
Chapter 1185

Chapter 1185
Chapter 620
Thousands of courtyard mansions sold half?How can this be?Except for the children of the major princes, who else can afford it?
The reality has taught a solid lesson to all the princes who are waiting to see the joke.Indeed, the major princes are rich, so the largest, most expensive, and best mansions are all bought by the major princes.But to say that has drained all purchasing power is a big joke.

There is also a group of people who are interested in real estate in the capital, that is, some small families who are not very big.Don't forget, Qian Shengyuan once did a business, that is, the business of the batch of antique weapons brought back from the peerless collection.

Those antique weapons are worthless in the eyes of Shi Jiagan's family, but in the eyes of some small families with insufficient foundation but small family background, they are rare and good things to decorate their appearance.As long as there is this "ancestral" ancient weapon in the family, it means that the family history is long, and the predecessors and descendants will have confidence.

These small families, who can afford these antique weapons worth more than 20 gold coins, are naturally not poor.Then hundreds of thousands of luxury mansions in the capital are not a problem.Is there anything better than living in the capital to show family heritage?

When Lizhenfang opened, it did not forget to inform these regular customers.Of course, they certainly cannot afford those water view manors with millions of gold coins and the more expensive tens of millions of waterfront mansions, but on the outskirts of these, the smaller luxury mansions with hundreds of thousands of millions of dollars have become their favorites. Target.

The people of the big families are all staring at the targets of the same level that they are guarding against each other, but they ignore that the people of these small families also came to the capital excitedly.After all, at this time, one of the safest places in the world is the capital, and the other is the city of worry-free. Even some important figures from the major vassal states will come to the capital, and many people from small families will come here. Isn't this normal?Who will take a second look?
But these small families that they don't pay much attention to are not worth mentioning in their eyes. You and I have divided up more than 2000 pieces of boutique mansions and launched them one by one.The unit price of each building is not high, but the sum is close to 20 billion gold coins.

This is not a false figure, because they all went to the government to report and pay taxes.Within three days, there was another [-] million gold coins in tax. Those petty officials who were in charge of counting the gold coins were almost exhausted, and this was unavoidable.

Adding up before and after, including taxes, it is already tens of billions of gold coins, and the time is only six days.Ten billion gold coins in six days, which has already broken the record of everyone doing business. It is estimated that no one can exceed this figure, right?
The people of the major kingdoms waiting in the capital to see Lizhenfang's jokes are really embarrassed.The group of small families who had never been seen by them, who were ignored by them, really slapped them in the face with 20 billion gold coins.

Fortunately, there were only 20 billion gold coins, and only a small half of the courtyard mansions were sold. There were still a few thousand sets left, and the entire outer city of the capital, which was at least many times larger than the land that had been sold.Now all the purchasing power has been exhausted, right?

However, the interest on the mortgage in Lizhenfang really surprised everyone.The monthly interest is [-] cent, and the annual interest is [-] percent. This is not a loan!This is obviously doing a good deed, right?If any borrower pays such an interest, he will die of laughter.

If it is calculated according to this interest rate, even if the down payment is [-]%, it is not so unbearable!Even the people from the major vassal states are a little bit tempted. If you squeeze a little more, you can get a [-]% down payment, and you can buy a mansion in the capital with a loan.

They all have inside information, after all, so many children are following the construction of Meier's engineering team.After this batch of mansions, there are also a group of big mansions that are similar in size and size to the Water View Manor. It is said that they are all along the eight rivers of the capital, and they have dug ponds and swimming pools in the mansions. They are so beautiful!
This batch of mansions can be eaten!Anyway, you don't need any titles, just gold coins.Real masters who have reached a certain level dare not take out millions of gold coins at once, but if they squeeze a little bit and turn around to friends around them, hundreds of thousands of gold coins will definitely be no problem.

In this way, as long as there is a down payment of several hundred thousand, the mansion of three or four million gold coins can still be taken out with a loan.Big people can live in the inner city, they can live in water view manors, so why can't you little people have a water view mansion next to the eight rivers in the capital?

As for the interest on the loan, it is really calculated at 20% per annum. Even if the principal and interest are added up, it will be repaid in 20 years, which is only [-] or [-] gold coins a year, which should be more than enough for their income.It doesn't even take [-] years to pay it off.Lizhenfang thought carefully, and the loan could be repaid in advance.

The big masters are thinking about the mansions of millions, and the little masters will naturally start thinking about one or two million or hundreds of thousands. Faced with a stable real estate that can be passed on to future generations, it is also a prosperous place in the capital. Is it a loss to buy it for tens of millions?Looking at this posture, not only is there no loss, but I am afraid there is still a profit!

The high-level people may still be waiting to see the joke, but the subordinates have already started to make their own plans.Great people can send their children to the capital to avoid disaster, can't small people have similar thoughts?

The loan from Lizhenfang is really tempting!Even though Lizhenfang has only been opened for a few months, with the reputation of Wang Sheng and Meier behind it, no one doubts the credibility of Lizhenfang.As Wang Sheng said, in the business world, sometimes a good reputation can really be eaten.

It's not just the princes who are tempted, the masters of the world, the killers of Wuyou City, the killers of Shenwei Prison, and businessmen from all over the world, which one is not like this?Wouldn't it be a pity if Lizhenfang offered such a low interest rate and didn't take advantage of it?What's more, the capital owns a property, which is definitely not a bad thing.

Practitioners are like this, isn't it true that ordinary people are not indifferent?In this world, there are some masters who are not successful in their own cultivation but have a prosperous family business, even the people in the capital who have relocated. Their ancestors have many houses, and they have received enough compensation. There is a big mansion outside the city. Gold coins, don't you want to buy another set in the city?
When so many people were thinking about each other, the emperor and empress in the imperial city, and Meier and Qiangwei in Chang Sheng's mansion were almost a little scared.

Because when Wang Sheng gave them an analysis before, this was a big industry at the level of tens of billions of gold coins.This book has horrified everyone.But now it seems that it is far from this order of magnitude!

(End of this chapter)

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