
Chapter 1192 You don't practice anymore?

Chapter 1192 You don't practice anymore?

Chapter 620 Six Are You Not Practicing?

The old Taoist had personally seen the scene of the super monsters erupting in the core area of ​​Qianjedi, so he nodded when he heard Wang Sheng's question.

It's not that Wang Sheng doesn't believe in the old man's combat power, and he really wants to fight. The old man can solve the battle in at most 10 minutes against those super monsters who have not activated their wisdom.

But the veteran may not be able to compete with those super monsters for the longevity of the aura. The monsters are unique in this respect. The aura in the monsters of the same level is definitely much stronger than the aura in the human masters of the same level.But monsters can only be used by instinct, but humans have more and more flexible ways to use them. This is the difference.

"Can it be more powerful?" Wang Sheng asked again: "How about melting the underground ice in the inner circle of Qianjedi?"

"Do you think I'm a god?" The old Taoist curled his lips at Wang Sheng: "The solid ice in the ground may melt a circle and support a hundred feet to death, but under that kind of coldness, I'm afraid it won't be long before there is another piece of solid ice. .”

Doesn't the iceberg melted by the super monster immediately turn into smooth ice as smooth as a mirror?In that environment, how long can it maintain the melting state?Unless, that extreme weather disappears.

"Old Taoist, can you move mountains and seas?" Wang Sheng asked carefully again.

"Say it again, I'm not a god!" The old Taoist ignored Wang Sheng this time and gave him a big blank stare.

"Then if you strike with all your strength, how big a hole can you make?" Wang Sheng asked seriously this time, and he was looking forward to Ling Xu's answer.

"How big is the hole?" The old Taoist doesn't care about some vulgar things, but he is extremely sensitive in practice. When he heard Wang Sheng's question, the first reaction in his mind was nothing but the core of Qian Jedi. That huge ice and snow basin.

Thinking of the huge basin with a diameter of nearly a hundred miles, the old man was shocked, and looked at Wang Sheng with horror in his eyes: "How is it possible?"

Looking at the old man's appearance, Wang Sheng knew what he was thinking of. In fact, he had thought about it after seeing the ice and snow basin at the core of Qianjedi.Wang Sheng came from the earth, how could he think that a sinking ice and snow basin in the surrounding tropical jungle is normal?There is no height difference, how did such a drastic temperature difference come from?Did that basin appear out of thin air?
If you have to explain it geologically, I am afraid that there is only the possibility of meteorite bombardment.Otherwise, is this kind of thing that changes the geological structure really within the reach of man?
That's why Wang Sheng came up with a whim, and when he thought of it, he asked the old man about the possibility of manpower formation.Among the masters that Wang Sheng knows now, it is obvious that Ling Xu is the most powerful one.

"Old Taoist, Laojun Guan also has records about the Lin family's affairs." Wang Sheng smiled bitterly at the old Taoist: "I have also read the classics you copied yourself. There has never been a place where it is recorded that the Lin family lived in a basin. Even if it is That kind of icy climate may be due to the formation, but the geography of the mountains and rivers within a hundred miles can also be changed by the formation?"

Of course, Ling Xu knew that Wang Sheng was telling the truth from the classics of Laojunguan that he copied with his own hand.Although the land of the Lin family was not mentioned in the classics back then, it was definitely not said to be in a basin.

The old Taoist closed his eyes, imagining the scene of his palm hitting the ground from the air, and after a long time, he shook his head and said, "Impossible!"

"What if it's the owner of the golden hairpin?" Wang Sheng looked at the old man and asked hopefully.

"The owner of the gold hairpin is probably impossible." After pondering again, the old Taoist slowly shook his head and said, "Even if her cultivation is a hundred times better than mine, it's impossible."

Is it possible for a person who is a hundred times stronger than the old Taoist?Wang Sheng thought about the cultivation level of the owner of the golden hairpin, but no matter how he guessed, he couldn't know the gap between the old Taoist and her.

"Impossible!" The old Taoist shook his head again, repeating these three words again, extremely firm.

The ice and snow basin with a radius of a hundred miles, plus the solid ice as deep as more than a hundred feet, that is, a depth of hundreds of meters, if it was created by manpower, how terrifying would it be?No way!

Wang Sheng looked at the old man shaking his head firmly, and heaved a sigh of relief.I am afraid that even an atomic bomb on the earth may not be able to cause such a terrifying effect. If it is really done by human beings, wouldn't it be too terrible?

What Wang Sheng has to face is likely to be a powerful opponent who can seal the girl in his dream or the owner of the golden hairpin. If it is such an inhuman level master, Wang Sheng doesn't have to think about how to fight. I am afraid that surrendering is the best choice Bar!
"It seems that I was thinking about it." Wang Sheng said with a wry smile, "I thought someone could be so tough."

"You're scared, aren't you?" The old man who was so perceptive instantly guessed what Wang Sheng was thinking, and asked with a smile.

"Yes!" Wang Sheng didn't hide from the old man, and expressed his worries: "If it weren't for the emperor and Mei'er who were afraid of receiving too many gold coins, I haven't thought about facing this problem. Over there I Call them country bumpkins who have never seen the big world, but now that I think about it, I am also the same.”

"Have you ever wavered?" The old man Ling Xu didn't care how Wang Sheng scolded the emperor, he would have been taken aback by so many gold coins, let alone others.What he was interested in was whether Wang Sheng was also shaken by the association of some terrifying powers.

"No!" Wang Sheng laughed suddenly, his eyes were unspeakably firm: "From the time I made up my mind to find her, I have never wavered. It was in the past, it is now, and it will be in the future."

The more he talked, the more determined Wang Sheng's eyes became, and in the end, he became unwavering.The girl in the dream, Wang Sheng will definitely find her and ask why he let himself kill her.

"Then what are your plans now?" The old Taoist asked with great interest: "I'm really curious, where did you come from, and who can teach you such a person?"

"What other plans do you have? Of course, continue to work!" Wang Sheng pointed to the half-finished concentric ball on the table and said, "Why, you still plan to give up halfway?"

"Boy, you really don't plan to practice anymore?" Old Taoist Ling Xu asked Wang Sheng with a smile, "Don't tell me that you really believe in the Son of Heaven and that Steward Zhou, so you believe what you say."

"Whether they believe it or not has nothing to do with me?" Wang Sheng laughed: "Why don't I do things that I know are beneficial? Do you think I am such a stupid person?"

From the beginning to the end, Wang Sheng did not answer Ling Xu's old-fashioned question of where Wang Sheng came from.Wang Sheng really couldn't answer this question, even if he told Ling Xu that he came from the earth, would he understand?
"However, old man, practice has always said laying the foundation and laying the foundation. At what stage does the foundation have been laid?" Wang Sheng asked curiously.

"Below the legendary peak, it's all about laying the foundation." The old Taoist replied in an unastonishing and persistent manner.

(End of this chapter)

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