
Chapter 1190 Neutrality

Chapter 1190 Neutrality

Chapter 620 Five Neutral

After a long time, the emperor slowly shook his head: "Eternal neutrality is inappropriate!"

Wang Sheng didn't feel strange on his face when he heard this.If the emperor really declares permanent neutrality, it means giving up the future expansion of the royal family, which is absolutely unacceptable to the current emperor.

Revitalizing the glory of the royal family does not mean that the royal family is trapped in a corner of the capital. If that is the case, the royal family can do it now without declaring neutrality to the outside world.

"Then let the facts be neutral first." Wang Sheng didn't force it. Anyway, this is the royal family's own business. Wang Sheng is only responsible for making suggestions: "Don't say it. In fact, the meaning of the capital is the same now, as usual."

In fact, it is neutral, only doing but not talking, which made the emperor nod his head, which is acceptable.As long as it doesn't hinder the expansion of the royal family in the future, and can only do things that cannot be said, can the royal family still do less?
The conversation turned again to spending money.This time Wang Sheng explained in a lot of detail.

"At least there must be a college that gathers all the scholars in the world to study and teach students. You can name it whatever you want." Facing the emperor, Wang Sheng said in detail: "The place is ready, and arrangements are made for those university scholars. Just use the imperial court Officials are placed at a certain level, so that they don’t have to worry about basic necessities, food, housing, and transportation, and can concentrate on research. Let them write books and talk about it, and help them spread the word. Of course, vigorously promote what suits them, and promote what doesn’t suit them..."

Needless to say, with the means of the emperor, there must be a more subtle way of dealing with it than Wang Sheng, and others can't say no.

This is related to the right of the emperor and the royal family to speak in terms of public opinion in the future. Of course, the emperor attaches great importance to it and nods frequently.Especially the sentence after Wang Sheng almost reached his heart.

Manager Zhou is no longer waiting on the sidelines, but spread out a pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the table not far away, and quickly memorizes.Looking at it like this, they have already become secretaries. Obviously, they attach great importance to what Wang Sheng is saying now.

"The college has set aside a special place for students from all over the world to study." Wang Sheng thought about the posture of universities on the earth, and seeing the emperor's concentration, he couldn't help but bring out the ancient imperial examination system: "If there is a suitable Give them a chance to be an official. Arrange a national examination every few years. As long as they rank high, they will be admitted as officials, encouraging those students who want to be officials to gather in the capital. You must be better than me at how to arrange official positions. .”

The Son of Heaven still nodded frequently, as long as Wang Sheng made a start, he would know exactly how to attract those scholars.In this regard, in fact, the emperor has done a good job before.Most of the world's famous intellectuals and the royal family have a passion for incense.Now Wang Sheng's move is obviously intended to win over generations, which is exactly what the emperor wants.

"In addition, the Grand Theater only has [-] seats, which is obviously not enough." Wang Sheng immediately suggested: "Continue to build, one each in the southeast, north, and west of the outer city, and build a bigger one with more seats. There is only one performance in ten days and a half months. Now there are many people from the Royal Academy of Art who are willing to stay in the capital. They will form a few more bands and perform in four theaters. On average, there will be one performance in a day or two. Even if it is not at the level of a Grand Master, it can still drive practice, and the price is more affordable, which is definitely attractive to practicing warriors."

The emperor's eyes lit up.Started to win over literati, and now started to win over masters of practice.With this method, maybe not many masters from the major families will be attracted, but those casual cultivators will definitely be attracted.

"Is what you said before mainly to attract the attention of the whole world?" The emperor thought about it while listening, and suddenly seemed to think of something, and asked Wang Sheng.

"It's not just to attract their attention." Wang Sheng admitted frankly: "The people who attract them are looking forward to living in the capital, even if they don't live in the capital, they are looking forward to staying in the capital for a while. It's the same sentence Let the capital become a place they desire and look forward to."

"What is the ultimate goal?" The emperor didn't realize what kind of role the royal power played in it, so he asked puzzled.

"It is to let them know that the capital is safe, and they are willing to maintain the safety of the capital." Wang Sheng thought about the Swiss Bank, and said to the emperor: "The ultimate goal is to make them willing to invest all their property in the capital and store it in the capital." , because it is safe here."

Hearing this sentence, the emperor's eyes lit up for a moment.If it was said that he was still worried about being besieged because he might have too much money in his hand, then Wang Sheng's last sentence completely made the emperor let go of his suspense.

If he has money, he will definitely be watched by others, but if other people's money is also put together with his own, then he will definitely try his best to protect it.

Such a simple method, why didn't I think of it?The reason is too simple!At this moment, the Son of Heaven was truly convinced of Wang Sheng's plan this time.

Although the previous method can also solve the problem, but forcing myself to spend money and letting everyone know it always feels very uncomfortable to the emperor.I am a dignified son, no one else has done anything yet, but I am afraid of getting a large amount of gold coins and have to spend it again, or spend it on something I am not very happy with, this feels really useless!

But now it's completely different. I made the capital construction full of flowers, making people linger and forget to return. Everyone is even willing to store their gold coins in the capital. This is the most fundamental way to really make everyone feel at ease.

Being forced to spend money and actively spending money are completely different things.Even without Wang Sheng's reminder, the emperor can think of where and how to spend it on his own initiative, which is more suitable for this era and the people's sentiments of the capital than Wang Sheng's idea.

Seeing the emperor's appearance, Zhou Guanshi knew that the emperor's mentality had finally turned around.

Wang Sheng didn't have much contact with the emperor, and he wasn't the kind of person who knew him fundamentally. However, he could instantly sense that the atmosphere in the room suddenly became peaceful.After a little thought, Wang Sheng understood why.

"So, you used to be afraid of being poor." Wang Sheng joked with a smile: "A little bit more, I feel relaxed, and I think the whole world will look at the three melons and two dates in your hands."

"It's not me talking about you." Wang Sheng said contemptuously to the emperor, "You are also Mei'er's father anyway, can you have some insight, and make such a fuss about such a small matter, I feel ashamed for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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