
Chapter 122 The most critical place

Chapter 122 The most critical place
Chapter 91 The most critical place
Wang Sheng's life was very peaceful. Since he started collecting monster meat, almost every day someone delivered the whole body of the monster to the door.

A small business does not make much money, and sometimes it loses some because some leftover materials cannot be sold.Generally speaking, it is roughly the same, and it will not be rich, but it can barely make ends meet.

There are many bullies in Wuyou City, especially after knowing the details of some people after a period of time, they will always try to oppress and oppress them. It is commonplace to collect protection fees and blackmail some people.

However, on Wang Sheng's side, these things have not happened yet.

Everyone knew that Wang Sheng was just an ordinary person, but no one came to his shop to collect protection fees.Those with low cultivation levels dare not, and those with high cultivation levels disdain, Wang Sheng's life is also peaceful.

Every day, I either sit on the rocking chair and wait for business, or do some strange movements in the yard by myself.Some people see it, but don't understand why.Obviously it's just some simple movements, and it doesn't seem to be good for practice, so what are you doing?Could this be Wang Sheng's practice method?
Those who observed secretly also followed Wang Sheng for a few days, but found that although these movements can exercise some basic physical fitness, they are of no help to the moves.Especially for their own unique exercises, it is completely meaningless.

Sometimes Wang Sheng would put on a pose and stand in place for at least an hour.Some people also tried it, and some people even found out that this is the most unpopular Hunyuan Gong.After the investigation was clear, no one had any doubts anymore. Wang Sheng's primordial soul was not in the first place, so he could only practice this infamous skill.

Whether it is practicing or doing business, Wang Sheng is very calm from the inside out.So calm that those who want to know something from him can't bear it.As a young man, how can you bear this kind of days when you just stay in the yard and don't go out?

Under the cover of a calm surface, Wang Sheng's primordial soul world is not peaceful at all. More than 1000 small chi kiss souls are biting crazily around the huge rock, and the entire soul space seems to be boiling.Even the eight combat-conscious villains were pushed aside.

Although part of the giant rock has been swallowed up, it seems that nothing has changed as a whole.Wang Sheng even doubted whether Juyan could grow by itself, otherwise how could such a situation happen?

Needless to say, this is another bottleneck.The small Chiwen is getting bigger, but the size of the giant rock has not changed. It can only be said that Wang Sheng needs to break through again.

Wang Sheng needs Xiao Chiwen to split again, otherwise he will not be able to hide the fact that he is in the first stage.But what is very troublesome is that the number of small chisels that Wang Sheng can control now has probably reached the limit, and he can no longer control any small chisel to split.

Even when he was doing business, Wang Sheng was still thinking of ways, but now he is taking a completely different path. The practice experience of those people in the past is almost useless to Wang Sheng.

While Wang Sheng was thinking and doing business, a figure walked to Wang Sheng's butcher shop and stood opposite Wang Sheng's big chopping board.

"I want ten catties for this piece." A pleasant voice sounded, making people look up involuntarily.

Wang Sheng was an exception. He almost didn't lift his head. He pulled out the dagger stuck in the chopping board, cut off a similar piece of monster meat designated by the other party, and then hooked it to the steelyard hanging on the iron beam for weighing.

"Five gold coins for Chenghui." After weighing, Wang Sheng handed out the meat in a pack of clean white greased paper.

A snow-white slender hand stretched out from outside, and was about to take the piece of meat from Wang Sheng's hand, but Wang Sheng's hand shrank slightly.

"Buy meat as long as you buy it, don't mix it with any messy things." Wang Sheng's voice was low but clear to the other party's ears: "I don't want to kill people, don't force me."

Until this time, Wang Sheng raised his head and looked at the other party.The one outside was Ah Qi in black with a veil, her movements stopped halfway because of Wang Sheng's words, and she was looking at Wang Sheng with a pair of innocent looking glasses.

"We've seen it before." Wang Sheng glanced at Ah Qi up and down, and said to Ah Qi, "At the gate of Baoqingyu Hall in Shanglin City, before I killed Fourth Master Dai."

Ah Qi's eyes instantly became cold, and they were no longer so innocent, but even so, they still couldn't change the beauty of those eyes.

"My memory is very good." Wang Sheng nodded his head with the index finger of his other hand: "It's definitely not a good idea for you to show up in front of me without changing your attire."

"If you are not from the Dai family, then I have not offended you." Wang Sheng continued: "Looking at your attire, you should be in the same group as the guy who followed me at that time. I gave him a way out, but he kept following me , I can only kill him. Feel free to take revenge, but not when I am doing business. "

Ah Qi's eyes seemed to burst into flames at this moment, but she was also extremely shocked in her heart.She did observe Wang Sheng personally, that is, before Wang Sheng left Shanglin City, at the gate of Baoqingyu Hall, what Wang Sheng said was right.

It had been several months since then, but Wang Sheng still remembered what clothes she was wearing at that time. This kind of memory is simply terrible, not just Wang Sheng's good memory is so general.

In fact, in the training that Wang Sheng experienced on Earth, this is only a relatively high-end type, but there is still a certain gap between finding a target among hundreds of people within a few seconds.For Wang Sheng, this is just an ability that has been trained and almost instinctive.

Only relying on Ah Qi's current attire, Wang Sheng judged that Da Er was with her at that time, and Ah Qi couldn't help but express his admiration.Da Er thought that his stalking technique was clever, but he didn't expect to be discovered by someone long ago, and his death was not wronged.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible for Ah Qi to have a chance to succeed.Under Wang Sheng's preparedness, the best result is to die together. Ah Qi asked herself that she didn't have the means to guard against that kind of hellfire, and she didn't want to involve herself in it.

Turning over with the other hand, five gold coins were placed on a plate that Wang Sheng placed on the chopping board.Wang Sheng sent his hand forward, and sent the meat wrapped in oil paper to Ah Qi's outstretched hand.Transaction complete.

Ah Qi took the meat, turned around and was about to leave.But Wang Sheng smiled and said, "Girl!"

Hearing Wang Sheng's voice, Ah Qi was startled, stopped and turned around, looking at Wang Sheng with a little wariness.

"No other meaning." Wang Sheng praised Ah Qi: "Your legs are very beautiful!"

(End of this chapter)

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