
Chapter 1176 Demolition of this world

Chapter 1176 Demolition of this world

Chapter 610 The Demolition of This World

"Don't stop building houses outside the city, and don't stop buying houses and land in the city." Wang Sheng warned: "Take advantage of this bad reputation and try to buy all the land in the city. Not enough gold coins and I Said, I will go to Pavilion Master Linglong to discuss."

"Yes, master!" Qiangwei and Meier agreed in unison.This is Wang Sheng's solemn order, and he must obey it.

"As soon as the house in the city is sold, the price will be different. When you can't tell, someone will have something wrong." Wang Sheng knew that the demolition is not easy to do, so he reminded the two women: "If you buy the house and land, you can demolish it immediately. Throw away, keep what can be used, clean up what can't be used, don't let anyone take advantage of it."

Wang Sheng didn't say what opportunity to take advantage of, but both Meier and Qiangwei could imagine it.Since ancient times, money has touched people's hearts. After seeing the prices of houses in the city, some people may feel unwilling, or want to make trouble and become a nail household or something. It is hard to guarantee that no one will take the opportunity to make trouble.

"Don't be afraid, the eight princes will be responsible for maintaining the order and safety of the outer city." Mei'er said with a smile: "I believe they will be happy to help us solve these troubles for the sake of gold coins."

Wang Sheng nodded, Meier thought carefully, then everything will be easy to talk about.As for the people in the capital, that's not what Wang Sheng wants to consider.From the very beginning, Wang Sheng's goal was very clear. He came to this world to find the girl of his dreams, not to liberate the working people.

"It's still the same sentence, whether it's in the city or outside the city, build the house for others to be solid, use real materials, and don't lie." Wang Sheng was more at ease with Mei'er and Qiangwei De: "To do business, you must be innocent."

"Understood, master!" The two girls replied charmingly.

"Meier, Qiangwei, what kind of flowers do you like?" Wang Sheng watched the two pretty faces blooming around him like two delicate flowers. One was youthful and seductive, the other was mature. They kept asking, "I'll make a set of concentric spheres for each of you, using your favorite flowers."

There was a burst of joy in the eyes of the two women.The white jade concentric white lotus ball carved by my master himself is a good thing that the great appraiser Qian Lao said is worth tens of millions of gold coins. With Wang Sheng's identity, who else will let him carve it by himself in the future?

"My concubine likes peony." Mei'er replied quickly with little stars in her eyes.After finishing speaking, he still didn't forget to turn back Qiangwei and let her speak quickly.

"I'm a concubine... I'm a concubine..." Qiangwei seemed to be speechless because of surprise.

"Your name is Qiangwei, how about I carve a rose for you?" Wang Sheng said proactively without waiting for Qiangwei to speak.

Now, Qiangwei nodded quickly without saying a word.Of course she is willing, she is called Qiangwei, and Wang Sheng carved a rose for her. Needless to say, this kind of heart?
The two girls were happy for a long time, and then they recovered from that kind of joy.Needless to say, Wang Sheng asked about clocks and watches again.

Clocks and watches have been made a long time ago, obviously Qian Shengyuan's business.This is something before reaching an agreement with other countries, and it is not included in the projects that cannot be operated.A shrewd person like Mei'er would not leave such a big deal behind.

"That's really a good thing." Talking about business again, Mei'er still immediately entered that shrewd state: "There are already dozens of them that can accurately time the time. When you find a chance to take it out, it will definitely make the world feel better." Surprised."

"You can take care of it." Regarding business matters, Wang Sheng absolutely trusted Meier, if she said that she would shock the world, she would definitely shock the world.

"How hard you have to work during these days." Wang Sheng said to the two women: "I will spend at least four months on the concentric ball between the two of you. You only need to manage the business in the capital, and don't care about the rest. They like it. Fight, let them fight, the more chaotic the fight, the better."

The two women knew the situation outside better than Wang Sheng, and they nodded their heads when they heard the words.

"There is still more than half a year left. I will arrange a few more concerts to fuel them." Wang Sheng said his plan, then looked at Qiangwei and said, "Sisters, you should take care of your practice, don't ask for help." Otherwise, at least you must have the power to protect yourself."

Qiangwei nodded heavily, and said to Wang Sheng: "Sisters practice very diligently, and those sisters who learn musical instruments have already been able to become teachers, and now they are at the level of the Royal Symphony Orchestra. When the time comes, let the sisters go to the Royal Grand Theater. Play, master, don't worry!"

That night, it was natural to sleep together again, enjoying endless tenderness.

After temporarily arranging the affairs at home, Wang Sheng went directly to the old Taoist Ling Xu early the next morning.

"Old Daoist, how do you feel recently?" When the two met, they didn't need any politeness at all, they could say whatever they wanted, and Wang Sheng also asked directly.

"Very good." The old Taoist replied casually: "Write and write every day, cultivate your mind, and don't have to think about fighting and killing. It's very good."

"Yes! Get me a place here tomorrow, and I'll carve two more concentric spheres here." Wang Sheng greeted the old man with a smile, "I'll drink with you when I'm tired."

"Why? Are you afraid that the old man will interfere with you?" The old man asked with a smile on Wang Sheng, his eyes lit up.

"It's the first time I have no experience, so I'm a little more cautious." Wang Sheng knew what the old Taoist was asking, and explained with a smile: "Now that the work is finished and the great master is here, I don't have so many worries in my heart. I still haven't practiced enough before. Just say that others want to let go, but I still can’t let go.”

"Okay!" The old man was very satisfied: "Being able to say these words has also made progress. This place is big, come here as you like!"

When Wang Sheng sculpted concentric spheres for the first time, it was firstly to test his skills, and secondly, it was also a tough job.After finishing a concentric ball, I dare not say anything else. Wang Sheng's patience as a sniper has improved to a higher level.Calm and calm, and will not lose control of himself because of trivial matters. In the eyes of the old Taoist, this is the performance of the improvement of cultivation base.

Even if Wang Sheng didn't have a breakthrough in the realm, this kind of performance is even more satisfying to the old man than directly breaking through the realm.With this kind of practice, there is no need to worry about the foundation being unstable. It is simply the most ideal state of practice in the mind of the old Taoist.

It's easy to move here. The things in Wang Sheng's workshop can be delivered here.However, Wang Sheng did not start work immediately, but started looking for suitable materials first.

White jade concentric ghost crafts white lotus ball, lotus is white, of course white jade can be used.Do peonies and roses also use white?Inevitably, Wang Sheng also had to look for any pink or deep red stone, which would be more beautiful when carved.

While Wang Sheng was searching for the materials, the white jade and white lotus balls were already placed on the table in front of the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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