
Chapter 1197

Chapter 1197

Chapter 620 Nine Insane

Without money and wanting to do things, the big families are used to domineering, especially in their own territory, so what else can they do?There is only one kind left, credit.

Promise heavy profits, wait until the real estate makes a lot of money in the future, and then fill in the holes owed before.If it is on the earth, you can use the land to mortgage the bank, and then loan for construction, but where is the bank in this soul world?Wang Sheng really wants to do it, isn't this the beginning yet?

Don't think that once you start work, you will be able to complete it smoothly.Both Mei'er and Qiangwei knew that for this real estate plan, Mengzhifang had trained its logistics team before, and started purchasing and transporting a few months ago.The engineering team also practiced first outside the city. It took half a year to build a large number of ordinary courtyard houses before training a group of skilled workers.

That's it, among them are the disciples and grandchildren of many masters and grand masters in Linglong Pavilion, and there are also the big and small shopkeepers in Qiansheng Yuanrunzifang Mengzhifang Yayun who have worked so hard for so many years, and Wang Sheng pointed out in his spare time Another world's means of project overall management, this is the only way to gradually develop people from easy to difficult, bit by bit.

To put it bluntly, just the eating and drinking of those tens of thousands of people requires a dedicated team to manage.It is not that the major princes do not have such talents. However, when they were all major clans before, the structure was not large, and the manpower for training was to manage a small team of dozens or hundreds of people. Thousands of things, but the management of tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of people.

In Meier's words, if they can bring out a suitable team within half a year, it will be a great success.As for doing the job well, don't expect too much, I've never seen someone so greedy.

When Meier was relocated before, it was the relocation of the entire outer city of the capital, which was resolved at once.Although this is costly, it is highly efficient and does not cause too much trouble.When the relocated people found out that the housing price of the establishment had skyrocketed, it was already too late, so they had to find a way to borrow money to buy back.After all, the bad reputation is borne by the princes.And it was also this group of people who first bought mansions in the inner city and outer city.

Everyone has eyes, even if the people in the capital are not reconciled, the new houses and courtyards that Meier built for them are much more spacious than the original ones, and the surrounding living facilities are not worse than before. If we really want to talk about losses, it means that the housing prices in the city are high , did not earn this part of the difference.But if they want to make the price difference themselves, how dare they charge such a high price with the people of the major princes?
The people in the capital may feel resentful about being forced to move out, and they may also be happy because the soaring housing prices in the capital made the people of the major princes bleed hard.Princess Ningguo is helping them "revenge".

Because it was the first time, no matter whether it was the princes or the people of the capital, they didn't know what they were going to play, so everyone moved away willingly or unwillingly.It is impossible to come back and make trouble afterwards.However, if the major princes followed suit, that would be another matter.

Everyone knows that after the relocation of people in the capital, the rebuilt mansion was sold for a sky-high price. At this time, you want to buy the original land and real estate of the people in the capitals of various countries at the price of a small farmyard. Isn't that a joke?Is it true that only the top leaders of the major families are smart people in this world, and the common people are all stupid?
This is another dead loop.The less money you have, the more you want to make money, the more you need these people to relocate.But these people are not stupid, they definitely want more and if they don’t give it, then the harder they persecute them, the more resentment they will have towards each family in the end.This endless loop, without gold coins, has no solution.

By the time each family has straightened out their relocation, trained their teams, and started working, it may be a year later.This still has to be based on the presence of various skilled craftsmen. If not, it will be possible for a longer time.

After spending a lot of money to settle down the common people, settle down the suppliers, or become a supplier themselves, finally the materials are supplied, the mansion is completed, and then the princes have to face a whole new problem.

"What's the question?" Qiangwei was delighted to hear Meier say such a big deal, and seeing Meier raised a new question, she hurriedly asked.

"Who will buy the new mansion?" Meier asked with a smile.

"Naturally, it's the important ministers and children of the princes' own families!" Qiangwei replied as a matter of course.But he immediately reacted: "That's not right, they already have their own mansions in the country, and it's impossible for them to be demolished. If that's the case, what are they buying new ones at a high price?"

My own children don't need to buy it, so should the children of the Shi family go to Dai's country to buy a mansion at a high price?Or let the Tang family's children go to Xiajiaguo to buy a mansion at a high price?Which one took the wrong medicine?

"Well, wouldn't they have thrown all the newly built mansions into their hands?" Qiangwei's face became extremely exciting, and she couldn't tell whether she wanted to cry or laugh.

The newly built mansion can't be sold, but here still owes the suppliers and the people gold coins, tossing for several years, what's the point of this?
"Didn't the master say it? What is the relationship between supply and demand?" Mei'er still pointed to Qiangwei with a smile: "Before thinking about selling something, you should first think about who you want to sell it to. Think about it, Qianshengyuan, Runzifang, Meng Zhifang, Yayun, do they all do this? Before we open our business, we think about who we want to sell to."

"The big shopkeepers and principals of the major vassal states, there must be someone who understands?" Qiangwei nodded and said yes, her own business is simply the most purposeful business, but the major vassals have been running the world for so many years, and their business is also All over the world, has no one thought of this?

"There must be a lot I can think of, but tens of billions or hundreds of billions of gold coins can dazzle their patriarchs and elders!" Mei'er is not worried at all that the princes will not take the bait: "It's nothing more than profit. What's more, we And gave it a push."

If Mei'er hadn't said to those people in the morning that she wanted to participate in the shares, if she wanted half of it, all parties would definitely put more traps in it.However, [-]% of Lizhenfang will be divided, which means that it will definitely make a lot of money.Why should the ready-made gold coins be distributed to Lizhenfang?

"Then what if there are really smart people who want to share a share with Lizhenfang?" Since Qiangwei asked, she must ask clearly, so she asked this question right after.

"Then let them wait." Mei'er was unambiguous, and smiled directly: "After we have dealt with the capital side, we will talk about things over there. If they can wait, then wait slowly. Years later, there is always something else new.”

"By the way, ma'am, other families don't have the conditions of the capital, but Wuyou City, if they want to do it, can they do it too?" Qiangwei was born in Wuyou City, so naturally she immediately thought of Wuyou City.

Mei'er didn't expect this, and a pair of wonderful eyes also looked at Wang Sheng.

(End of this chapter)

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