
Chapter 1186

Chapter 1186
Chapter 620
What has been sold now is just the two sides of the moat plus the outer circle, which is insignificant compared to the area of ​​the entire inner city and outer city.Even if it is only calculated by the area of ​​the outer city, it is not even one-tenth of it.Strictly speaking, I am afraid that it is at most one-fifteen to one-twentieth.

The closer you are to the inner city, the higher the price. Everyone knows this common sense, and the prices inside and outside the city must be different.However, even if it is only half of the transaction price, if the entire outer city is counted, it must be ten times the current gold coin.

Now Lianli Zhenfang plus the government's taxes have sold a total of over 100 billion gold coins.If it is really ten times, it will be 1000 billion.

1000 billion gold coins!Meier and the empress are divided fifty-fifty, that is, Wang Sheng and the emperor are divided fifty-fifty, and each family can have 500 billion gold coins.

What is the concept of 500 billion gold coins?Five gold coins count as one tael, fifty gold coins count as one catty, and 500 billion gold coins are one billion catties, or 50 tons.If Wang Sheng was there, he would be dumbfounded. The total gold reserves on the earth are only less than 14 tons. Even if the world's gold reserves are dozens of times that of the earth, a capital city will madly collect 100 million tons of gold coins. Even the primordial soul world is an extremely terrifying thing.

The emperor and the queen were indeed intimidated by this number.If it is true that 1000 billion gold coins are collected, I am afraid that the capital city will soon become a delicacy even sweeter than the land of Shanyue. It just so happens that this delicacy has just smashed the city wall by itself and turned itself into an undefended state.

Thinking about the consequences casually, the emperor felt trembling from the bottom of his heart!Although he is now a master of the legendary realm, and he has also practiced the royal meditation method to the extreme, but he still can't suppress the fear in his heart in the face of such consequences that are enough to destroy his family.

So what if the cultivation of the three major offerings is as high as the sky?Could it be that the three major priests can fight against the heroes of the whole world?If the masters of the eight vassal states unite, they may be able to wipe out the entire capital.

Manager Li is by the emperor's side, and manager Zhou is also there. Only the old eunuch Shen is responsible for keeping an eye on the taxes these days, and he is not in the imperial city.With Manager Li and Manager Zhou's familiarity with the Son of Heaven, how could it be possible that they couldn't detect the fear in the Son of Heaven's heart now?
They are all treacherous and cunning old eunuchs who have fought from the bottom of the palace to the position of enshrinement. How can they not understand how terrifying these many gold coins are?

Gold coins are good things, everyone wants them, and everyone wants more.Isn't it just for these golden things to work diligently for a lifetime?At the beginning, everyone felt that the royal family slowly began to recover, slowly began to spread the layout of the world, increased wealth, and increased influence, which is a good thing.

But when the wealth really reaches a certain level and everyone starts to drool and fear, the rich people themselves start to be afraid.At this time, the more you have, the more you are afraid.

Even Manager Li and Manager Zhou, two masters of the Tenth Realm, really trembled in their hearts when they heard that number, let alone the Son of Heaven and the Empress?

Manager Li winked at Manager Zhou.Having been an old buddy for decades, Steward Zhou immediately understood what Manager Li meant, and bowed down to ask the emperor for permission to go to Chang Shenggong's mansion for advice.

The Son of Heaven naturally readily agreed. He and the Empress really wanted to know how to feel at ease and not to fear in the face of such a huge amount of wealth?

Not only the Son of Heaven and the Empress were terrified, but even Meier and Qiangwei were terrified.At the beginning, it was only expected to be a business of tens of billions. Although this figure was already very exaggerated, it was not to the point of being scary.But six days later, looking at the gold coins that were almost out of place, the two women calculated the possible income of the entire outer city of the capital, and they immediately panicked.

Much better than the Son of Heaven and the Empress, even if Qiangwei and Meier were flustered, they could immediately go to Wang Sheng for advice.Didn't this just collect 100 billion gold coins?It's nowhere near as outrageous as 1000 billion, is it?

When Zhou Guanshi rushed to Chang Sheng's mansion, Mei'er and Qiangwei were watching carefully in the practice room as Wang Sheng and Lao Dao were carving concentric spheres.It was the time when Wang Sheng and Lao Dao could not be disturbed, and the two women just watched and waited quietly, neither of them said anything.

Seeing Guanshi Zhou brought in by Wang Guanshi, Meier specially made a gesture of silence to Zhou Guanshi.Guanshi Zhou was also sensible, and obediently stood aside, quietly watching Wang Sheng and Lao Dao fight.

It has to be said that when the two of them started to fight, they really had no distractions and didn't pay attention to foreign objects at all.The old Taoist practiced his hands, so he did it relatively casually.But Wang Sheng's hands were really as stable as a rock, without the slightest tremor.Fifty layers of balls must be set within a diameter of more than ten centimeters, which is not something that can be done just by being careful.

Steward Zhou has sharp eyes, and after just looking at the semi-finished product Wang Sheng is making for a while, he already has thoughts in his heart.What Wang Sheng carved this time was not a set of fifty layers, but at least sixty or even seventy layers.In just a few months, Wang Sheng's skills and patience have actually undergone a qualitative improvement.

Steward Zhou knew what had happened, but Steward Zhou didn't believe it. Wang Shenghui really didn't know about the huge benefits of real estate in the capital?I am afraid that this situation, Wang Sheng has long expected.Before talking about the tens of billions of business, maybe Wang Sheng said it was ten times lower because he was afraid that he would scare everyone by talking too much.

Seeing that knowing such a result, Wang Sheng can still patiently carve the concentric ball bit by bit, this state of mind is much more stable than Zhou Guanshi himself.Can't help Zhou Guanshi is not in the heart to secretly give a thumbs up in admiration.Zhou Guanshi, who was still a little uneasy on the road, was completely relieved after seeing Wang Sheng's performance.

Mr. Chang Sheng must have a way, and he must be able to deal with possible situations.Others dare not say it, but Mr. Chang Sheng will never let Princess Ningguo suffer any grievances.

After waiting for more than an hour, Wang Sheng finally put down the work in hand, concentrated for too long, and always had to rest for a while to relax.Wang Sheng just put down his tools here, and the old Taoist also stopped there, as if he had made an appointment.

"Meier, Qiangwei." Looking up and seeing the two girls, Wang Sheng first gave them a smile, and then turned to Manager Zhou, apologizing to Manager Zhou, "Old Zhou, when did you come here? Did you work too hard?" I hear you, sorry!"

"I've seen the father-in-law! I've seen the ancestor! I've seen Princess Ningguo!" At this moment, Zhou Guanshi did not have the prestige of a palace official, and he greeted everyone one by one.But there was no grievance in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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