
Chapter 1175 Demolition of this world

Chapter 1175 Demolition of this world

Chapter 610 The Demolition of This World

Wang Sheng didn't know about these things that happened to Ah Qi, not to mention Ah Qi, in fact, as long as it was something outside the capital, Wang Sheng didn't know.

For more than two months of painstaking efforts, Wang Sheng really devoted himself to carving, completely ignoring what happened outside.Now Wang Sheng wants to know what happened outside, so he has to rely on Meier Qiangwei to explain it to him.

It is no longer news that the major vassal states have become one.Among them is a small vassal state. Wang Sheng doesn't even have a memory of the name. It used to be a vassal state entrusted by a small sect. It is right next to Qiu State and borders Dai State. I don't know how it offended Tang State Qiu State and Dai State. , was actually wiped out by the three parties.

The extermination of the little princes is not a big deal, but it is actually Dai Guo and Tang Guoqiu who joined forces, and what is revealed is worth pondering.

Dai Guo was the behind-the-scenes agent of Shanyue Kingdom before. In just a few months, Lao Dao and Wang Sheng killed the master and elder. Accepted?Qiu Guo was killed by the Shanyue Kingdom to the point where his tendons and bones were broken, so he just met and smiled and wiped out all his grievances?
"Dai Guo is said to have paid a very high price." Qiangwei added from the side: "A lot of people died, and after destroying that little vassal, Dai Guo only took some loot, and gave the territory and population to Tang and Qiu. .”

This is right, and only interests, naked interests, can make the two countries that were hostile not long ago stand in the same trench again.

Now Dai Guo should be trying hard to build a good impression, otherwise, after the three kingdoms of Tang Guoqiu and Xia Guo wiped out Shanyue Kingdom, they would immediately fight back, and Dai Guo would have to go around without food.Taking pains to destroy a vassal state, and giving a lot of benefits to Tang State and Qiu State, is to calm the two countries.As long as it's said in the big picture, the private revenge of those younger students is already a trivial matter that can be ignored.

"It seems that Xia Guo's situation is not good!" Wang Sheng said with a smile.

Xia Guo was the worst one to be cheated by Shanyue country, but Dai Guo didn't make compensation for it, so there are only a few situations.Either Xia Guo's national strength has been greatly damaged, and it is unlikely to pose a threat to Dai Guo.Either it was because the Shanyue Kingdom killed the Xia people too hard, and the hatred was too deep, and it was impossible to reconcile.Or, it's a bit of both.

"Comparatively speaking, the Xia Kingdom is indeed the worst." Meier said with a smile: "The four cities that have been occupied by the Shanyue Kingdom so far have not been recaptured, let alone entered the Shanyue Land to grab territory."

Wang Sheng killed Zhu Xingsheng with a single blow, but the top experts of Shanyue Kingdom he brought were still concentrated in Ningyue City and the four surrounding cities.This is a real elite master. With the power of Xia Guo as a country, it is already good to be able to maintain the current situation without victory or defeat.As for the division of land into the mountains, I am afraid that Xia Guo does not have many opportunities.Even if they wanted to, it was impossible for other families to give them such an opportunity.

"Where is Gan Shiguo?" Wang Sheng asked again.These two have obtained a peerless treasure, can they become the target of other families?
"It's also very chaotic." Mei'er summed up the current experience of the two countries in one sentence: "It's also very annoying to be harassed by chickens and dogs day and night."

As for Song State and Feng State, Wang Sheng didn't ask.Song Guo is very powerful, as long as Song Yan doesn't make any mistakes, there won't be any big problems.Feng Guo's sense of existence is too low, and at this time, he must go into the mountainous land with his head covered to grab the benefits.

Countries can really hold their breath.He stayed in the capital for several months without moving, yet they urged him to enter the core of the Thousand Jedi without any haste.Presumably this is to divide the size of the cake before dividing up the core secrets of the Thousand Jedi.That's good too, to save yourself from being harassed.

"It's fine for them to make trouble on their own." Wang Sheng smiled at Mei'er: "The bigger the trouble, the better your business will be. How many people have been relocated now, and how many teams have been drawn up?"

As soon as she mentioned her real estate business, Mei'er immediately regained her spirits.She was born to be a genius in business, and she seemed to be completely enlightened by Wang Sheng.When talking about business, he is beaming with joy, almost without pause.

"Thousands of households have moved out." Mei'er happily reported to Wang Shenghui: "A large piece of land has been vacated and is being repaired. According to your instructions, master, we will build a new house for them outside the city first. It was exchanged for one plus compensation gold coins."

"No one objected?" When Wang Sheng was on the earth, he had heard all kinds of strange things during the demolition. Could it be that in this world, or in the capital, it was so peaceful?

"Against? Who objected?" Mei'er sneered: "I invited hundreds of assassins in the City of Worry-Freedom to persuade them to move, and persuaded them with gold coins and new houses. Everyone was very reasonable. Besides, the gold coins I gave were at the current market price. , They didn’t lose at all, and they got a new house for nothing, and besides, they have the opportunity to work, who is against it?”

Wang Sheng rolled his eyes directly.She was lucky enough to have thought of letting a group of killers from Worry-free City be in charge of the demolition work.It would be no wonder if those ordinary people in the capital dared to object, those guys are really killers who have killed people!Who has nothing to do and will reason with the killers?
"Aren't you afraid of a bad reputation?" Wang Sheng knew that Mei'er must be considerate, but he couldn't help reminding her.

"How can I get a bad reputation?" Mei'er said with a serious face: "I used the most decent materials outside the city to build a new house, and according to what you said, all kinds of shops are thoughtful, even toilets and roads are repaired. It makes people have nothing to say, as long as they move there, they don’t have to worry about anything, and they have a lot of gold coins in their hands, whoever mentions my Lizhenfang now, doesn’t give a thumbs up?”

Lizhenfang is the name of Meier's newly opened real estate and bank. It takes the last two characters of Yuan Henryzhen that Wang Sheng said before, which means great luck.

"Is there someone who doesn't want to leave the city?" Wang Sheng had nothing to say for a while, so he could only mention one more sentence.

"It's up to you, my lord. Once the city wall is ripped apart, how can there be anything inside or outside the city?" Qiangwei laughed from the side: "In addition, I also have to rely on the blessings of those big figures in the vassal states. Domineering, those who dare not sell will be tossed miserably by them. Compared with our conditions, it is heaven and earth. The bad reputation belongs to them, and the good reputation belongs to us. Anyway, when we bought their house , it’s all about those man-made gardens.”

It is indeed Meier's style to smear opponents quietly and elevate oneself, Wang Sheng gave a thumbs up in his heart.

"By building houses outside the city, I have also trained a team of more than 6000 people." Meier continued to reply with a smile: "In less than two months, the first batch of new houses in the city will be sold."

(End of this chapter)

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