
Chapter 1191 You Are Not Practicing

Chapter 1191 You Are Not Practicing
Chapter 620 Six You Are Not Practicing
Not only the emperor, but even steward Zhou blushed.

In recent years, the royal family has really not been very well-off. Regardless of how often they rewarded Wang Sheng with a large garden, and gave Wang Sheng a bunch of female servants at every turn, they were all obtained from the generosity of others and after the family was wiped out.

When they met Wang Sheng just now, when the two talked, it was so angry that even the emperor with millions of gold coins would be angry.A few million gold coins, that is, the price of Qian Shengyuan's Tianzi sword, the emperor still sees it now?
All of this was brought about by Wang Sheng and Meier.One Qianshengyuan, one Runzifang, one Mengzhifang, Yayun is so professional that there are only tens of millions of business every year, and the emperor doesn't care at all.Now, there is another Lizhenfang with 100 billion gold coins in six days.

From a few million to billions of people, this change is really a bit fast, but it has only been a few years.The poor become rich suddenly, and their mentality is unstable. Even if they are dignified emperors, they are not much different from ordinary nouveau riche.

"This is actually no different from practicing." Wang Sheng didn't embarrass the emperor too much, he just mentioned a sentence and quickly continued: "How much spiritual energy can be used, what kind of scene can be played with how many gold coins, The reasoning is the same, Your Majesty can try to treat this as a practice, and the mentality will probably be different."

The emperor hadn't fully realized it yet, but Zhou Guanshi, who was in charge of recording beside him, had a bright eye.Wang Sheng was keenly aware that Zhou Guanshi must have immediately thought of practicing.No wonder he is a master of the Tenth Level Realm, even if he spent many years in the Legendary Realm, he is still a veritable royal offering!

It didn't take long for the emperor to finally react.But no, isn't this just practice?Although it is an experience that I have never had before, it is also a challenge that I have never had before. The emperor has never lacked fighting spirit.

Now that the emperor no longer entangled with the issue of gold coins, the topic shifted from the spending of money just now to Wang Sheng, and the emperor asked what Wang Sheng was busy with recently.

"I haven't been in the inner house recently, don't you know?" Wang Sheng turned his head to look at Guanshi Zhou and said, "I've been carving concentric spheres for Meier and Qiangwei!"

It's no secret that Wang Sheng and Ling Xu have been staying in the practice room here day and night, but who would dare to inquire about the specifics?If Wang Sheng was alone, of course everyone would try their best to take a look, but the question is, isn't there still Patriarch Ling Xu?
A super expert who easily decapitated the head of the King Dai and the Great Elder in King Dai's palace, and killed thousands of experts, would anyone dare to investigate?

Not to mention that Zhou Guanshi had told the people here long ago, even if Zhou Guanshi didn't say anything, those eyeliners would know what to do and what not to do.

What's more, since Wang Sheng came to the practice room here, all the girls in the Grand View Garden have come to serve in turn, and outsiders can't help them at all, let alone know what Wang Sheng is doing.

In fact, both Meier and Qiangwei told the empress that Wang Sheng was helping them carve concentric spheres behind closed doors. It takes a month to carve a concentric sphere, which is understandable.But to expend such energy for two women, it's a bit incomprehensible.

Don't say that the emperor doesn't believe it, even Zhou Guanshi doesn't believe it, and none of the three major priests believe it.They have all seen the ingenuity of concentric spheres, especially Zhou Guanshi. He personally saw it yesterday. Wang Sheng's posture is to carve sixty or seventy layers of concentric spheres.

If it is said that Wang Sheng used this to test his patience, making a concentric sphere is enough, and such a fine object must not have the slightest mistake, and more than two months is not enough to polish it?But it is impossible to carve more fine concentric spheres, or just for two women, even if they are princesses.

It's very simple. According to the fineness of carving concentric spheres and the time and energy consumed, Wang Sheng probably didn't have time to practice when he carved the first concentric sphere.If it takes more time and energy to carve concentric spheres with sixty or seventy layers, Wang Sheng won't practice?

A master of the eighth level, and a master who is clearly aware that he will face a crisis in the future, will give up a few months of practice, just to carve two exquisite concentric spheres for his two women?is it possible?

What Zhou Guanshi saw yesterday, I am afraid that Wang Sheng deliberately let Zhou see it.Even if Wang Sheng dotes on Princess Ningguo again, he can't make fun of his own cultivation, right?What's more, the other woman named Qiangwei is clearly just a plaything to vent the anger of Chang Shenggong in front of Princess Ningguo.

But since Wang Sheng killed the concentric sphere, whether it is such a trivial matter, whether it is the emperor or the three major offerings, can he still argue with Wang Sheng on this?If you say you are carving concentric spheres, then you are just carving concentric spheres.Anyway, now that Princess Ningguo is here, Wang Sheng will not have any thoughts of disobedience to the emperor, and he will not care how Wang Sheng plays with the emperor.

After such a short period of time, the emperor had already had countless money-spending ideas in his mind, which were ten thousand times more appropriate and attractive than what Wang Sheng Li and Zhou Guanshi said yesterday.

Wang Sheng has long seen that the emperor's mind is no longer on him. Wang Sheng himself wanted to go back and continue to carve the concentric ball, and he didn't complain that the emperor ignored the person who came up with the idea. He took the initiative to fight with the emperor. Greetings, I went back to the mansion first to carve with the old Taoist.

The emperor didn't want to stay, anyway, in the eyes of him and Zhou Guanshi, Wang Sheng must go back to ask Ling Xu's ancestor to teach him how to practice.If there is such a great master or his senior brother by his side, who wouldn't be full of practice questions to ask for advice?Will it waste time carving concentric spheres?
Back in the practice room, Wang Sheng didn't start working immediately, but asked Lingxu a question with great interest.In fact, this was what Wang Sheng thought of when he was talking with the emperor, and he happened to listen to the insights of the old Taoist.

"Old Daoist, I told the emperor that spending money is like practicing cultivation. You can use as much aura as you want, and you can play as many scenes as you have gold coins." Wang Sheng looked at the old man and asked, "Then your current aura cultivation level With such a height, what kind of shocking moves can you perform? How big a scene can you play?"

"Your way of saying this is really unique." The old Taoist laughed when he heard the words: "It sounds like earning gold coins and spending money is really like practicing. No wonder Meier practiced so fast. It turns out that it is not unreasonable."

"That's natural!" Wang Sheng didn't forget to be proud, and asked the old man after laughing: "Old man, those super monsters melt the iceberg in an instant, can you do it?"

(End of this chapter)

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