
Chapter 1166

Chapter 1166

Chapter 610 Completion of the third chapter

"I'll know in half a month." Wang Sheng nodded Meier's Xiaoyao nose again: "I'll keep you guys a secret, let's marvel together!"

Wang Sheng never spoke big words. Since Wang Sheng said that he wanted to amaze the two women, the two women absolutely believed that they would be amazed when the time came.It's just that my heart is itchy now, I'm so curious.

In the evening, it was rare to sleep with a big quilt. After the morning class the next day, Wang Sheng got into the workshop again.Mei'er and Qiangwei began to bargain with the big shopkeepers of the major vassal states, asking their rulers to set up written documents,
On the other hand, the two women began to discuss and perfect the details of what Wang Sheng said.As a result, when the two women were discussing vigorously, the Empress Empress came to see the two women. After hearing about the two women, she became curious and joined the discussion.

Anyway, this business is half of the Queen's Empress, and there is nothing to hide from the Queen's Empress, just let her, an old driver with rich experience in fighting in the palace, give me some pointers.

Not only the queen, but the two daughters also attracted Tan Taiyao and a dozen or so sisters who were good at management that they had vigorously cultivated before.Wang Sheng has long said that talents must be cultivated vigorously, and if they are busy alone, they will not be exhausted?Therefore, as long as there are sisters with talents and interests in this area, Meier and Qiangwei have never hesitated to promote and train them.

Of course, Meier's rhetoric is to teach the big shopkeepers of the big princes a lesson, let them know what it means to make money in a serious business.Even the pawn collectors and lenders who forced Meier to the corner, Wang Sheng can play tricks for them.And it's not an ordinary flower, but a golden flower that makes people salivate.

However, when the empress, Tantaiyao and the dozen or so sisters heard that Meier and Qiangwei had already discussed the initial start-up and later income expectations, they were all dumbfounded on the spot.

Can the business still do this?How can those unscrupulous pawn lending businesses earn so many gold coins with a good reputation?
"The master said, we don't want to do anything, but to make dreams come true for those who want to live in a better house." Qiangwei replaced Meier, explaining the original intention of doing so: "So our interest is the lowest among all loans. , not trying to get rich, but it’s good to earn some money along the way. You can’t help people and make mistakes, right?”

It was obviously a matter of making a lot of money, but what Qiangwei said made everyone feel uncomfortable.The interest rate Wang Sheng mentioned is indeed the lowest in the market. How can there be such a low interest rate of [-]% per annum? This is not lending at all, it is clearly doing good deeds!

But the question is, how come everyone is so shocked after hearing the expected income with such a low interest rate?

"Those loan sharks are just looking for a one-shot deal. We are different, we pay attention to the long flow of water." Meier explained: "From the beginning, we didn't plan for high interest rates, we followed the path of small profits but quick sales. , and only for mortgages, and there is no conflict with those loan sharks."

Anyway, the loans were transferred from Meier's left hand to her right, and those who borrowed money couldn't even see the gold coins, let alone take out the gold coins to squander.Consumption loans are not yet possible in this world. Only solid housing land in the capital that can preserve its value can be done.

Others want to do it, without the resources of the capital government, without such a large amount of gold coins, what results can they achieve?Besides, can they get the bottom line with Meier, an industry that earns hundreds of millions of gold coins a year?
As for the officials in the capital, don't even think about it.This is the property of the Empress. To put it more clearly, it is the property of the emperor. Which official's brain is twitching and he will grab gold coins with the emperor?
This is not the ancient times on the earth. At that time, the powerful ministers dared to complain about the emperor and the people for profit. Do the ministers of this world have that morality?Even if there were a few occasionally, they were probably all killed by the princes.

Even the empress is eye-opening, not to mention how amazing this plan will be if it appears in front of the world.What is even more admirable is that if Wang Sheng, the instigator, is discarded, all the details of such a big business are carried out by women. From the queen empress to Princess Meier to Qiangwei and the sisters, there is a kind of woman who holds up half the sky The elated feeling.

Everyone has collectively decided to start implementing this huge plan after the written documents issued by the lords of the major vassal states arrive. Even the emperor will not tell. One's own queen doesn't need to be naturally obsequious, she doesn't need to be tactful, she can still exude a fatal attraction.

Amidst the busy schedule of all parties, half a month is fleeting.

It was still in the middle of the afternoon. Normally, at this time, Wang Sheng would definitely stay in the workshop and sculpt his works. But today, Wang Sheng opened the door of the workshop ahead of time and walked out.

There is still very fine stone powder on his body, Wang Zheng looks like an ordinary jade carver, but there is a smile on his face that makes everyone feel comfortable.

Of course, there were beauties waiting around the workshop. Seeing that Wang Sheng had just come out, she hurried forward to help Wang Sheng clean up the jade dust all over his body.It's like this every day, but today it's a little earlier.

"Master, why did you come out so early today?" the beauty asked Wang Sheng while beating the dust with her whisk.There is a family intimacy in the action, and the address is also very natural master.Of course, these beauties all paid homage to Wang Sheng collectively. In theory, they were all Wang Sheng's roommates. Speaking of which, they were all people in the room, so it was normal to call them masters.

"It's finished!" Wang Sheng replied with a smile: "Where is the old man, go find him for a drink."

I haven't had a good drink with the old man for more than two months, and my work is finally finished, Wang Sheng will definitely have a solid drink with the old man.

"Master Dao has been in the practice room." The beauty also replaced Wang Sheng, and at the same time did not forget to congratulate Wang Sheng: "Congratulations, master, for finishing the work."

When I saw the old Taoist, the old Taoist was not practicing, but holding a pen and practicing calligraphy seriously.

"Not bad!" When he heard Wang Sheng's footsteps and looked up to see Wang Sheng, the old man showed a look of appreciation in his eyes: "The past two months have not been wasted, and the temper is quite good."

Wang Sheng had a calmness that didn't seem obvious in the past.There is no way, two months of fine carving, if a slight mistake is made, all previous efforts will be wasted, it is difficult to be calm!
"Come on, drink with me to celebrate." Wang Sheng smiled and said to the old man: "Come with me tomorrow, and I invite you to experience my challenge to the grand master's assessment."

"This is worthy of celebration." The old Taoist's eyes lit up, and his hands continued to finish writing the handwriting before standing up: "Then what are you waiting for? Go drink!"

(End of this chapter)

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