
Chapter 1196 Tuition Fees

Chapter 1196 Tuition Fees

Chapter 620 Tuition

A group of people came here in the early morning excitedly, and they all left excitedly without even finishing a pot of hot tea.They have to go back and report to the Patriarch in a hurry.

Meier wants [-]% of the shares, what does this mean?It shows that Wang Sheng and Meier are optimistic about such a business, so they open their mouths.Such a big business is so simple, why should it be divided into [-]% of the profit?

A few of them can see that it is not simple, but so what?The other person who went to the venue with him was already dazzled by the illusory gold coins, and it was impossible for them to unify their opinions.There is no way, everyone can only attach their own opinions and leave it to the head of the family to decide.

However, these rare sober people also know that what they did was just doing their best, and it won't have much effect.

Facing the possible income of tens of billions of gold coins, which country's ruler can hold his breath?How many family elders can not be jealous?This is almost comparable to the terrifying income accumulated by the major families for hundreds of years, and even all the elders of the major families have never seen so many gold coins combined.How many people can resist such a temptation?

Meier had absolutely no objection to the matters that all parties wanted to discuss, and watched them leave with a smile.He waited until everyone had left, then exchanged glances with Qiangwei, ignored these people, and continued to deal with the things that should be done.

When I got home at night and had dinner with Wang Sheng, Qiangwei asked Wang Sheng, "Master, wouldn't it be a bad idea to let them make a fortune like this?"

Wang Sheng smiled and said nothing, turned to look at Meier, saw that Meier was not expecting an answer, then smiled, and said to Qiangwei: "Meier understands, you should ask Meier more."

"I hate it." Mei'er seemed very dissatisfied with Wang Sheng being so lazy, but she didn't hide it, but patiently explained it to Qiangwei

"It seems that we have made money very easily during this time. It seems that we can easily earn gold coins as long as we learn how to do it." Mei'er commented with a smile: "However, it is not such an easy thing. If If all the princes want to do this, I'm afraid they will only be happy in vain, and even suffer huge losses. This is a big hole that the master dug for them."

"How can there be losses in such a profitable business?" Qiangwei was shocked. She is not a master who is extremely sensitive to business operations like Meier, and since this time, she has spent most of her time balancing the yin and yang of the sisters in the Grand View Garden. To reconcile, more than 600 beauties require Qiangwei to work alone, how can she have time to think about these things?

"Make money?" Mei'er sneered, and smiled at Qiangwei: "If they dare to act recklessly, if they don't pay tens of millions of gold coins, they will be regarded as making money! Still want to make money?"

Hearing that those guys would suffer heavy losses, Qiangwei immediately smiled.Although she is insensitive to business matters, after working in the Assassin's Hall for so many years, how could she fail to see what those guys were thinking, they clearly wanted to get rid of Lizhenfang and go it alone, which made Qiangwei very unbalanced.Now that they heard that they would lose money, they immediately became balanced, and hurriedly urged Meier to speak quickly.

"The capital can be sold at a high price. The most important thing is the safety of the capital." Meier is not afraid to let Qiangwei know more clearly. Anyway, the family chatted happily at the dinner table, so she pointed out with a smile: "But now the princes are in harmony. , Even their own elders and important officials dare not say that they are safe, and even secretly send their own children to the capital to avoid disaster, if it were you, would you buy real estate in the capitals of those vassal states?"

"Of course not." Qiangwei directly shook her head like a rattle drum: "I dare not even say that I can save my life, and dare to throw a lot of gold coins there? Only fools buy it."

Meier also nodded, doesn't everyone know this truth?Qiangwei can think of it, can't those lords and ministers of the vassal states not think of it?
"But this war doesn't happen all the time." Qiangwei immediately thought of something else: "If the war stops, wouldn't the capital of the princes be a good place?"

"That's right." Mei'er continued to point out patiently: "But, you also know that the relocation and groundbreaking, the resettlement of the original people, the materials and labor everywhere, and the repair of bridges and roads, which one does not require gold coins? How can the princes who have been here for such a long time come up with such a large sum of money?"

"I can't get it out." Qiangwei already thought that half a year ago, the Xia family had almost reached the point of selling property to raise funds. If the Xia family is like this, can other families be better?Even if there is, it was almost earned by my master before.Do you really think that the two living treasures in your family who are desperate for money are vegetarians?
"But if they pay on credit first, and then sell these properties in the future and repay them double, wouldn't that be enough?" Qiangwei's thoughts are actually similar to the reasons why the big families are tempted.There are difficulties, but they can always be solved.

"Listen to me first." This is Meier's proud work, how can Meier not show off?Can't teach those guys outside, and can't explain to Qiangwei?
"Our relocation here, on the one hand, we built new houses and courtyards for people, and all the squares and cities were fully built, and then we started to move." Meier explained happily: "In addition, the gold coins are all ready, all of which are twice the market price. , no matter how unwilling they are, and they are intimidated by the vicious reputation of the big families, they are also forced to relocate. But this reputation has been borne by the big families, and what we are left behind is the good of giving money, houses and land reputation."

"But the princes have no money in their hands, and they need people to make room, what should we do?" Mei'er sneered: "Who would be willing to make a promise to let people move out of their homeland with empty words? At this time, getting rich Those who are eager, what method do you think you will use?"

"You can't lure, then you can only intimidate." After all, Qiangwei is not brainless, and immediately thought of the means they would use.

"No one else's bad reputation has helped them yet." Meier continued to sneer: "So, their bad reputation can only be their own reputation. When even people in their own family territory start to resent them, even if they earn If you have a lot of money, so what?"

"What's more, you also know that if the construction is really going to start, it's not just the relocation of the original residents who are asking for money?" Mei'er laughed.

"Yeah!" Qiangwei has operated it by herself, so of course she knows where the gold coins are spent like flowing water: "As long as the construction starts, materials, transportation, labor, cleaning, landscaping, which one is not throwing money Ah! I was terrified when I saw the gold coins rushing out."

(End of this chapter)

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