
Chapter 1164 Allowed New Business

Chapter 1164 Allowed New Business

New business permitted by Chapter 610 II

Can't do a specific business, only do pawn and loan collection and lending businesses?Doesn't this mean that the real economy is not allowed, only finance?

"Have their brains been kicked by a donkey?" Wang Sheng scolded directly.

"Yes!" Qiangwei also chimed in, "How could anyone bully people like this? Master, we must not agree to their request. If this continues, will we still be able to do business in the future?"

Although Mei'er didn't speak, he was very upset just now and his angry expression said a lot.Those guys are too much, do you really think that your master has to be obedient and obedient, and there is no way to fight back?
"All the businesses in the world add up, is there anything more profitable than collecting and lending?" Before Mei'er could express what she meant, Wang Sheng had already scolded: "Do these guys really understand or are they pretending not to understand? ? Don’t let me do ordinary money-making business, insist on giving me a profiteering business? Their heads must have been kicked by a donkey.”

To put it simply, didn't those guys just ask Wang Sheng to do business in banking, insurance and securities?Is there anything more profitable than these financial businesses on earth?For a long time, Wang Sheng never thought about doing financial business.On the one hand, there is insufficient capital. On the other hand, Wang Sheng is not ashamed to harm these ordinary businessmen in the embryonic stage of capitalism.

A group of self-righteous guys wanted to restrict Wang Sheng, but they didn't expect them to personally force Wang Sheng to go into the business that Wang Sheng didn't want to harm them before. What is this?Cocoon yourself?Or is God destined to dig his own grave?

Meier and Qiangwei were already stunned, looking at Wang Sheng dumbfounded.What did my master just say?A profiteering business that steals money?
"Master, hurry up and talk!" What Meier dislikes the most is the profitable business. When Wang Sheng actually said that loan collection and lending are such a level of business, she was in a hurry. She didn't even care about eating well, so she rushed to In Wang Sheng's arms, he hugged Wang Sheng's neck and kept shaking and acting coquettishly. The firepower of natural obsession was fully fired, so Wang Sheng said quickly.

Wearing a thin little dress, an unusually exquisite body with beautiful lines, smooth long hair, and extremely sexy pointed high-heeled shoes, Meier is now completely dressed like a capable urban female white-collar worker.All of a sudden, she became like a little woman. Just subduing the temptation, Meier's natural charm has been enhanced several times. Even Wang Sheng can only bear it so that she won't lose her composure.

"In a word, they did a stupid thing." In a short while, Wang Sheng could explain the huge bank's securities and financial operations to Mei'er?Even Wang Sheng himself has only a half-knowledge. Even if he wants to say something, he has to think it over carefully, and he has to figure out what to say.

"Answer them tomorrow morning, we agree!" Wang Sheng reminded Mei'er and Qiangwei in time: "It's best to make a written statement, lest those guys go back on their word."

"How to make money?" Mei'er still didn't understand. Whether it's pawning or loan collection, they don't have a good reputation. Even if they can make money here, it's just a few small money with a bad reputation. Can you make a lot of money?
"What do you think of Runzifang?" Wang Sheng couldn't explain for a while, so he took a random business as a reference, and directly chose Runzifang.

The women's cosmetics business is really the most stable and loyal business with the most stable consumers. It's easy to earn hundreds of millions of gold coins a year.

"Very good!" Mei'er replied immediately: "Master, didn't you say that Runzifang is a money-grabbing business."

"Well, if you start to collect and lend money, you can easily earn a few Runzifang in a year." Wang Sheng replied without thinking: "This is the first few years when you just opened your business, so it's not easy to make money blatantly." Next. Is it a fart to steal money? At that time, we will print the money ourselves."

Since the financial business must be done, there is no need to think too much about it. The ultimate goal is to win the right to mint coins and issue banknotes.The right to mint coins is still in the hands of Linglong Pavilion, but it doesn't matter, when the time comes, gold and silver notes will be issued, and Linglong Pavilion will be easily overthrown.Well, we still have to cooperate with Linglong Pavilion now, so we don't have to think about the long-term for the time being.

"Really?" Even though Mei'er and Qiangwei had always believed in Wang Sheng, they couldn't help asking at this time.After asking, they felt that it seemed that they didn't trust their master. The two girls looked at each other, and they both stuck out their tongues mischievously.

"Of course it's true." Wang Sheng smiled. If you haven't eaten pork, haven't you seen a pig running?Are all the super financial predators on the earth vegetarian?

"Then let them make a written statement." Mei'er immediately played the demeanor of a domineering female president: "No, the papers written by the few of them are not enough, so they have to be made by their king."

Now Mei'er's horizons are widened, and some of the big shopkeepers of the big families are no longer in their eyes.When she was in Baoqing Yutang, Meier's business was directly open to the whole world, and it is even more so now.A few big shopkeepers who can only hang out in their respective family territories are also worthy of negotiating with Meier on an equal footing?

"Okay!" Wang Sheng would not hit Meier, and he also supported Meier in doing so: "Let's ask their king to make a written statement, lest they go back on their word in the future."

Mei'er and Qiangwei couldn't wait for a moment, they just wanted to know how Wang Sheng said about receiving and lending money to make money.Even if Meier was alone, under her hint, Qiangwei and a dozen supermodels who were serving on duty all rushed forward, blatantly seducing Wang Sheng in front of Meier, Meier was still smiling.

Being entangled by these women soldiers, Wang Sheng had no choice but to agree to say a part first as he was about to fall.

Of course, it was definitely not here, but after taking a bath, the three of them were lying on the big bed in the spacious bedroom, and the two women were lying on both sides of Wang Sheng, one on the left and one on the right, which made Wang Sheng explain carefully.

Wang Sheng himself didn't want to complete it at first, but Meier and Qiangwei insisted on listening, and Wang Sheng could only tell the two girls about the housing loan that Wang Sheng knows best, which is currently the easiest to combine with the business he wants to do. .

Isn't this going to run real estate in Beijing soon?Apart from the important figures of the major vassal states, whether in the capital or in the whole world, there are many wealthy owners who want to buy houses in the capital.But other than that, don't those people who don't have a lot of relatively common gold coins have this demand?

The harder the fight outside, the more predictably the capital city will appear relatively safe, and the real estate in the capital city will be more sought after by people all over the world, and the better it will be sold.

After all, there are only a small number of people who can take out all the gold coins for buying houses and land at one time, so mortgages can emerge as the times require.

(End of this chapter)

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