Land were attacked and occupied by various parties.At this time, all the forces showed their ferocious teeth, no matter what, they could occupy as much as they could.

The royal family did not stay out of the matter, but they did not directly send people to capture the land of Shanyue, but invented an order to announce to the world that those who expand the land in the land of Shanyue, after the court reports and obtains the approval of all parties, can Award titles according to the size of the controlled area.

This time, it was like throwing a torch into the oil pan, and the emotions of all parties were like flames rising, all ignited, facing the land of mountains and mountains, they almost tried their best.

Advance to get rich and grab land, and there are official title rewards. If you don't work hard at this time, when will you work hard?How many people are jealous of the title, how many people are fighting for this title, who is willing to give up this great opportunity to others?
Just when all parties were frantically carve up the land of Shanyue, someone in Wuyou City finally thought of buying news with a lot of money.Worry-free City was also polite, and after a heavy slaughter, gave the answer.Immediately, the news that Wang Sheng had killed Zhu Xingsheng spread all over the world.

Upon hearing this result, the high-level forces of all parties immediately reacted with a sudden realization.It turned out to be Wang Sheng, no wonder!Then I became even more puzzled, how did Wang Sheng do it?It makes people more and more curious!
When the news spread, Wang Sheng was already on his way back to the capital.In the past half a month, Wang Sheng was not delaying, but was discussing with Daxue to let Daxue move.

According to Wang Sheng's estimation, within another year at most, the core area of ​​Qianjedi will become a vast ocean.For Xuediao Daxue, that was definitely not his favorite living environment.What's more, the direct consequence of melting icebergs is that Daxue's nest will be destroyed, and then there will be food shortages, followed by climate change. At that time, Daxue will definitely be forced to relocate and fly away.

Instead of rushing to find a place when the time comes, it is better to help Daxue find a suitable nesting place now.

Wang Sheng took Daxue as a friend. He played so many times and was very happy. He didn't want Daxue to face that kind of situation when the time came.Therefore, when flying back on Daxue's back, Wang Sheng kept persuading him.

Daxue was obviously not happy, but he couldn't stand Wang Sheng's persuasion all the way, and finally agreed to fly to the north with Wang Sheng.In the icy and snowy land further north, the heavy snow was absolutely crushing. After going around a few times, I finally found a few suitable places.

Then there was no such thing as Wang Sheng.The location of Daxue's nest has to be decided by himself, and the selection of materials is not something that Wang Sheng can help.In the end, Daxue brought Wang Sheng back to the Thousand Jedi Core, and then, under Wang Sheng's urging, flew around the Thousand Jedi Core a few times, and finally abandoned the original lair and flew to the north.

Watching Daxue fly away, a smile finally appeared on Wang Sheng's face.Although Daxue is just a snow sculpture, Wang Sheng really regards him as a friend.Playing happily in Qianjedi for such a long time, there is always emotion.

Although it took half an extra month in the north, Wang Sheng felt it was worth it!In the future, if there is a chance, Wang Sheng will definitely go to the snow field in the north to see the heavy snow.

In the core area of ​​Thousand Jedi, Wang Sheng has found many people trying to enter slowly on Daxue's back.Of course, the Xia family is indispensable in it. They brought a map and had a year's head start. Even if they were attacked by the Shanyue Kingdom and were about to be overwhelmed, they did not forget to explore at the core of the Thousand Jedi.The opportunity bought by [-] million gold coins cannot be wasted.

Wang Sheng didn't alarm anyone. With Wang Sheng's ability, it was too easy to deceive someone in the core of Qian Jedi.

Zhu Xing died in his own hands, and Wang Sheng no longer had any knots in his heart.When he came out from Qian Jedi, Wang Sheng still passed by the village that Zhu Xingsheng slaughtered.

The village has already changed a group of villagers. This is the outskirts of Beijing, not a desolate place. Although people have died, there are still some people who are willing to move here, which is better than sleeping in the open.

Wang Sheng didn't disturb the villagers in the village, but just found a place, put Zhu Xingsheng's head on it, lit three sticks of incense, and stood there watching the incense burn halfway, Wang Sheng smiled, turned and left, straight Ben capital.

Back at Chang Sheng's mansion, the first thing Wang Sheng saw was Meier who became more and more beautiful.Seeing Wang Sheng, Meier didn't hold back any more, she ran all the way over, jumped onto Wang Sheng's body, and hugged Wang Sheng tightly, refusing to let go.

(End of this chapter)

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