
Chapter 123 The most critical place

Chapter 123 The most critical place
Chapter 91 The most critical place
Ah Qi's legs were indeed beautiful.Straight and slender, not much worse than those top models Wang Sheng saw on Earth.But what Wang Sheng said was enough to make Ah Qi's impression of him extremely bad.

She also likes her pair of long legs, Ah Qi, but she doesn't like the kind of language that Wang Sheng expresses so nakedly, which in her opinion is sexist at all.This guy is an apprentice and an enemy, and Ah Qi's killing intent reached its peak in an instant.

But Wang Sheng just inserted the dagger back into the small hole on the iron chopping board very lightly, and the slight friction sound immediately awakened Ah Qi's hatred.At this time, it is obviously not a good time to do it.

Ah Qi asked herself that she hadn't shown any flaws, but she was recognized at a glance and her murderous intentions were seen through. This was a huge blow to her confidence.She really wanted to grab Wang Sheng and ask why, but after all, this thought could only be an impossible dream.

Just as Wang Sheng saw off Ah Qi, another person appeared in front of the chopping board.

The man who had just witnessed all this was not here to buy meat, but to deliver a letter.People from Yubaozhai specially came to tell Wang Sheng that the imperial doctor invited by Marquis Lu Wen had arrived, and asked Wang Sheng to come to Yubaozhai when he had time.

It was a very thoughtful arrangement, Lu Wenhou didn't come over in person, but just told Wang Sheng to come over at any time, this was not Lu Wenhou's rudeness, it just gave Wang Sheng enough face.

If Marquis Lu Wen came over in person, Wang Sheng would have to follow him immediately, otherwise Marquis Lu Wen would lose face very much.Sending someone to notify is to let Wang Sheng make his own decision at any time, which is much better than forcing an invitation.

When others give face, Wang Sheng also gives face.Immediately tidy up the butcher shop, close the door and go straight to Yubaozhai.When Wang Sheng arrived, many people from the sales hall in Imperial Treasure Studio had already arrived ahead of time. They seemed to be picking things up in Imperial Treasure Studio, but they were actually waiting for news.

The person who spoke just now did not avoid anyone, his tone and voice were normal, and it was normal for others to hear him.Many people understood it as soon as they heard it, and secretly scolded themselves, why didn't they think of using the imperial doctor's trick to show their favor?Now Yubaozhai has taken the lead.

Neither Wang Sheng nor Yubaozhai had any intention of keeping it secret.This happened in public, and anyone can hear it.This is not only beneficial to Wang Sheng, but also to Yubaozhai, otherwise both Wang Sheng and Yubaozhai would have to bear the collective suppression of many forces.Publicly, there is no such concern.

The imperial doctor actually arrived the day before, not only the imperial doctor, but also an imperial alchemist and a soul refiner.Wang Sheng didn't know the specific level, but Lu Wenhou seemed to take it very seriously, which showed that the status of these three people was not low, at least in their respective professional fields, they were definitely big shots.

In the hall arranged by Lu Wenhou, the three of them were already sitting and waiting for Wang Sheng to arrive.It seems that Wang Sheng got the news as soon as he packed up and went out, and the arrangements were very thoughtful.

"Thank you gentlemen!" Wang Sheng was very polite.This is not Wang Sheng's hypocrisy. On Earth, Wang Sheng is also very polite when facing doctors. affectionate.

"It doesn't matter!" The imperial doctor and alchemist dealt with patients all day long were members of the royal family, and they had long cultivated a good temper and patience. Now that Wang Sheng was polite, they also benefited from it, and responded politely.

The status of the soul master is relatively high, so he just nodded on this occasion and didn't say much, but he was always happy in his heart.It's more comfortable than working hard on an arrogant and domineering guy.

Under the imperial doctor's signal, Wang Sheng sat next to the imperial doctor and stretched out his hand for the imperial doctor to feel his pulse.While feeling the pulse, the imperial doctor asked Wang Sheng to open his mouth and stick out his tongue, looked at the coating on his tongue, and then began to ask questions.

At first, the people who followed the news thought that Wang Sheng had some serious illness, so they entrusted the people from Yubaozhai to invite the imperial doctor and the imperial alchemist, but when they heard the question asked by the imperial doctor, everyone understood, It was Wang Sheng's cultivation that went wrong.

Wang Sheng did not hide the fact that he had reached the first stage, which is actually meaningless to cover up.On the one hand, the people of the Song family may know some details through Song Yan, Song Laoyu and the guards they brought over; It's better to show it openly and let people think that there is something wrong with their cultivation.

Knowing this was the problem, everyone's eyes lit up.This is a good opportunity to inadvertently find out the secrets of how Wang Sheng was promoted from an ordinary person to the first level!Who will let it go?Everyone present counted one by one, their ears pricked up, for fear of missing a word.

It's a pity that the question asked by the imperial doctor was only the situation of falling from the first level to ordinary people, and did not ask how Wang Sheng changed from being unrecognizable to the first level.The same is true of Wang Sheng's answer. There was only a description of the downgrade, and no clues about the upgrade, which made the people present feel itchy and helpless at the same time.

After the imperial doctor's diagnosis and treatment, it was the soul refiner who checked.Wang Sheng is not afraid that the soul refiner will find out anything, anyway, there are more than 1000 small carps in his soul space, and in the end, only the first carp is displayed on the soul mirror, so what's so scary?

The soul refiner prepared a formation, let Wang Sheng step in and activate it.In front of everyone, Wang Sheng is not afraid of tricks played by the soul master.Lu Wenhou is not a fool, it is impossible to find a soul refiner who may plot against him at this time to help him find problems.

There is also a Yuan mirror connected to the formation.As expected by Wang Sheng, when the formation was activated, the image of a carp appeared in the Yuan Mirror.However, the image of this carp was even more miserable than what he saw in the Yuan Mirror of the Assassin's Hall, and it turned out to be half incomplete.

Remnant soul, not in the flow, this is Wang Sheng's earliest and most primitive soul state.Obviously, this elemental mirror with a formation is more thorough and high-end, but it can only be seen to this extent.

The soul refiner asked Wang Sheng how to make up for the remnant soul at that time, how he felt when making up, and so on.Wang Sheng didn't hide anything, he swallowed a few Peiyuan Pills and told them in detail in a few days.Even Wang Sheng had already talked about how his remnant soul was made up and completed, and how he turned into a big carp after it was completed.

But when it was just the last step, how did Wang Sheng change from being a low-level person to a first-level state, Wang Sheng stopped and didn't say any more.Those who listened carefully for fear of missing them were hanged in the air like this, their hearts were itchy, and they wished they could go up and beat Wang Sheng immediately to make him speak out.

Why did it stop at the most critical place?
(End of this chapter)

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